
Red 2

"They just keep on coming and coming no matter how many i cut down, fuck them and their multiplying powers". I was currently whining in frustration. I was finally able to cut them after 26 returns to 'bed', however they just keep multiplying and getting stronger as you kill them. Some of them do permanently die after you kill them however most of them multiply,the difference is you have to hit them hard and fast on several vital points and absolutely shred the dummies other wise they keep on multiplying. Even if one of the dummies live after you slash them then they will come back as two dummies the next instant.


Other than that I found some interesting thing about myself which was that I absolutely loved the feeling of cutting the dummies. Even though I was a bit frustrated about them multiplying and sometimes complained the thought of going back and battling the dummies made me a little bit excited as this told me a little about my personality which was a blank for me due to me not having any memory of my past life expect some anime and manga.

'i wonder if this fun time will end after i killall the dummies...what even is the meaning of this training?, does the room want me to learn how to use a sword..well i am enjoying it so whatever'.

[2 years later].

[Red world].

Mountains of what looked like humanoid corpses were piled up close to each other as the ground was also littered with dummy corpses. One of the mountain of corpses was a bit higher than the rest which stood a testimony to the amount of death that took place in this world. On top of it a silver haired teen boy could be seen sitting as if waiting for something.

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[MC pov]

"It's been sometime now and I haven't seen any dummies come at me yet. Is it over?".

I took a breath in and jumped from top of the mountain of corpses and landed on one of the corpses on the ground. Mostly all of them where way too disfigured to be called a proper corpse, but one could look at it and tell that it used to be humanoid..i think.

As I began to walk I heard a notification.

[You have killed 4194304 Multiplying Evolver dummies between lev 30- 100].

[ Section A of Zanjutsu training has ended].

Suddenly a door appeared in front of me, it was blue in colour this time.

I opened the door and entered the room. The door vanashing behind me. It was another white room with Grey cealing. I looked around the room and noticed some things that were new like a mirror and a hot spring in the middle of the room filled with a light pink liquid. I also noticed a black kimono similar to a Shihakushō from bleach.

My attaire was completely shredded and I was currently butt naked, I think I was butt naked for a long time now. You don't really realize all that when you are busy killing.

I walked towards the Hot spring and took a dip in it without any afterthought. The hot spring was really great and I felt several of my muscles relax, something that I hadn't felt since entering here.

I stayed in the spring for a long time and finally feeling satisfied i walked out as I put on my Shihakushō like kimonno as I walked in front of the full size mirror.

I looked at my own self and was a bit taken aback. First and foremost I wasn't old i just had silver hair, second I had a symmetrical face with a pretty neat jaw line, my face also lacked fat. I looked fresh with my tender and healthy white skin that lacked any imperfections in a way. But what caught my sight was my Ruby like red eyes. I think I was what everyone would refer to as handsome.

Next i undressed my self and looked at my body and I was quite satisfied. I was lean and quite shredded with explosive muscles. It was like my body was that of an athlete and I looked quite close to kenpachi's muscular body.

Satisfied i put on back my kimono and sat at the bed waiting for my next training.

20 minutes later.

"Ok nothing is happening..what the hell?".

"Hello!". I yelled

Nothing, absolute silence was heard. Eventually bored i started to take a walk and eventually picked up my zanpakutō and was shocked. The entire blade was different. It was a moderately curved Shobu Zukuri-style katana with a lilac and gold color scheme. The tsuba was trefoil-shaped, and each lobe was holed in the middle and thickly ridged. The tsuka was lacquered solid lilac (rather than cloth-wrapped), as was the saya. Both were embellished with simple, golden, five-petaled flower motifs on each sides. The kashira and kojiri were matching in appearance, being large with trefoil cutouts to match the tsuba; the kojiri possessed an additional accent, which seemed to be a wide, knobbed ring above it. (An: Zoro Enma).

I hadn't even noticed such a drastic change in my blade. I instantly knew what to do. I sat down on the floor with the zanpakutō on my lap and started to calm myself as I entered meditation.Then i felt a pull.


Darkness. I couldn't see, I tried to talk but no voice came out i tried to touch myself but i couldn't even feel my body, i couldn't hear nor could I see, nor could I feel any thing, there was no smell either, it was like I was a soul that had lost it's body and now was inside a space of absolute nothingness.i was just there. I had no idea how long it had been, my sence of time was already broken in the previous room to begin with. I couldn't feel anything else except for absolute bliss and comfort.

'Ah i am melting away..no i am expanding..my soul,it's becoming larger'. I knew what was going on around me, it was stillness. And eventually time passed as I felt myself melting and my soul growing through the stillness.

Knowledge started to come to me. Knowledge of all my past fights with the dummies, my incorrect stances my ragged way of breathing, the way i was wasting my stamina or how some strikes lacked power while some lacked speed and precision. I started to go through the memories more and more, simulating fights in my mind and eventually perfecting my moves. I was mixing my instinct with understanding.

Knowledge of other things also followed in. Like how to fight without a sword or how to move. But without honed instinct it was just understanding and logic.

Eventually i could move, i could see and I could hear, i could feel and I could touch. I stood up in absolute nothingness and closed my eyes compressing the nothingness in to something and the whole of it became a white space. In front of me the void compressed into a woman as tall as me. She had black hair and black kimono with a black blindfold covering her eyes.

"It's seems I have been born, what shall you name me?". She asked me

"You don't have one.. don't Zanpakutō spirits come with a name?".

"I am that which represents nothing given form, I have no name unless he who made me calls me by one".

"I see..i think i understand then I shall call you Yashahime, It means demon princess or something".

"I see..thank you....?". Yasha said as she looked at me with a questioning look while tilting her head

"Oh I don't have a name..i forgot it seems..do you have any food ones that I can take". I asked jokingly to her.

"Mugai.It means limitless".

"Hm..that's actually a good name.. although it's funny how I name you a demon after myself and you limitless after yourself". I said with a smile.

"We are one Master, i simply represent that which you have become while you represent that which you where and will be".Yasha said.

"I see, so what now..do I just get bankai".

Hearing me Yasha laughed as she said. You only gave me one name the rest of it is still unknown.

"There's more names". Mugai asked.

"More like there is more to my name that you just gave me..for now I shall return to you".

I exited the white space as I opened my eyes and I was inside the white room with the gray cealing. Then I looked at my lap and saw my blade crumbling away like dust as I felt Yasha returning back into my soul.

[Reiatsu and Reiryoku control has been attained].

[Moving to next room in 3, 2, 1].

And this now named Mugai was teleported again

Next chapter