
Bleach : Kurosaki Adopted Son

Welcome to my second novel! This is a fun project for me, so I won't be releasing chapters on a regular schedule—school keeps me pretty busy. Please bear with me as this story unfolds slowly. Just a heads-up, the cover image isn't mine. Thanks for your patience and understanding as I embark on this creative journey! (Also, I want to be transparent: an AI is helping me write this story. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm doing this purely for fun, so I don't mind if it doesn't turn out perfect. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it!) WARNING : 1. Might Have No Romance 2. Slow Paced 3. Bad Grammar 4. This Novel Might Contains Of Explicit Violence And Gore 5. This Novel Most Relying On Chat GPT (AI) 6. I Often Remaking The Chapter So The One Who Comment On The Story Always Get Removed (Sorry) 7. Genre Might Be Changed (Maybe) 8. Genre Might Be Wrong (Maybe) 9. Gender Equality 10. Swearing Masashi Kenjiro, from a young age, was captivated by anime, particularly idolizing characters like Atomic Samurai from OPM and Himura Kenshin from Samurai X. This passion drove him to learn the ways of the katana early in life, showcasing a prodigious talent for mastering various sword techniques. His favorite fighting style became the quick draw, which he honed to perfection through relentless practice and by emulating moves he observed in anime. A genius in combat, Masashi could replicate and adapt sword techniques he saw, augmenting his own formidable skills. His military career exemplified his prowess; armed solely with his katana, he defied conventional limits, effortlessly slicing through bullets and even tanks with supernatural strength and speed. Unburdened by notions of honor, he was a ruthless force on the battlefield, feared and respected by friend and foe alike. Masashi's versatility extended beyond the katana; he was proficient with various weapons and formidable in barehanded combat. His unique ability to mimic fighting and training techniques, honed through careful observation of both real-world and fictional sources, further enhanced his combat repertoire, excluding supernatural abilities like elemental powers or magic. After retiring from the military, Masashi's interests expanded far beyond combat; during his retirement, he immersed himself in various hobbies such as cooking, singing, crafting, playing musical instruments, and more. His greatest passion was blacksmithing, where he dedicated himself to perfecting his swords, making them stronger and sharper. Masashi Kenjiro maintained an aura of invincibility, always with his katana by his side, unchallenged even by military or police forces. However, fate dealt him a cruel twist when he met his untimely end beneath the wheels of a truck while on a routine trip to the grocery store. (If you wanna know why he got easily killed by truck read the prologue) In a remarkable turn of events, Masashi found himself reborn as a baby, awakening near a clinic with his memories fully preserved. To his astonishment, he realized he had been reborn into the world of Bleach, taken in as the adopted son of the Kurosaki family. Clutched in his tiny hands was a letter bearing the heartfelt plea, "Please adopt him; his name is Kenjiro." Kenjiro always forget and remember bleach plot at crucual time

Phantonim · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Timeskip (4 Years)

4 Years Have Passed :

"Bro, wake up! We're going to the karate dojo with Mom, you said you join with me remember," Ichigo said, shaking Kenjiro's body in an attempt to wake him.

"Five more minutes... just five more minutes," Kenjiro mumbled, half-asleep.

Five minutes passed, and Ichigo tried again to wake him, but received the same sleepy response. Frustrated, Ichigo called out, "Mom, Kenjiro won't wake up!"

Masaki came up and gently tried to rouse Kenjiro. "Kenjiro, wake up. You said you wanted to go to the dojo and learn how to fight with Ichigo."

"Five more minutes, please... just five minutes," Kenjiro replied, still half-asleep.

"It's already been five minutes. Wake up," Masaki insisted, shaking his body gently. But Kenjiro still didn't budge. A tick mark of frustration appeared on her forehead. "I said, WAKE UP!"

Ichigo, startled by his mother's sudden shout, stepped back. Kenjiro, shocked by the loud command, immediately sprang up. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" he said quickly, rubbing his eyes.

When Kenjiro was adopted by Isshin and Masaki, he quickly realized he was in the world of Bleach. Although he only knew a small part of the plot, he decided he wouldn't mess with the events too much. He had seen the ending and understood that the world's fate rested on the protagonist's shoulders. Any interference could spell disaster, so he chose to lay low for a while.

One morning, Masaki came into their room and said, "Now that you're both awake, let's have lunch, take a bath, and get ready for the dojo."

After following her instructions, Masaki walked Ichigo and Kenjiro to the dojo, which was conveniently close to their house. Once they arrived, she said, "Now I'll leave you here. Don't worry, I'll come to pick you up as soon as the lesson is done."

Kenjiro responded, "Okay, Mom," while Ichigo looked worried. "But I don't want you to leave, Mom. I'm scared," Ichigo said with a sad face.

Masaki knelt down to Ichigo's level and reassured him, "Don't worry, Ichigo. You still have your brother with you. Isn't that right, Kenjiro?"

"Yeah, that's right. Don't worry, Ichigo. I'll protect you," Kenjiro said, while thinking to himself, Did Ichigo really act like this as a child? What caused him to change and become so delinquent? I've forgotten.

