
Blessed by Luck

Adam is born differently than any other human and is raised inside of a lab where he would do what he was told to do until he was given a chance to be transported to a 'random' world by a Goddess of Balance. He isn't given anything to do in return so he spends his days preparing for an inevitable future and growing as a person along the way. A/N: Most of the time when I write chapters I try my best to make stuff make sense but it's very difficult to do so if something doesn't make sense that's my bad. I am writing this story out of fun with most everything being wish-fulfillment. So if you're looking for a story filled with only plot and character development then this isn't the story. I will still try and write some character and plot development but since this is the first time I attempt to write anything like a story so It will probably be bad. I'm mostly writing it since I randomly came up with an idea for it so doesn't be too hard on the criticism. Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim any of the existing characters as mine. Only a couple of characters in the MC's arc will be mine.

eeclime14 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Unexpected Development

3 years have passed since Adam explained how the world works and everyone that is in here to Mikasa and things have been going well for both of them.

Adam is now twelve and Mikasa is eleven. They were able to get into an elementary school quite easily thanks to Mr. Yamada helping them out.

On the first day of school, both of them garnered a lot of attention. Adam who looked like a foreigner with his golden hair and rare golden eyes managed to steal the hearts of many young girls there while Mikasa who had silky black hair and pitch-black eyes that made everyone turn their heads towards her. Unfortunately for the boys, Mikasa was not interested in anyone besides Adam. This was made clear when the boys in the classroom would try to talk to her earning a deadpan face and robotic answer. She always kept a stoic face whenever someone would try and talk to her this would include her teachers that could only accept her behavior. The only exception to this would be when she was next to Adam. She would be next to him at all times except when he went into the bathroom. This was of course after she tried to follow him into the bathroom but was held off at the door by Adam. It ended up earning her a scolding from Adam that she paid attention to but by the next day had forgotten most of what he said except that she was not allowed to follow him to the bathroom.

The girls weren't any more successful in becoming friends with Adam. This wasn't due to Adam not being friendly as he could be seen starting off conversations with everyone but they were ultimately cut short thanks to a black-haired girl that would stare directly at the eyes of every girl making conversations hard to keep going. Mikasa would always have on an expression that would scare away every girl near Adam. She would have a pair of soulless eyes whenever Adam was talking to a girl and would make them feel as if they were being judged down to their deepest secrets.

Adam didn't really mind since he didn't want to be friends with anyone else at the moment since he just liked to have conversations with all sorts of people since he never had the opportunity to ask questions. Back in his previous life he would only answer questions and make a simple request and that was all he had ever done so being able to talk to everyone was a new experience for him.

What he didn't want to happen was that Mikasa would be separated from their classmates and only follow him around. This was what eventually happened after many failed invitations from their classmates, so they ended up giving up on her.

This went on throughout the three years they spent at their elementary school. So when the graduation day got closer he talked to Yamada and asked him if they could be transferred to a different city after graduation.

Once they graduated They ended up moving out of the apartment that Adam's manager got them and ended up moving to Fuyuki City.

The reason they did this was that Adam recognized the city and if he was right it was where a lot of the events from the fate series take place. There are some characters he wanted to meet and he also wanted to summon his own servant to take place in the war.

Adam decided to buy a big house in Fuyuki City since he can do whatever he wants in the house without having to worry about bothering anyone. His bank account has been getting stuffed and now has a huge amount of money. He got 2 billion yen from the total amount of merchandise the company has sold. He even finished drawing 800 chapters and gave it to Yamada and they release the chapters in a timed schedule so Adam doesn't have to worry about drawing one piece for a while and can use his time for other things.

He also sold a lot of his gold in small quantities over the span of three years and was able to get about 1 billion yen for it in total. He still has more gold in the vault than he can count but he doesn't want people to think something is weird so he decided to stop selling his gold and spend his time elsewhere.

He decided that he would buy a mansion in Fuyuki city since he had a lot of money and nothing to spend it on. The mansion cost 100 million yen but it wasn't that much so it didn't bother him that much.

Fuyuki City and Kuoh Town were pretty close to each other as well with only 3 miles separating them. So Adam decided that they will go to Junior High in Fuyuki city and then go to Kuoh Academy for High School. By the time he is in his first year of high school the main plot for both stories should be starting with the 5th holy grail war and all the trouble in Kuoh.

Since both Mikasa and Adam wanted to improve their swordsmanship they began to take kendo classes when Adam turned eleven. They were both seen as prodigies, with Adam mastering anything he was taught almost immediately and Mikasa having great perception and being able to see mistakes in anyone's stance.

What separated Adam from all of the other participants was that he could win first place for all of the tournaments he was in and was able to win flawlessly by striking the opponent twice before he was even hit in under two minutes.

His performance gathered a lot of attention from everyone including supernatural beings. Since Adam was able to sense devil energy and holy energy watching over his matches. There were also a lot of people trying to send him invitations to their dojos but he politely declined most of them. Some individuals thought that he would agree if they tried a bit more forceful methods but they weren't able to do much. Adam made sure to give a small amount of bad luck to the people that tried to force him. He usually doesn't use his luck manipulation because it would make everything more boring.

His mastery with Gate of Babylon and his weapons got so good that his skills changed a bit.

