
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 5: Groups first battle

"Binding Art 30: Beak-Stab Triple Beam" Tom chanted yellow electricity crackling in his right hand, he began to draw an inverted triangle as three smaller beaked triangles appeared on the corners before shooting off and pinning the White Lotus soldier against a wall right next to another he had trapped first.

Struggling against his restraints the man glared at Tom "Curses release me from this cheap tactic and fight me like a man!" "I will no shed any of your blood, you can do that for me Shinjitsu Gensou" the crystal hovering above the tip of Tom's zanpakuto glowed a bright white colour as the remaining two opponents stared at the crystal mesmerised. Slowly they raised their zanpakuto's up towards their hearts against their will and in a split second stabbed it through their chest killing themselves.

Releasing the other two from their restraints they wasted no time in attacking as Tom parried away their blows with ease before charging up a Kage Gekido blast at point blank range aiming at one of them. Before he could turn around to try attacking again the dark red reiatsu blast engulfed before exploding leaving a charred body on the ground. His final opponent realising he was outmatched grit his teeth glaring daggers at Tom "You won't get the satisfaction of defeating me!" raising his blade up Tom watched for the second time as he stabbed himself through the heart falling over dead with a smile on his face.

"Well you've certainly chosen unique ways to defeat your opponent's that's for sure" Mitch placed a hand on Tom's shoulder "I didn't shed any blood though" he raised a reassuring thumb up smiling "Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose" Mitch said shrugging his shoulders before hearing Yan calling out for assistance and running towards him waving both hands.

"Ummm Mitch-sensei could I please get some assistance, I'm not well trained to handle four fully trained men in combat yet" "Get back here!" one of Yan's opponents yelled as Mitch looked up to see the four men running towards him blades raised smirking at the chance of an easy kill. "Of course I'll help" raising Ashura up flames began to slowly form at the tip "Incinerate Ashura!" swinging the blade down a fireball shot out towards the men who quickly spotted it approaching and leapt out of the way before it hit the ground exploding.

Separated by the explosion two of the men stood back up and found Mitch standing in front of them smirking "Which one of you wants to die first?" One man lunged towards Mitch aiming towards his heart but never got the chance as Mitch vanished and reappeared behind him just as his head went rolling from his shoulders. "You son of a bitch!" the other man growled swiping at Mitch who shunpoed away and reappeared behind thrusting Ashura cleanly through his back and out his chest in a matter of seconds.

Turning towards Yan he spotted the young shinigami cutting down his first opponent but failed to see or sense the second one slowly approaching from behind blade raised up ready to swing down at his head. Pointing his index finger towards the man a bolt of lightning shot out narrowly passing Yan's cheek and hit the White Lotus soldier square in the temple as his body crumpled to the ground while Yan slowly turned around to see the man's body now sprawled at his feet.

"I thank you for the assistance Mitch-sensei" Yan bowed as Mitch sighed "Like I've said before enough with the formalities just Mitch is fine, you did well though taking out one of your opponents" with all of Raltz's subordinates defeated Mitch took a seat on the ground watching Ania facing off against the man himself.

"I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to be so tough" Raltz said ducking under a swing from Ania and unleashing a counter that was slow enough she had time to jump back and step out of his range. "How about unleashing your shikai? Or are you so weak you don't even have one" Ania said in a mocking tone while Raltz glared at her "Dumb bitch I don't need a damn shikai, I'm strong enough to take you on even with your zanpakuto released so just do your worst".

"You asked for it, Juunsui Yuga" pointing the tip of Kanzen Bi at Raltz a pink blast composed of reiatsu flew at rapid speed crashing into his body and knocking him to the ground. Raltz went to stand back up but felt the tip of steel being pressed to his neck "To slow" Ania smirked looking down at him. "Don't underestimate me!" Raltz yelled knocking the blade away with his free hand and lunging forward trying to stab Ania, shunpoing away with ease he missed completely and fell face first into the dirt before she reappeared in the same spot laughing.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Raltz leapt up violently hacking the air trying to land a blow, Ania danced past each blow unbothered before deciding she had finally toyed with him enough. Leaping back she stabbed Kanzen Bi into the ground "Gouka Shinkirou" a pink mist began to waft out and surround Raltz as he slashed at the mist "What the fuck is this shit? Come on out and fight me like a man, oh wait you aren't one".

"Ugh she's using that god damn technique again" Mitch growled recalling what that pink mist did as Tom nudged him in the shoulder "What's wrong with that technique, did you have a little problem last time she used it on you?" Tom smirked as Mitch glared at him "Oh touch a nerve there did I?" "Open your mouth again and I'll seal it shut with a binding spell".

Inside the weird pink mist Raltz spotted a shadow moving "Ha gotcha now" he raced towards it and found himself staring at something he didn't expect to see. Instead of Ania there was a tall half-dressed brunette smiling seductively while behind her even more scantily clad women could be seen beckoning him over to join them. "Take a rest Raltz you deserve it" the brunette said as he sat between them all while they all caressed his face and torso.

He was so lost in the illusion that Ania slowly entered in to find him fondling two of the women a goofy smile on his face "Perfect this'll be easy". "This can't be real" "Well you're right" Ania's voice came from behind as he felt the cold steel of Kanzen Bi plunge through his back and pierce his heart. The women began to dissolve away along with the pink mist as Ania pulled her zanpakuto free a geyser of blood spraying out as Raltz's dropped to his knees.

"Well at least I died thinking I was in paradise" he muttered eyes wide open in shock before collapsing face first into the dirt a pool of his blood beginning to form around his lifeless corpse.