Ichigo looked a bit more reassured and said, "Okay, Mom, I'll wait for you."

Masaki smiled warmly. "That's my boy," she said, then addressed both of them, "Stay strong both of you listen to your instructor. I'll be going now. Good luck!"

As Masaki waved goodbye, Ichigo and Kenjiro waved back, ready to face their day at the dojo.

Then sparring come :

"Ichigo and Tatsuki, step forward and put on your protective gear," the instructor commanded. Ichigo and Tatsuki complied, facing each other with determination. The instructor reminded them of the rules and signaled them to get ready.

"START!" The instructor's command echoed through the dojo. Ichigo charged at Tatsuki, aiming punches, but Tatsuki deftly blocked them and countered with a solid punch to Ichigo's face. The impact knocked Ichigo down, and the match was quickly declared over.

Ichigo, tears streaming down his face, couldn't hold back his emotions. Kenjiro, seeing his brother cry, approached him gently. "It's okay to lose, Ichigo. You don't need to cry," he comforted, but Ichigo sobbed harder. "It's not because I lost... it just hurts," Ichigo managed to say amid his tears.

Kenjiro was puzzled. "What? Did he cry because it hurt? I barely heard an impact," he thought to himself. Trying to console Ichigo, Kenjiro said reassuringly, "Mom will be here soon. Stop crying; Mom doesn't like to see us sad."

Ichigo gradually calmed down. "Really?" he asked, looking up at Kenjiro, who nodded. "Yes," Kenjiro affirmed silently pondering, "Did Ichigo become like this because Mom isn't here? Wait, Mom isn't here? I remember now! Damn it, I said I wouldn't change the plot, but should I risk it? but damn it i don't know when will it happen?"

As Ichigo noticed his brother's contemplation, he asked concernedly, "Bro, are you okay?" Kenjiro quickly composed himself and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine." The instructor interrupted, announcing, "Five-minute rest is over. Next up, Tatsuki and Kenjiro, step forward, put on your protective gear, and face each other."

Kenjiro was taken aback. "Wait, I thought the sparring matches were over after Tatsuki and Ichigo. We were supposed to go home. Did things change? Well, whatever. It's just a minor change, I guess."

Tatsuki and Kenjiro geared up and faced off, both ready for the match. The instructor reiterated the rules, and tension filled the air. Tatsuki leaned in close to Kenjiro and muttered, "Don't cry like your baby brother."

Kenjiro felt a surge of irritation. "Stupid brat, I'll make you regret that. Maybe it's okay to tweak this plot a bit," he thought, feeling provoked by Tatsuki's words. The instructor yelled, "START!" and Kenjiro rushed at Tatsuki, who prepared to block his attack. But instead of striking, Kenjiro suddenly shouted, "A COCKROACH!"

Startled, Tatsuki's guard dropped momentarily as she frantically looked around. Ichigo, hearing the commotion, also panicked, scanning the dojo for the insect. Meanwhile, the instructor facepalmed in frustration. "Ah, where?!" Tatsuki shouted, distracted.

Taking advantage of the moment, Kenjiro dashed forward and admitted, "I lied," as he landed a punch squarely on Tatsuki's face, knocking her down. Tatsuki, stunned and in tears, accused Kenjiro, "You cheated! That's not fair!"

The instructor intervened, declaring, "The match doesn't count; Tatsuki still wins." Kenjiro started to protest, "But..." only to be cut off by the instructor sternly stating, "No 'buts.' I already explained, no dirty tricks allowed. Next time if you do something like this i will tell your parents."

Frustrated, Kenjiro clicked his tongue. Ichigo approached him, suggesting, "Bro, I think you should apologize to her." Kenjiro initially refused, asking, "Why should I?" But seeing Ichigo's earnest expression, he relented and reluctantly approached Tatsuki.

"Are you okay?" he asked, extending his hand sincerely. Tatsuki, still emotional from the earlier exchange, slapped away Kenjiro's hand. "I don't need your help. I can stand on my own. I can't believe you'd resort to this just because of what I said. Do you have no shame?"

Kenjiro sighed, admitting, "I used that method because I thought I was going to lose to you," while inwardly reflecting, 'I could have won without cheating, but I just wanted to see the ugly look on your face. But I can't say that out loud.'

Tatsuki shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you think winning is everything," she remarked with disappointment.

"Yes, is winning all that matter?" Kenjiro replied simply, leaving Tatsuki dumbfounded. "I hate you," she spat out, feeling betrayed by Kenjiro's actions.

The dojo lesson concluded, and Masaki arrived. Ichigo greeted her with a smile and ran to her, while Kenjiro walked over quietly after his argument with Tatsuki.

"I'm here, let's go home, kids," Masaki said warmly as they prepared to leave. On their way out, Kenjiro glanced back at Tatsuki. Tatsuki cheekily stuck her tongue out at him, provoking Kenjiro's ire. He instinctively gestured with a thumbs-down, almost reflexively tempted to give her the middle finger in response.

Masaki noticed the tension and quickly ushered the children home, hoping to diffuse any lingering animosity.