
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 40 - Oppai Odyssey 5

I'm almost there at least 3-4 more then I'm done with this arc.


Enzo frowned when he woke up, receiving memories urging him to do something. The flowing memories of Yaldabaoth's life had given him more clues as to what kind of existence it was. He normally doesn't feel headache or fatigue, However after the memories flowed into his mind made him feel sluggish. The memories were more of history on what iteration of Cosmo that Yaldabaoth and what he found was rather surprising. It was too much of a revelation and decided to get some coffee finding Lym contacting Yo-ri. 

"Is that Enzo?"

He walked up closer with coffee in hand and noticed a wound that Sybil was patching up asking what happened only being told that there was an inhabitant in her designated planet that had jumped on them. 

"Forgetting our training are we?"

"Oh shut up, it just got lucky. Next time for sure I'll be the one hurting it."

"But seriously you should stay on your toes."

"What are yah? My mom? Stop worrying about us."

Enzo merely chuckled before chatting a bit more before ending the call while he was walking around checking on how everyone was doing until he noticed that they were getting closer to the orbit of their destination that he called everyone for a meeting where they discussed their course of action letting Nyx join in for them. The more the better once they were done, Enzo decided to have a short party to celebrate in successfully arriving on another planet without a problem to raise the morals of his crew since it is still stressful to think that they could possibly have no way of contacting their home planet if things go wrong. 

They would likely die stranded in the void of space. Enzo didn't worry but it's clear that everyone was clearly troubled by this fact which is why they gave a small party. Everyone drank which was mostly Noel while enjoying the moment before the next day where Enzo wore his suit preparing to descend into the planet. They already got a quick scan regarding the environment of the planet. 

"It's been a while since I wore this."

Enzo turned to see Nyx wearing a similar skintight outfit appreciating the curves of the woman before him. She tried to tease him only to backfired with Enzo giving his own before heading inside the ship feeling annoyed that she couldn't get through him. He had a lot of experience having Rogue around and couldn't hold a candle compared to her. They got inside the ship descending into the planet that had a colder environment quickly noticing Nyx shivering from the coldness.

"Are you alright?"

"I am, I'm just not used to the cold since planet Xerxes and my homeworld don't have winter seasons."

"Why don't you stay inside the ship then?"

"No, I handle it, don't treat me like a child."

Enzo frowns but decides to let her be since Nyx is the type of woman similar to Emma who doesn't want to rely on someone and prefers to show that she can handle everything. There's no one to blame but herself if she couldn't handle the cold weather as they explored the area looking around and finding exotic local plant life and walking with Nyx to look around noticing that she took his arms, wrapping them between her body trying to absorb heat from him. 

"Don't say a word or I'll kill you."

"Why always act headstrong? you don't have to hide it if you can't handle the cold."

She tried to resist but it was too cold that Enzo took her in his arms and brought her back to the camp where quickly placed her near a heater. 

"....Give me some time and I'll feel better."

"You remind me of a woman I know. Stubborn and always act tough but you should learn to rely on someone, on us."

"But I don't like being a burden."

"It is not a burden to admit that there are things you can and cannot do."

He gave her some words of encouragement before helping the others set up camps for the night where they all gathered at the heater as the sun set and night rose. Enzo just listens to them, noticing a few lifeforms observing them far enough that no human could see but they appear capable of doing such things. 

With a quick glance at them made them flinch but thought it was impossible since the other had not and didn't mention about them. Enzo could feel their emotions that were vigilant yet did not hold any evil intent only desperation and grief. 

"Hey, captain! Do you have anything to share? We were thinking that telling stories, maybe scary ones but Lym might not like it."

"Hey I am not going to get scared from just fake stories!"

Lym struck her friend while Enzo gave him a thumbs for teasing her then thought for a moment and decided to start his story. He just gave them the story of his adventure as a hero fighting the hydra agent and high evolution. They were all intently listening until it was late as Enzo kept watch of their camp. Once everyone declined but he insisted since he's more built for it and sleep is more like a hobby than anything. 

They reluctantly head to bed while Enzo just sits down waiting for those watching if they'll ever try to show themselves but they seem wary. 

[ 'No need to be afraid, come and show yourselves. I know you're there watching us the whole time. It is up to you if you wish to show yourselves or not.' ]

Enzo sent a message using telepathy causing the group to be stunned and felt afraid watching them decide for them while he just took a cigarette to smoke since it will take a minute or so. Few minutes later, he was able to see a group of silhouettes that had the shape of a woman and soon found a rather unusual race that had scales with different colors and horns protruding in front of their heads. They were all cautious of him while he just gave them a warm smile yet for this woman felt compelled to kneel before him because of his authority and divinity. 

