
Bleach: New Order

In short a guy reincarnated to bleach with the quirk New Order. And please don't read this if you don't like MCs who makes dumb mistake, and expect him to be some kind of badass only to complain because you didn't get what you expect. Honestly my brain hurts how many complaints on how stupid the MC or how he doesn't utilize his full abilities like they expect it to be some kind of omnipotent ability, when it's not. You people need to learn the value of equivalent exchange, as there is no such thing as powerful ability that has no cost, and yes I also know that there are some abilities like that but this story has none of it. And I write this for myself and not for specific person, you like it then you like it, if not then stop. I want to make this a single partner, maybe two English is not my first language, so you can expect some poor grammar, but I'm working on it Everything about this fanfic except for some OCS and maybe some ideas are not mine and belongs to their respective owners. The picture is also not mine This is my second fanfic, and I might not be able to post regularly due to class hope you guys like it.

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 21


"Now then how about we talk about your training"

Errol began to look serious while facing Yoruichi.


Errol followed Urahara and Yoruichi until they walked into a square hole with a ladder, the bottom was so deep that he couldn't see the end if he didn't focus his eyes.

They then began to climb down until they reach the bottom where it a wasteland and a sky is presented. Errol didn't know how they did this or what they used he was still amazed that a small shop has a place like this.

"Ooohhh look there is an underground training space under my shop, I wonder how it appears here"Urahara exaggerated his reaction which only earn him a stare.

"Kisuke, just go to the side," Yoruichi said.

"Yes, ma'am" He walked towards the side and prepare to observe, although he knows that there will be nothing interesting going to happen today.

Errol look at Yoruichi and was looking seriously prepared for what she was going to throw at him.

"Ok, first of can you tell me your ability?"Yoruichi asks curiously and even Urahara on the side ears move.

Errol stared at her and was hesitating, he didn't know much about her and the guy on the side except for some scenes in the show and still didn't if he could really trust them, though he did trust Yoruichi a bit.

Yoruichi seeing hesitation in Errol said.

"Fine, you didn't need to say your ability and I give you praise for not telling us the moment I ask, you should not just blatantly say your ability, especially to strangers, only idiots do those," She said and Errol couldn't help but think that she just insulted most of the character in other verses including this one.

"Anyway for your first training..." Yoruichi said and look at Errol sternly which made him look at her seriously.

Yoruichi look at Errol and couldn't help herself to nod in approval.

"Is to run around this place until I tell you to stop" She said.

Errol's seriousness couldn't help but turn into a frown. "That's it?"

"Yes, that's it, Oh you also couldn't use your power," She said while finding a comfortable place to sit. "I have no clue about what you're power is, but I can tell you could do a lot of things from what I heard, so it is banned in your training"

"But if I couldn't use my ability then how am I going to get it stronger then?" He couldn't help but complain.

"How do I know l, you didn't even tell me what it is, but anyway, I said I will train you, I mean you yourself itself, you can train that ability of yours yourself," She said.

Errol was doubtful, but he decided to just obey and see if there is something special in this training.

After half an hour Errol was still running with half of his feet, his head was full of sweat from all the running. But the thing is, this training is just a normal run.

Errol was about to rest as even with his physical abilities being comparable to at least three grown men, he can still feel exhaustion.

However, when he was about to stop, the voice of Yoruichi sounded.

"Did I tell you to stop?" She asks.

"But I'm tired, huff," Errol said while running.

"I don't care, just run until I tell you to stop, "Yoruichi said while just observing him.

Errol wanted to protest, but he knows she was more knowledgeable than him, so he decided to just follow.

An hour later he was still running but his face suggested that he already wanted to rest at any second now. After a few more seconds he stop and look at Yoruichi who was just lying around.

"Ok, I couldn't take it anymore! I'm tired of running! I'll rest now whether you tell me or not!" He said with an annoyed voice, feeling unfair that she was just lying around while he was running all around without any rest.

"Is your will really that weak?" Yoruichi asks.

"What?" Errol looks at her confused.

"I mean is your will really that weak? Are your words about bringing your friend back just some big talk?" She keeps on firing questions at him.

"Running around will not make me strong!" Errol felt insulted by her question and couldn't help but retort.

"Is it really? Maybe it is, but maybe also not, the answer lies upon how you do and take it" She said before looking at him. "Before you learn how to get stronger, you need to learn something more important and that is... patients"

Errol just looked at her with a look that said, 'what the hell are you even saying', but she ignored it.

"I have lived long enough, to see persons with similar personalities like you kid, you are one of those types that like to directly jump at the complicated things before even learning the basics and likes to quit if they felt like it's hard," She said calmly while Errol just stayed silent as she was not wrong, he likes to quit if it's too complicated.

"That is why in our first lesson what I will teach you is patients," She said proudly while looking at him.

"But how will that even make me stronger!?" He can't help but said in an angry tone.

The reason he accepted her offer to train him was to get stronger faster, but if he only will be taught about patience from running then he felt like his time will be wasted here.

"Do you know what spiritual power is very aligned?" Yoruichi asks while looking him in the eyes. He didn't know so he could only shake his head in confusion.

"Spiritual Power is a power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user." She said and Errol listen. "The more things you had in these two the stronger your spiritual power, of course, it's not the only two, there are more basis which differs a person's spiritual power from person to person"

"So does it mean learning to be patient will make me stronger?" Errol asks as it feels kinda like he needs to be just chill to get stronger.

"No, what it means was that I will push you physically to your limits and make your will grow stronger," She said while standing up. "So do you know what that means? It means you will need to suffer a lot these weeks, so now run, but this time at your full speed and you will not stop until I told you so"

Errol didn't know what will happen to him but for some reason, he could feel it will not be good.