
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 6: An ambush is set

"Nicely done Ania I think you've proven you aren't a damsel in distress" Mitch said walking over and giving her a pat on the head. "We've recaptured the village and well I certainly don't think there will be any survivors which is unfortunate" Tom looked around the carnage and destruction sighing. Closing his eyes Mitch tried to sense any form of reiatsu but couldn't "You're right I can't sense any other life forms, you guys wait here I'll go relay the success of our mission to the Captain Commander and see if he has new orders for us".

"Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens Binding Art 77: Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air" a bright blue light erupted in front of Mitch as the markings he drew on his arms glowed blue also. "Captain Commander this is Mitch we have just finished eliminating the White Lotus soldiers occupying the village, do you have any other orders for us?". "I wish for you to remain there for now as we received word from Hanza that another strike force with a Commander and Co-Commander are moving towards your direction" upon hearing this news Mitch cut their conversation short as he raced back towards the village to warn the others.

Bursting out of the bushes Mitch found he was already too late as their ambushers had already encircled everyone and outnumbered them. "You must be Mitch the leader of this little group" a deep gravely voice spoke as Shang stepped out from behind two burly soldiers with a wicked smile on his face. "And you must be the Commander, if I defeat you that'll make me three from three, so what's the name of the man about to be crushed by me?".

"My name is Shang 6th Commander of the White Lotus Society and this here is my Co-Commander Lushu" a dirty blonde, blue eyed 6 foot 6 stocky man stepped forward he was twice the size of Shang as was the zanpakuto sheathed across his back. "Pleasure to meet you Shang but I am curious why Han would send you lot all the way out here after you had already slaughtered this village" "Master Han knew that a squad would get sent out to mop up the men we sent earlier and decided to sacrifice them in order to capture you in a trap and slaughter you all".

"I'd like to see how that goes because if your men are anything like the guys we just slaughtered then there will be more bodies scattering this ground" "Don't talk to Master Shang like that!" one of the burly soldiers stepped forward as Mitch sighed pointing a finger up at his temple as a tiny lightning pierced through his head leaving his body to fall backwards.

Immediately the White Lotus soldiers placed hands on their zanpakuto's ready to draw as Mitch sighed "Where is your sense in having a little fun, simply killing us without having a good fight is just plain boring". "I quite like you Mitch" Shang said as he burst out laughing "It's a shame we are on opposite sides, but I have my orders and you are all to be killed immediately".

"Hate to burst your bubble but I don't think your plan is going to go as well as you think" Mitch smirked as he placed both hands on the ground "Binding Art 21: Red Smoke Escape". A huge cloud of red smoke billowed out from underneath his palms obscuring everyone from view as Mitch's voice could be heard yelling from inside "Scatter out everyone!"

In the confusion Ania, Tom, Ryu and Yan managed to break free of their encirclement racing into the forest where Mitch was standing there waiting for them smirking. "Glad to see my diversion managed to work and you all escaped unharmed, but prepare yourselves since they're going to be not to far behind and mighty pissed we managed to slip out of their little trap.

"Master Shang where are they?" one of the soldiers called out from inside the smoke as green reiatsu exploded from around Shang dispersing the smoke confirming his guess they had managed to slip by undetected. "FIND THEM NOW!" he bellowed as they all fanned off into the forests while Lushu and the other burly soldier stood beside him "Shang-Sama what shall I do?" "Go join the men and when you find them, I want you to show them no mercy".

"I suggest we all split up and force them to branch off limiting the number of opponents we'll have to fight. If you need any help just shoot a red fire cannon into the sky and the nearest person will come to your aid, hopefully though you all should be handle the soldiers by yourself, now move out!" Mitch said as they all went separate ways into the forest.

Racing through the treetops Mitch looked back over his shoulder to see six White Lotus soldiers on his tail which promptly turned into four as a high-pitched whistling went past his ears and he saw a pair of daggers lodged in two soldiers' heads. The four of them stopped looking around for their unknown attacker only to find he was already behind them as a zanpakuto erupted from a soldiers' stomach sending blood spraying into the air.

The remaining three swung at their attacker who blocked the blades with a wrist guard before a hidden dagger emerged as he sliced one of their throats before plunging the blade into another man's heart. Realising he was out of his element the remaining soldier turned to run but found a shuriken embedded in the back of his head as he joined his comrades landing dead on the forest floor.

"Thanks for the assist Hanza but perhaps you should've picked the other guys to go help, I was looking forward to fighting those six guys at once" "Which one of them should I go and help next?" "Pick either Ryu or Yan they're the most inexperienced while I trust Ania and Tom can handle themselves, meanwhile I'll draw Shang out and tackle him myself".

"You always get to have all the fun I swear" Hanza sighed as he dissolved away into the ground sensing Ryu was the closest to him. Mitch meanwhile attempting to lure Shang to his location started to raise his reiatsu as the ground around him began to shake "SHANG COME AND FACE ME!".