He embodies emotions and primal urges that is to say that this woman looks up to strength above all else that makes them feel the urge to submit. A woman whose presence stood above them all despite this she had a caring and understanding person that Enzo felt that she was trustworthy. 

"Who are you!? You are not from this world?? Are you one of the demons that came before?"

Enzo raises a brow hearing that something had happened and closer observation could vaguely guess that it has to do with the Kree invasion. 

"Are the Demons you spoke look like this?"

He showed his hands using projection to show the Kree making them surprised at what they witnessed and draw their weapon.

"Woah easy now, no need to be violent. I am not with them and it is merely a coincidence that we arrived here."

"How can we trust your words?"

"Because my allies do not know who I truly am. I revealed my power to you and would not like it for any of you to tell my friends about it. That's why I am willing to share it with you to gain your trust."

Obviously Enzo is capable of just silencing them but this way he has a way to gain their trust. Obviously they still didn't take his words for it but gave him the benefits of the doubt. 

"Then who are you and what purpose are you here?"

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"I am Arin, An advisor for our queen."

"It's nice to meet you, Arin. My allies know me as Enzo Stark, the captain of a ship called Agni from the planet called Earth in the sky.  For them I am a simple man yet in truth, I am Enzo Stark, otherwise known as Apeiron, an emperor on the planet of Holy Terra."

He removes the title God since it will make things more complicated causing them to look at each other nodding. 

"Then what is your purpose?"

"Well two things actually, one is my identity that my friends know of and that is to find a habitable planet for our race to live in. Do not worry, we have no intention of stealing your planet rather we are here to offer our assistance if needed. "

"Offer your help? Exchange for? Our freedom?"

"Of course not, merely interested in expanding and sharing knowledge that could help betterment the lives of many."

"Then what is your other purpose?"

"The same thing but at the banner of my new empire. The Archeapeiron Imperium. I know the universe more than anyone and the threat it has beyond what you've faced. The Kree are merely a big fish in a small pond."

"What!? Are you saying they are more threatening than the demons we've faced!?"

"Indeed, there is someone called Galactus who happens to be my father-in-law's that devoured entire worlds. That is why it is your choice to accept my help or not."

Enzo always gave some insight into what kind of world they are and how powerless they are compared to the real threat of the universe. The young dragon woman, Arin, was bewildered by the news and sense that he did not lie in every word he spoke.

"I…I can sense no lies in your words. Is there truly such a being in the sky?"

"Yes and many more. The sky is full of mysteries and horror but also wonders and beauty. I offer my hands in hopes of gaining allies against such a threat."

Enzo felt a bit hypocritical since he also caused those that like sending a few Daemons into worlds that are likely undeserving to exist. He gave the Chaos God free reign over judging a planet and ravaging it if needed. They will eventually become useful once he arrives in a new multiverse. Regardless, he is getting rid of the threat for his empire while also bringing much needed balance to the universe. 

"...I need to discuss this to my queen first. Come with us and bring your allies with you."

"Good that you're willing to listen. Hope you're willing not to tell them what I told you."

They nodded before Enzo woke the rest of his crew who were all taken aback upon seeing the group of women. After introducing themselves, they pack the necessary items and follow them to their home. Along the way they were all talking and sharing information giving Enzo that their race had faced calamity where the Kree made their men against them and killed most of their population a few years ago. He frowned since they lost interest after finding what they needed sparing them since they didn't see them as a threat. 

'I should really stop those empire from doing stupid shit but I feel like it isn't my responsibility.'

Enzo felt gut feeling someone else would fit the throne making a green skinned young man sneeze while comforted by his boyfriend. After walking for several hours until the next morning they arrive at wooden walls having a rather primitive technology.  

"I need to talk to the queen in regard to what we've discussed. For now, it would be ideal for you to change your outfits as it smells…strange. Juni! Ebil! You two give him clothes and food."

She said walking away as Enzo looked at his crewmates pulled by the other dragon woman then fell when someone poke him and turned to look at two women having reddish color skin and white hair with one had her tied while the other had short hair. Their personalities emanate the same way as Ororo and Rogue.

"Hehehe it's really a boy? Handsome and built like a warrior."

"Yeah, but I prefer a man over a boy…..that sounds horrible out of context."

