
Bleach: New Order

In short a guy reincarnated to bleach with the quirk New Order. And please don't read this if you don't like MCs who makes dumb mistake, and expect him to be some kind of badass only to complain because you didn't get what you expect. Honestly my brain hurts how many complaints on how stupid the MC or how he doesn't utilize his full abilities like they expect it to be some kind of omnipotent ability, when it's not. You people need to learn the value of equivalent exchange, as there is no such thing as powerful ability that has no cost, and yes I also know that there are some abilities like that but this story has none of it. And I write this for myself and not for specific person, you like it then you like it, if not then stop. I want to make this a single partner, maybe two English is not my first language, so you can expect some poor grammar, but I'm working on it Everything about this fanfic except for some OCS and maybe some ideas are not mine and belongs to their respective owners. The picture is also not mine This is my second fanfic, and I might not be able to post regularly due to class hope you guys like it.

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 22

(Time Skip 2 Months)

During these past two months, Errol's routine was very simple, he go out of his house to go to Urahara's shop to train, then come to the house of Izumi hoping she was there before returning home.

His grandpa heard that he is visiting a shady shop and decided to investigate, only to find that it was a normal one. He once comes together with Errol and sees what is in there, before going home with a smile on his face.

Errol didn't know what Urahara did after bringing his grandpa to a room for a few minutes before coming back like they were old friends. He thought he used some kind of hypnotism which is a big no in his book when it comes to his grandpa, so he checked it with New Order only to find nothing.

He doubled check and there was really nothing wrong with his grandpa and couldn't help but feel curious about how they got close.

Anyway, that was about it his routine, now let's talk about what he did on his training these past months.

First, he was still just training his body in a normal way, but this time Yoruichi force him to go to his limits. The running he was doing half-heartedly, was turned into a full-blown sprint, and he didn't stop until he lost consciousness.

The following days are the same she makes him do a lot of physical training, he honestly wanted to quit a lot of times especially when he accidentally used an Order to heal himself up, which Yoruichi saw and allow him to use his power to just heal himself and make him train again.

The pain of the training increased from 'I wanted to quit' to 'I definitely want to quit' there are a lot of times he almost did so but Yoruichi just said.

"Is your will only that much? Is all the big talk of training hard and turning your friend back just a lie?"

Errol wanted to say a lot of things like 'Physical training will not make me grow strong', 'I am just 8' , 'I have better ways to get stronger' and etc. But he stops himself after all he knows that it was all just excuses that he made like from his past life to excuse himself from feeling it's not his fault or something along those lines.

In the past, he always use the excuse that he was like that because 'I am poor', 'I have no time', 'My parents raised me like this', and many others. He finds excuses that it was the fault of others not himself for being a pathetic person.

He was quite aware of what he was doing and never tried to change himself for fear, of trying to walk out of the box he made himself. But now he has a new life, a new environment where he is rich and has the power that can do a lot of things.

But when he tried to change, he still failed he thought that he will study hard in this life, and work his body to have the body he always wanted in his past only to give up after a few days feeling that it didn't give any result. He has the power of New Order why should he work hard, is what he thought.

He lives a carefree life even after coming to this town that he knew would be a warzone in the future. He met Izumi who became a very important person to him and thought everything will be alright and will be ok as the other characters will deal with the trouble.

Only to find one day Izumi close to being eaten if he didn't arrive at her place and save her barely on time. Then he fought the hollow, with nothing but his body even if he has the power to do a lot of things.

He's inexperienced and anger makes him fight the hollow in a very stupid way and even got himself injured. He knows after a few days of pondering that he could end the fight quickly if he used his power correctly even if that hollow was stronger than him.

Then he did nothing but wait for Izumi to come back, still under the illusion that everything is fine and she will come back, which didn't happen.

He then met Yoruichi whose words made him feel like he could do something, and bring Izumi back. But when the training started he could only think it was stupid even until now, he wanted to quit as he felt the result is not worth it compare to the process.

He's not wrong and he knows it as well, the thing he was quite good at was being aware of himself but it also includes being to able ignored what is wrong with him.

But now he wants to change, every time he felt a voice saying to him to give up, he tried to ignore it, every time comes up with excuses he ignored it, every time he cried and wanted to give up he still does it. He had enough of always finding excuses and blaming others for his incompetence.

So these past few months made a big change of development for him not in his strength but as a person. Whenever he wanted to give up and quit already, he always find himself back again doing nothing but physical training.

Yoruichi who was always watching him since she decided to train him couldn't help but feel a little bit proud of the kid.

'People like this kid don't work hard from some motivational speech of some guy who experienced success, but a purpose, a goal, an experience that will make them want to change and someone to put them or push them to change' She thought as she looks at Errol who changed, not in physical appearance as he still has a lot of baby fats, but in the way he's eyes shine with determination.

'But still didn't expect this kid to last this hard, I only plan to train him like this for a week to at least condition himself for the training I'll give him in the future and if he throws a tantrum I'll immediately change the training' She thought helplessly, although she likes the change that happens. She then stands up from her position before jumping down on the ground.

She walks toward the location of Errol and said. "That's enough, I think these past months are enough for physical training to develop your character, we're going to the next step, which is... combat training"