
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 32 - Power Weapon

Few weeks later, Illyana had been placed into the young X-Men Class with her team consisting of Kitty, Laura and another girl named Jubilee as the previous member was not fit for them. Bob and pyro don't mix well together therefore was given to another team.

Jubilee has already been a good friend with the girls from what he can tell and seems to be friendly and bubbly that resonates with Kitty. Meanwhile, Laura and Illyana became good friends since the two have similar lives having robbed their childhood from them. Logan's daughter understood feeling out of place in the world and lost. 

She seems to understand more about herself when looking at Illyana's bad temper. Regardless, their group is the best and most suited especially because they were all women. 

"Are you for real…that damn savier putting this job harder on me!!"

Enzo went inside the office of Emma since he was there to ask for the files regarding the state of the Xavier school while also checking how she was doing and gain his answer upon hearing her curse of Xavier who was currently in the process of observing the immagration of the mutants within Citadel. She looked at him holding two cups of coffee with a lollipop in his mouth since he can't smoke inside. 

"Tough morning huh? Good thing I brought coffee here."

"What are you doing here?"

Emma cut to the case since she doesn't have time for chat as Enzo handed the coffee which she took leaning into her office chair. 

"Cold as always, keep this up and you'll stay unmarried."

"Hmph! As if I'll need a man in my life especially if they're useless."

"Harsh. Well, anyways I'm here to collect the papers regarding the class of the Young X men team. As well every affair happening in the Xavier school."

She didn't say anything and immediately looked for the files before handing them to him and going back to her chair looking at him to scan the file. Enzo just flipped the pages instantly and gained the information from single glances. It gave everything from the financial to the number of students with their mutant power being classified. 

"Why are you still here? Couldn't you just leave and read it on the way?"

"Oh come on, as if you really want me gone."

Enzo teasingly said that only annoyed Emma but didn't try to refute knowing quite well that she won't win with words against him. She can't read his mind and the barrier was a lot stronger than before because of the Mind stone. If Emma tried peering through his mind then she'll face a painful backlash. Meanwhile, Enzo merely chuckled seeing her feel annoyed at his presence and said.

"On a serious note, I had a gut feeling you might need and don't mind helping with those paper works."

"In exchange for what exactly?"

"Nothing, of course. Can't a man help someone? Does he need a reason?"

"Hmph! Don't try to use your words to swoon me. There is no way a man like you won't desire something from me."

"Sheesh, alright ice queen. How about dinner then? My treat?"

"Don't you already have like 7 women? So you intend to include me?"

"8 actually. But no, it's your choice not mine. You were asking what I can exchange for my assistance and that what pops in my head feel free to decline but I insist on offering my help for free."

He said taking the file spotting something that got his interest. It was a possible training plan for the young X-Men and decided to write an idea for the trip while he was busy reading the files and thinkering with ideas, Emma accepted his offer and Enzo decided on the date. The two began discussing the paperwork helping her with the process. He did use his clone to help some of them but didn't make them do all the work and merely assisted in some of them.  

They chatted a bit until Enzo went back to his workshop and maintained his progress in his projects being helped by Susan and Galacta with the surprising addition of his youngest daughter Asteria who was fascinated by the topic and eager to help. In that way, we were helped to bond as family with Galacta teaching her everything that she knows.

"Ah that's how you do it. I've heard from uncle Tony that it can be calibrated like this."

Asteria said as she helped create the Adeptus Astartes armor having some of Enzoy brother technology. Though, there were some trial and errors she was able to share things that easily overlook. 

"Your own daughter beat you to it huh?"

Gali laughed seeing the father and daughter pair as Enzo was the one listening to her since he was slowly being rejected by technology because of the nature of Yaldabaoth. He is all about the flesh and humans own evolution through trial and error, not some enhancement by technology. This is the reason why Gali and his brother were the best in regard to technological evolution. 

He didn't ask his brother for help since he has own life and project to make. Enzo dislikes the idea of heavily relying on technology which is why he made the plan for the evolution of Mankind. Though, he is inspired by the Warhammer 40k universe and doesn't plan on implementing every single of them like inquisitors since they're too much. 

Enzo concentrated on building an army that would help enforce law and order to his empire since X-Men and avenger are more independent organizations affiliated with SHIELD and in some cases the SWORD. This organization might now like what he plans but he sure as well has the influence and charisma to lead humanity to the age of progress having eliminated the corrupt oil industry and company. 

Though, it began damaging the economy which is why he is doing it slow and tedious having estimated in having acquired his intended target around 10 to 20 years. 

"Put this here and that. Done. How is this father?"

Asteria held a humongous sword compared to her body and stood at least the same height as an average greatsword intended to be wielded by a giant man. It is a sword intended to be wielded by a space marine that stands 2 to 3 meters. She used telekinesis to even lift the sword, handing it to Enzo who resized his size to perfectly hold the sword. 

