
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Entrance exam and lots of procedures.

The travel from the west district to the west gate was extremely short that it only took about 20 minutes for them to arrive.

After paying the wagon cart driver Both Mugai and Tōshiro took in the view. Several carts where behind them that carried various people from the other districts in the west side.

The entire place was crowded with Shinigami and normal souls alike. Several stalls with all sorts of food where opened near the entrance. It was almost like a festival.

Mugai went up to a street vendor and bought some dango for him and Tōshiro as they asked the vendor about the exam and it's procedures.

The exam period was two days with the people from the Outer districts arriving tomorrow and the way to enter was to simply enter inside the gate after standing in the line that was in front of it.

It seemed that the gate had a kido which let people with a certain amount or Reiryoku pass while the once without it where called off from the line by a group of Shinigami. He also spotted a bunch of secret force members hiding in the shadows of the stalls and tents.

Tōshiro and Mugai being one of the first people to arrive where fairly ahead in the line and both of them got in through the gate.

After entering a token was given to them with a number on it which indicated the tent to which they needed to go.

After waiting a while Tōshiro's number was called and eventually he went to his tent for the exam.

After a while it was Mugai's number and he went into the tent where he saw a Shinigami sitting at a table with a screen in front of him while another was sitting at the left of him with a Transparent orb in front of him.

"Name and district". The Shinigami asked.

"Mugai from 1st west district".

"Alright Mr Mugai can you please touch the soul orb please".

Mugai touched the orb and felt a pull, he immediately understood that this was a device that was there to Read once's Reiatsu so he poured in his Diluted Reaitsu and the orb showed a number 7 on it.


Basic Spiritual Power :This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing a level of Spiritual Power that is minimal. This level of power is common among those who may or may not be spiritually aware to a small degree but otherwise have no real Spiritual Power. This is also a common level of power for a regular human. (Below Average-class)

Average Spiritual Power :This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing an average level of Spiritual Power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking Seated and Non Seated Members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals. (Average-class).

High Spiritual Power : This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of Spiritual Power, which is finely controlled. This level of Spiritual Power is common among those of an average Lieutenant rank and high ranked Seated Officers. (Lieutenant-class).

Great Spiritual Power: This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of Spiritual Power which is finely controlled. This level of Spiritual Power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank. (Captain-class).

Immense Spiritual Power: This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of Spiritual Power which is finely controlled. This level of Spiritual Power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees. (Advanced Captain-Class).

Immeasurable Spiritual Power: This level of Spiritual Power corresponds to those possessing a colossal amount of Spiritual Power, which can be controlled to varying degrees depending on the individual. This level of Spiritual Power is very rare and reserved for the strongest beings. (Beyond Captain-Class).

However their was another classification to the immense spiritual power level which was 'low immense' called level 6 and 'high immense' called level 7. Since Immeasurable was exactly as it sounded, level 7 or 'high immense' was the most a soul could have officially.

Everyone in the room where shocked and the Shinigami rechecked the device by placing his own hand on it which showed a 4 on it.

He then smiled and stamped a paper on which he had written something,it looked like a filled form and gave it to Mugai along with a ticket with a number on it.

"The results will be told day after tomorrow however please don't go back untill the day is over". The Shinigami said.

Eventually Mugai exited the Tent and went up to the tree where he told Tōshiro to meet him so that they could stay somewhere as the rest of the procedures would happen after day after tomorrow. He also saw a squad two ninja member of the secret force follow him. But he simply chalked it up to him being under watch or maybe something to do with the security.

As he arrived at the tree he saw Tōshiro already there waiting for him.

"Did you wait long? Tōshiro". Mugai asked.

"No I just got here now Ni-san, so what number did you get?".

"Youngest first". Mugai said.

"A high 6". Tōshiro said smugly.

"Close little one close but thou shall not touch thy greatness, I got a 7". Mugai said with a 'you tried' face.

Tōshiro hitsugaya looked away in anger but he had a small smile on his face. Tōshiro admired Mugai a lot, he always wanted to be strong like Mugai when he was older and he considered Mugai as the person he should strive to be.

Both of them eventually went around the festival like place and ate a lot all the while he saw that the ninja was following them.

Eventually night fell and the exam for today was over as it would restart again tomorrow for those from the Outer districts.

Suddenly Mugai noticed that the Ninja guy got a message from his hell butterfly and immediately Shunpoed over to them.

Mugai stood in between him and Hitsugaya who was yet to notice him.

"Applicant Mugai, Applicant Tōshiro Hitsugaya congratulations on passing please follow me".

Tōshiro startled looked at the man and along with Mugai followed them into what looked like a building with the mark of the 13th division on it.

They arrived in a room that like looked like a gym that had been divided into 3 sections, they then entered one section each and gave the ticket and the form they had to the Shinigami sitting there then there weight and measurements for their uniforms where taken as well as some general questions where asked such as if they needed anything special added to it.

After that they were led to a hall where 8 other students who seemed like nobility sat. It was a room with many chairs and eventually a Shinigami entered giving them a tag with their name and a number on it so that they could collect their uniforms after it was ready.

And finally the ten where taken into a barrack where they would have their photos taken and eventually Mugai's photo was taken and a ID card was printed for him along with a Library card which had their photo, name and class as well as year written on it.

This specific area was surrounded by Shinigami and others who looked like the teachers. As well as those from the 12 th division and the Kido core.

Mugai noticed a Shinigami and moved towards him along with Hitsugaya who followed him. He wanted to talk to this man, after all it was the famous Black haired ichigo Kaien Shiba.

"Excuse me sir could you recommend a place for us to sleep?".

The man Kaien shiba looked at the two who approached him and looked at them with a questioning look before something clicked inside his head as he asked. "Are you two from Rukongai?..sorry didn't mean it that way.. ya if you guys need a place to sleep I can show it to you".

"Yes we are from Rukongai, my name is Mugai and this is my younger brother Tōshiro..thank you for offering a place for us to sleep mr-?".

"Kaien shiba lieutenant of the 13th division and no need to thank me it's the duty of the 13 th division this time to make sure the accomodation for class 1 students like you is seen through". Kaien said before he asked Mugai again as he started to guide them towards another building that looked like a small house.

"If it's not too much to ask can I see your I'd card?".

Mugai showed it to him and Kaien looked at Mugai before he asked for Tōshiro's and again looked at Tōshiro and then at their hair.

'Does white/silver hair give one super powers or something'. Kaien thought.

"This is a house that was to be provided to students who don't have a place to go during the exam. You can take the left room it has two futons and a bathroom. Come down stairs for lunch at 7:00 and don't be late oh and before I forget welcome to seiretei". Kaien said as he bid them farewell.