
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


"Alright quite down and get to your seats". A voice was heard from a man who entered the class. He was wearing a black Shihakushō with a white lab coat on top of it.

Everyone saw him and quited down as they all sat on their respective seats. Seeing the class silent he continued.

"I am Gengorō Ōnabara, the Homeroom and class teacher of This class aka Class 1. I would like to start the class with your attendance so raise your hands and respond when your name is called!".

[One round of attendance later].

"Alright that's Everyone now let's begin with the rules that you must follow at the academy and remember that these rules of broken are punishable from suspension all the way to getting expelled from the academy.

Gengorō then went over the rules of do's and don'ts in the Shinō academy as well as the Seiretei in general and eventually started his class.

"Alright students i would like to start the class by exploring the different subjects you will learn as well as what the accelarated program is that the class 1 or the special class offers".

"For starters you will learn the basic Shinigami combat arts, the Zankensoki as well as other subjects such as Math, Physics, chemistry, medicine, calligraphy, literature, General knowledge and a special class that will allow one to specialize in a field they like. Alright understood?". He asked and the class stayed silent which he took as an 'Yes'.

"Now moving on to Zankensoki. This will be your main combat focused classes, To explain a little you will be learning This will involve Zan or Zanjutsu, Ken or Hakuda aka hand to hand combat, So or HoHo which will be your Movement techniques as well as Ki which will be Kido including Hado and Bakudo..more about that will be explained in their respective classes.".

"Other than that you have Physics, chemistry and maths as well as Biology and Medicine. These are required to get into the 12th or the 4th division as well as a standard understanding of Bakudo.".

"Then we have the accelarated program that was deviced to teach you all the way from the basics to the Master level in any of the subjects you desire as well as a special test that you can take anytime in the coming 6 years starting today that if passed will allow you to skip the classes of that subject and automatically give you master rank in that subject.. this is something that most of you will strive towards from your 5th and 6th year".

"Other than that the Library is open twentyfour seven and you can take any book as a class 1 student However the books can't be brought with you outside".

"Now there is the special class that allows you to learn under an Seated Shinigami directly If you are able to pass An accelarated program special test for any other subjects than the one which you want special class on.Remember that this is to allow a Student with skill to get a second specialization in another field so that they can become a greater asset to the Soul society!".

"Also early graduation is possible using the accelarated program once you attain Practitioner rank in Any of the Zankensoki as well as passing a special test in basics. Now any questions before i explain about Reiryoku and Reiatsu?". Gengorō asked but didn't expect anyone to raise their hands as he was sure his explanation was perfect. But to his surprise one hand was raised as he looked at the handsome white haired boy with Ruby Red eyes.

"Yes student Mugai what is your doubt?". He asked as everyone else also looked at Mugai.

"The Accelerated program special test that allows one to skip classes so that they can have a teacher to specialize in another field, what's the most recent date that one can take the exam?".

Gengorō was a bit shocked to hear this question but answered any way. "Well the exams can be taken from tomorrow onwards as it will open for many 6th and 5th year students looking to become Shinigami and Join a division.

"I see. Thank you teacher". Mugai said as he sat down.

"Alright then I shall continue about Reshi, Reiryoku and Reiatsu, as we all know-".

Mugai cut out the voice of the class as he was in his own world.

'So I can take the exams tomorrow and request for an Kido instructor if I want upon passing it but maybe i should wait a day and go explore the library. What do you think Yasha?'.

[I believe that waiting and looking in the library and seeing if the theory for kido is available is better than rushing to pass the exam].

[You also need to learn biology and Medicine if you want to learn Kaido by getting into the 4th division].

'alright then it's decided, library it is'. Mugai answered her.

"Alright that's it for today I will now lead you all to the Zangetsu hall and try not to get lost on your way and stay with the group". Gengorō said as everyone stood up along with Mugai and Followed him. They eventually reached the courtyard and it was huge. The entire yard was filled with Obstacle courses, a track, a resting area and several buildings that looked like they were dojos.

The class was led inside a dojo that was extremely large in size.

They were then introduced to their instructior Hokutō Otori.(AN:oc character). As he instructed the students to stand in a lines of two with girls on the left and Boys on the right.

Two 5th year students then entered with two crates on wheels and opened it up as The instructor Hokutō took one out and the entire class was in Uproar, especially the nobles.

"Alright quite down, And stand in line!. From your enthusiasm I can tell that you know what this is however I will explain anyways. This is an Asauchi". He said as he picked up a katana from the crate and showing it off. "From now on you will pour your Reiatsu into it to awaken it and eventually learn it's name, you will eat with it, sleep with it and take care of it as if it's your Child that was just born. Got it!". He yelled like an army sergeant.

"Yes teacher". Everyone replied.

"Alright then come forward one by one and grab your Asauchi and take a seat. Today we will do Jinzen a specialised breathing technique that is used to pour Reaitsu into your Asauchi".

Eventually everyone took their Asauchi one by one and finally it was Mugai's turn he looked at the Asauchi and then picked up one as he went and sat down.

Eventually they where all told to meditate as the instructions where given to them and everyone closed their eyes as they all started to Meditate including Mugai.

'Alright Yashahime time to transfer. Tell me if their is a problem'.

[This blade already has a name inscribed on it and it also has some sort of connection with an entity].

'Ya that's the 'Monk who calls the name' and Ōetsu Nimaya's work'.

The Asauchi in Bleach where named the moment they where born by the 'Monk who calls the name' who somehow knew the owner of each Asauchi and the moment they would show up. He also knew that the process of rewriting the name should be possible as Hyorinmaru had also entered the Asauchi of Hitsugaya and it shouldn't be the blade that he was supposed to have as Hitsugaya was 5-6 years early in receiving his Asauchi.

'Can you cut the connection and rewrite the name'.

[Yes but the likely hood of both actions being noticed is very high, i can assimilate the name into me if you want-]

'No erase the name. The monk has power over the stuff he names and I don't wanna take a chance against him'.

[Very well I shall begin].

{Soul palace}.

Suddenly Ichibē Hyōsube felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, he had lost power over a name as it it was completely erased from existence. However no matter how much he looked he couldn't find which name had been erased. It was as if the name turned into nothingness.

Ōetsu Nimaya was working on a Asauchi when suddenly he lost connection to an Asauchi and it startled him. No matter how much he tried to trace it he couldn't. "What the hell is happening to the stuff I make. It's two that have disappeared now. Man can't even go down to check the place it disappeared from!".

(An: most stuff about the Shinō academy is from my head except the subject and the accelerated program is a thing but what it is is never explained so I made up some stuff up).

(Also leave comments they are very important and sorry about my spelling mistakes).