The Weapon is called the Power sword, one of the few Power Weapons that Enzo aims to replicate. The material used was amalgamation of Adamantium and Vibranium along with small bits of Anti-metal and Uru. He manages to gain these materials with a few of his clones transferring them through his Pocket dimension. 

"Great job, Asteria. Here, have a condensed star."

He held out his hand using the power stone to create a miniature star that has extreme density and unlike her mother and grandfather, she mostly needs energy to feel satisfied rather than life itself. Her emotionless eyes lit up and immediately took it and consumed it while Enzo patted her head and Susan giggled, commenting how adorable they looked as a pair. 

"Now, Let's see how well it is. Raphael if you may." 

He walked into the open field in front of him with Raphael who is connected to his every technological system and took out a training dummy that had immensely durable armor. Enzo added more barriers to see how the sword is. A power sword or any power weapon that has an edge has a power cell and when it is activated, often by touching a control located on the hilt, the blade is sheathed in a lethal corona of disruptive energy. This energy field allows the blade to carve through flesh, bone and most forms of armour plate alike, making a power sword a highly effective close combat weapon.

Though, unlike those weapon it is also easily enchanted by magic by Enzo intricate runes place upon them having the proper as Mjornir at how it is only wield by those permitted and if the user dies would seek the most suitable wielder or when the user give the people permission then they would be able to wield it. This was not 40k and not limited by their stupid zealot lifestyle. There won't be heresy, only the progress of people. 

Susan and Galacta watched him hold the sword activating the Disruption field which was microscopic energy that was essentially able to disrupt the bonds between molecules allowing it to cut through virtually anything like butter. Enzo was an expert in all forms of combat but didn't actively use them when he had reality warping abilities and his clone can do the job for him. 

He lightly swung the sword passing through the metal plate giving the same sensation as cutting the air. Everyone gasped when it was clean cut in two without any edge as if it was not even cut. When one cuts something there is always a trail left at the end but the power sword slices it too cleanly with a minor swing. Enzo praises his daughter's works who yet again are awarded by a condensed planet making Galacta frown but didn't say a word since she realized they would have the same conversation as before and instead praised her daughter as well and commented how the weapon would be useful for future threats. 

Susan voices her concern about it being used in war or worse enemies get a hold of the blueprint but Enzo reassures her that it would be near impossible since he made sure to make counter measures in this regard. The weapon would be mass produced for every Legion that he intended to make with the Primarch that he selected. 

He's knowledge in Warhammer 40k is limited but still wants to have few of the legion like the salamander because of Vulcan, the kindest among the Primarch. Though, he is also a fan of the Raven guard because of their skill in stealth. It would be worth noting that he never played the table tops since it was too expensive and knew if he started then he won't stop collecting. 

"This is amazing tech! It did not simply cut through but separate the bond of the metal!! I can't believe this is Vibranium."

Susan inspected the damage from the sword and the armor finding the former undamage even a slight chip was nowhere to be seen while armor was completely separated. Enzo feels there could be more improvement since energy input was too much from what it is outputting suggesting a more revision in how the Disruption field is used. 

Galacta and Asteria agreed, suggesting more ideas on how to perfect the power weapon technology. They split the job with Galacta concentrating in the armor creation of the Adeptus Astartes otherwise known as Space Marine. Some of the blueprint was from the warmachine armor made by his armor since they are perfect for war and battle. 

On the other hand, Enzo and Susan concentrate on the Gene-seed project helping with the creation of the perfect soldier eliminating the flaws it could possibly acquire from the amalgamation of genetic property that he has placed. It will help in building an army to be sent out to space in the near future. They would act like Nova corp but more direct in their confrontation. 


In the countryside within the country of Britain, Enzo and Lady Death arrive at a small town that happens to be the hometown of Lady Death who felt nostalgia and old memories resurfacing with Enzo rubbed her back to calm her down since he's able to feel her emotion state by his empath mutant powers. Lady Death thanks him as they soon walk around the town to look around. The place was extremely outdated and medieval with many old people and few young tourists which mostly photographers and bloggers were around the place. 

Despite not changing how they look there was no one even bothered to look at them. Enzo was emitting a psychological phenomenon where people have hard time recognizing faces, allowing them to walk around with a forming crowd since Enzo influence had garnered quite a lot of people. 

Lady Death was looking around hoping to find something that she left long ago. Enzo followed her until they arrived at an extremely old tree in a hill far from the town. 

"I've come to visit you, mother."

She said softly looking down at a near grumbling tombstone covered by the tall grass that was extremely amazing that after centuries it still held up. Lady Death quickly uses magic to clean her mother's tombstone.

"Why don't we sit down? I think you will have a lot to talk about with your mother."

She nodded sitting close to the tombstone while Enzo watched silently as Lady Death began to speak her heart to the tombstone. Enzo is unsure if he could revive someone who has already passed after numerous years with the possibility of it having reincarnated into a new life. 