Enzo muttered the last part while talking to the two girls. The short haired one seems curious and can feel lust from her.

"Juni. Arin gave us a task. Shouldn't we be doing that rather than just talking?"

"You're always such a killjoy, Ebil."

The haired tied dragon woman named Ebil rolled her eyes while Juni just brush it off before taking him to their home where he sat down as Juni looking for clothes and Ebil doing prepared food. Juni walked up to him and asked if he was really a man before pulling his pants, surprised at the bold action of the dragon woman before taking what seemed to be a gel-like substance that stimulates the senses like a titan gel.

Now with a raging hard cock, Juni stroked it with her hands and Enzo groaned at the sensation pumping more blood into his dick because of the lubricant that she applied. It might be useful in the long run not just for sex but to invigorating people specially his soldier. 

When she was about to suck his cock was when Ebil gasped in surprise before scolding Juni who brushed it off and quickly tried to convince her friend who declined but was forced by her upon seeing his thick cock. It is common for their race to find the strongest mate and seeing his body and dominating presence only increase their desire to suit themselves to him. 

Enzo watched in delight the two dragon girls lay on top of each other where Juni was above and Ebil below. He moved closer to positions himself before forcing his hard throbbing cock inside Juni who gasped before moaning feeling the thick girth inside her 

"You like that~?"

"Ah~! Yes~!! Don't stop~!! Pound me harder~♥️"

"Hope you don't pass out since we're just starting."

He slapped her ass recieving a moan in return before grabbing the dragon girl hips thrusting even deeper moving with the motion of his hand. Enzo pounded her inside until he released his milk causing the girl to pass out then push her to the side where his seed dripped from her cave as Ebil looked at her friend feeling anxious yet jealous then felt her legs being lifted.

"Don't expect that I forgot about you."

Enzo rubbed his dick against her entrances that caused her body to tense up and send an electrifying sensation through her body. 

"But first, you need to be honest. Tell me what do you want~?"


She tried to deny it but her body was craving him that only made the man before him smile.

"....I want to you fuck me."

"What was that~?"

"I said fuck me with hard cock!! I want it so badly~♥️"

He smiled hearing her screamed plunging his dragon into her cave thrusting deep inside while Ebil eyes cross arching back as Enzo fucked her behind like Juni but her leg was lifted while look straight into Enzo. Moving his hips nonstop where only moan could be heard into the room until Enzo finally filled her inside with his seed causing her eye to roll back feeling the warmth liquid pouring inside her. Enzo pulled back causing it to drip his seed looking down at the two defeated women. 

'Oh boy, never expected that I'll be having active sex life after getting into space.'

Enzo let them rest, taking the clothes that were provided that were rather primitive but they covered the essentials but didn't cover his chest since it was too small. He walked out the house looking around spotting something interesting. 

'Are those wyvern? No, there are dragons…but their blood is impure.''

He has seen few wyvern and dragon within earth, some are just aliens and others were true dragons that were considered gods. Though, they are all resting in a pocket dimension slumbering since their power eclipses many of the heroes. Enzo only knows their existence because of the records found in Kamaj tar. 

"Enzo? Where's Juni and Ebil!? What did you do to them?? I knew I shouldn't trust you!"

"Woah there, I didn't do anything. They are just resting if you know what I mean."

She took a second to smell the musky aroma coming from him realizing what had happened and relax her shoulder.

"I see, it can't be helped since they hadn't seen male for years now and having you here made me feel stressed, especially what you told me."

"You shouldn't let it get to you. Let's change the topic, I'm curious what those are?"

He pointed to the dragons that seemed to notice them and when they laid their eyes on Enzo immediately flapped their wings and perched on his shoulder before rubbing their body against him, surprising Arin. 

"My my, aren't you two adorable."

"W-Why did they perch into you? What are you really?"

Enzo merely smiled since Yaldabaoth was the first dragon to exist. He was not the conventional known dragon but still a progenitor of those kins. These dragons see him as their father which is why they act like little children. 

"Trade secrets. Putting that aside, did you convince your queen of my proposal?"

"She is but only you. The others could wait."

"Alright, ah can I ask what this cute little thing is?"

"They are our ancient kin but treat them as momento of our fallen kingdom. Legends say that they grow as big as mountains. Now they only bark and no bite."

She explained before the others soon came wearing rather exotic outfits while John just wore similar outfits. After a while, they were taken to a castle noticing how it was pristine contrasting what they've seen so far. They seem to work tirelessly to maintain the place.

"Make sure to show respect to our queen."