[Skills: Gate of Babylon----->True Gate of Babylon, Immortality, Eidetic Memory, Intantanous Regeneration, Luck Manipulation, Golden Rule, Master of Arts, Master of Sciences, Universal Language Weapons Mastery (new)]

When he saw that his Gate of Babylon upgraded it felt as if something that has been holding him back just disappeared. He had a deeper connection with the vault and was now able to use hundreds of gates at the same time and keep track of all of them.

With the Weapons Mastery, he was able to feel as if any weapon he picked up was an extension of his body.

Overall his use of Gate of Babylon was already on par with the original Gilgamesh. And that is without considering Adam's weapon skills.

The day of Graduation finally came and Adam and Mikasa were walking to school. Like always Mikasa was sticking next to Adam but there was something different today. She was holding his hand. There was a bright smile on her face that would make people think twice if it's the same girl with an uninterested face on her all the time.

Adam wasn't dumb either he might have not communicated much in his life but with 3 years of getting to know how things work he could tell that Mikasa would try her best to scare of but he didn't mind since he had grown rather fond of having her follow him everywhere. She was basically the only person he can consider being close to. He decided that he would ask her out on their 3rd year 2nd year of Junior High.

The only problem he has would be that she wouldn't be too happy about having to share him with multiple women. But he decided not to worry about it until the problem came up.

While they were walking he suddenly heard a notification he hadn't heard in a while.

[Quest Completed: Write a manga and earn enough money to begin your path to infinite wealth]

[Rewards: 2 Gacha Tickets]

[Does Host wish to use the tickets now]

Seeing that he had finally completed the quest he didn't waste any time and used both tickets.

[Host has gotten [Weapon: Excalibur][Skill: Cancelation of Magic and Magecraft]

"Lucky!!!" Adam screamed out.

Mikasa turned to Adam and immediately got as close as possible and with a worried tone asked, "Are you okay Adam?"

Embarrassed by his childish reaction he answered, "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it let's keep going".

He once again brought his attention to the weapon and thought about it being in his vault and it appeared right after. Now he had something that Gilgamesh was never able to get. But now it would probably be a bit awkward when Shirou summons Artoria. He will just say he's from a different reality since it's kinda not wrong but it will probably be fine.

Changing the topic with Mikasa so she stops doubting him he asked "Mikasa will you be able to make new friends where we are going?".

Confused she answered, "Why do you want me to make friends. They'll just take up my time and I won't be able to keep you safe".

Expecting this Adam replied, "Don't you have something that you want to do? I have no problem if you want to be with me all the time and protect me even if you don't really need to worry about that since I really can't die but I think it would be fine if you tried to make some friends that you can get along with and speak to since you can't tell me everything.....".

He was about to continue but saw Mikasa's hurt expression and began to backtrack on what he said and immediately found the problem. "I'm not saying that it is wrong to keep things a secret from me since you are a girl and all so think of it like that".

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to make him change his decision she said "Fine, but don't use the time I am away from you to cheat on me".

"Cheat?" Adam asked out loud since he was caught off guard.

"I don't know what you're talking about", answered Mikasa with her usual emotionless voice as she turned around to hide the huge blush on her face.

Confirming his earlier doubts with her slip up Adam only shrugged his shoulders and followed behind Mikasa to the school.


After all the celebrations and parents picking up the students, Adam and Mikasa went home so they could pack their stuff and get ready to move to Fuyuki City. Adam wanted to just store everything in his vault but decide against it since Yamada had already called a moving company to take their stuff so he just let them take care of it.

As Adam was finishing cleaning his room he heard the door open so he turned around and saw that Mikasa was standing there with a look full of determination. Adam couldn't help but chuckle at her behavior and said "Are you going out to a battlefield".

Mikasa's eye twitched a bit with that comment but ultimately shook it off and began to speak. "Adam do you plan on getting more female friends". Mikasa has been getting suspicious about why Adam has been excited to go to a new school and wants her to get friends.

Surprised by the question Adam was left speechless for a second but recovered not that long after.

"No, I do...." He was about to continue but stopped when he saw how Mikasa was looking at him with a judging look. "Yes" is all he said.

He soon regretted his choice when he saw the hurt look on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked since he knew how clingy Mikasa could be.

"You're going to leave me..... you're going to leave me.... he's going to leave me".

Hearing Mikasa act like a broken machine he held her shoulders and said out loud "I'm not going to leave you. We're going to be together forever right? Don't worry you'll always be my number one so there is nothing you have to worry about". What he said is true since he wasn't going to go out of his way to get a harem. He just started to understand how his emotions work and everything.

As Mikasa was continuing her mental breakdown she heard his last words and in her mind, they were completely different than what Adam had intended them to mean. So with her hearing what she wanted immediately regained life in her eyes with a bright smile on her face. She sprang up and hugged Adam.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend!!!" she exclaimed with a bomb of emotions and tears rolling down her face.

Adam was left stunned by what just happened. While he does not hate her, he doesn't know if what he feels is love either. Without having much choice since going back on the words now would be a terrible thing to do considering how happy she is even if what he said was taken a little differently. Overall he didn't find any issue with the outcome but was only worried that she would get even more clingy from now on.

With all that set and done, they finished cleaning the apartment and made their way to a train station towards Fuyuki City with Mikasa humming what seemed to be a victory song along the way.

I'll be posting every day now!!! I was finally able to buy a new desk so I can use my computer properly.

I don't know if I am doing the romance properly since I have very little experience and it's the first time I write anything besides essays so comment if you see any issues with it.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the late chapter!!!

See ya~

eeclime14creators' thoughts