In this world, they are three possible ways a soul go, one is obviously Hell if they acquired a high level of sin or karma and the other is Heaven or any blissful place they pray to since Valhalla is for the Asgardian and nordic culture while the middle is the reincarnation where the soul just be cleanse and place into a new child body.

He smiles through it all upon seeing her tell the tale of her life with her mother. Enzo didn't try to interrupt her and just listened until the sun began to set where Lady Death rested on his shoulder. 

After a while the two went home after placing a barrier in the tombstone to make it last longer and protect it from any harsh environment. Enzo suggested taking it but Lady Death refused stating her mother wouldn't want to leave her birth place where they had all the wonderful memories together. He merely nodded and went to the closest city then went to eat for their dinner.  

The meal was simple and chatted a bit while having their meal discussing future plans for Enzo eventually becoming an empire. His aim was that his army would be enough to help him in the future. 

Once their dinner was over, the two went to explore a bit before heading back home buying souvenirs and soon arrived at a private home that Enzo owned but never used. Many people might have forgotten that he was still a business tycoon and had a lot of money, more than anyone else. 

The reformation of the economy had greatly affected everyone having all resources growing lesser due the fact that new technological discovery is slowly being created for the better. Not to mention, animals and other resources are growing abundant because of how Mutants use their power to help people.  

Though, they are still human greed that Enzo is unable to completely remove and let those affected by them handle it. There are few companies who are smart enough to remove his parasite, disabling him to gain information.

Lady Death made her to the bedroom telling him to wait outside and made him confused before realizing what she was planning and smiled. After a few minutes, she called out for him and Enzo entered the room where he was greeted by a white haired beauty who wore an exotic lingerie. 

Without wasting time, he instantly pinned her on the bed looking every inch her body where the translucent cloth accentuated her naked body making him aroused. His hand began to explore her body going through between the dress where she tried her best to not moan but it was futile due to his touch making her sensitive.


Then suddenly moans when his fingers reach her breast pinching the erect nipple. Enzo hearing her moan made him aroused, proceeding to move his other hand caressing his smooth legs. Every motion let the woman feel electrifying pleasure. 

His finger reached her nether region where she looked at Enzo with moist gaze and rough breath wanting to feel more. Upon inserting his finger, Lady Death screamed, feeling a jolt run through her spine. 

He did not stop and continued to move his fingers on her wet pussy while letting his face get closer into her breast before sucking it like a child. 

"Hyah~❤! More~! Yes huh❤~!"

His lips and tongue move in godly manner where it is able to make Lady Death to roll her tongue from the pleasure and a few minutes later squirts her juice on the sheet while Enzo licks his fingers then begins removing his clothes. 

Afterwards went closer to her face where she saw his dick then began to instinctually lick it with her moist tongue. Enzogrunted before placing his dick between her soft breast then gradually moved his hips. 

Lady Death opens his mouth tasting his dick making sure to move her tongue while her lover moves his hips. The warmth and wet sensations of her snake tongue that wrapped itself to his dick made Enzo grunt.

"*hyah~❤! Ah~❤❤!!"

The sound of her mouth as it greedily sucked his dick while looking at Enzo aroused. Before long Enzo felt his climax then released his semen into her mouth. 

Lady Death's eyes went wide being filled with the sticky white liquid yet did not waste any of them. The taste was far too heavenly for her to waste any of it yet the amount was far too much. Enzo gradually removed his dick where Lady Death's breast and face was filled with white liquid.

Her lips that drip the content then notice his gaze gave an alluring smile then began cleaning herself by licking the semen all over her body. Moments later, Enzo pinned Lady Death, letting her face the bed.

"Prepare yourself because once I start then I won't stop until I'm satisfied."

"Hmph, shut up and just fuck me."

Enzo evilly grinned before her body squirmed, gritting her teeth when her man plunged his rod into her womb instantly breaking her hymen then before she could rest began moving his hips.

She could not even process anything with her mind going blank from the pleasure. Every thrust filled her inside reaching the deepest part.

"Hyah~! M-More~❤❤ Yes right there~"

He happily obliged while slapping her plump ass receiving a loud moan from the woman. Enzo felt her tightness enjoying every part of her body. 

Lady Death then held off being pulled by her lover who increased his pace and thrusting even further inside her. She was pure ecstasy from the pleasure and experience of the path of the bed session.

Few hours went by with Lady Death coming three times while Enzo had yet to release his seed. The two were covered in sweat yet their vigour did not dwindle the least. Lady Death laid on her back wrapping her legs around Enzoalong with her arms around his shoulder.

Her face was a peak of lewdness as though heart appeared in her eyes. Enzofelt reaching his limits began quickening the pace.

"I'm almost there!"

"Hyah~ Faster~❤❤! Release your seed inside me~❤"

They began to kiss, moving their tongue while Enzo gave his final thrust releasing his seed into her womb. Lady Death's moan was muffled by their lips together feeling the warm liquid inside her. Moments later, She passed out due to how rough her lover was while the latter began removing himself seeing the liquid flowed like a water fountain.