
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 25: Spirits Suppressed

Red and golden leaves scattered in the air. Batsu'unsai faced Kenji. Stifled under the dull gaze, she calmed her pounding heart. At the chilling breeze, she understood her prickled skin wasn't just being affected by the wind. Kenji's aura had set the tone, slowly oozing from his relaxed body. The sounds of birds and insects ceased under the stagnant atmosphere. Only the noise of Batsu's hitched breaths could be heard.

She was anxious. She'd never actually faced Kenji. She wasn't sure what to expect. Even when she inquired about his skill from her senior, she never received a real answer. All she ever got was, 'Be careful'.

Now, beneath the shedding autumn trees, doubts and emotions threatened to besiege her before they even started. Kenji had brought Muhou with him. Having propped the Nagamaki over his shoulder, Batsu couldn't help but be cautious of the strange weapon. Its appearance was intimidating and unruly.

Its total length of 130 cm granted a greater reach, something Batsu kept in the forefront of her mind. A polished mahogany sheath hid the 60 cm shimmering steel blade. Without a handguard, Kenji's right hand barely covered any of the 70 cm black Tsuka [handle], enhancing the odd Zanpakutou. Two frayed red cords coiled around the handle, giving it a battle-worn sensation.

Kenji's amused voice broke her from the stupor.

"Are you ready Batsu?"

She nodded and gave a hum of approval.


"Then start. Use your Zanpakutou. Prove you're worth my attention."

She didn't take his words to heart. Learning from Furoufushi, she consciously released her Reiatsu. Kenji lifted an eyebrow and braced Muhou on the ground. Leaning on his Zanpakutou, he invited Batsu's attack.

"Come then. Show me."


"Happ~!" *cling*

Batsu rushed forward with a downward slash. Kenji calmly unsheathed Muhou and parried the overhead threat. He flicked the blade causing Batsu to stumble back.

"Afraid to take risks. Afraid to shout at us. Afraid to attack. Again."

Kenji leaned Muhou over his shoulder, boredom in his provocation. Batsu gritted her teeth and dug her feet into the ground. Forcing her legs to strain, she burst forward aiming to cleave his lower half from his upper.

*clang* *shup* *thud*

Meeting her blade before his skin, he flicked her off course. Her deflected attack arced up and over his head. With measured movement, he shoved her away with his free hand. Batsu couldn't control her balance, making her backpedal and fall on her rear end. She lowered her head in frustration. Kenji scoffed, seeing Batsu give up.

"Is this it? This is it. Not even twenty seconds. No wonder everyone left you huh?"


Batsu'unsai exploded in indignation. Yet she continued kneeling on the ground. Kenji's lips coiled into a deep frown.

"I made a mistake. You are naïve. What do you want? My pity?"

Gnashing her teeth, she kept quiet. He sneered looking at her stooped body.

"This really was a mistake. You think your big sister's gonna save you huh? You think mommy and daddy's gonna come back? Really? Here, let's see how long it takes for you to see the truth."

Kenji stabbed Muhou into the ground and picked up the large mahagony sheath. He marched closer to her kneeling figure. Looking down at her frail, trembling body, he frowned. A glimmer of something flashed through his softening eyes. They quickly hardened again.

"You gonna stay like that?"

*Thwack* "Khuu~"

He hit her exposed arms with the solid sheath. Batsu hissed in pain.

"Stay down then."

*Thwack* "Kaah!"

"Like a dog."

*Thwack* "Errk."

"Hide yourself away."


"Like a rat."


"Believe nothing's worth it."


"Like a bottom-feeder."


"Pretend. Pretend that it's not you."


"And wait for nothing…"

*Smack* *creak*

"Anything to say?"

Batsu snatched his sheath with her bruised hand. Her lowered face was a mess of silent trickling tears and bleeding bitten lips. A broken voice snuck out of her shattered heart.

"*sniff* Wh-what do I do then?"

Kenji's expression softened. Delicately, he instructed his student.

"Fight. That's it. Find it. Search for it. If that's what it takes. Fight. Don't stop until you have it. Now stand up."

Batsu'unsai let go of the sheath. She struggled to stand but managed to do so on shaking legs. Her bruised arms suffered beneath the sleeves of her checkered hanten. Her head remained lowered. Hair obscuring her hidden face.

Kenji made another demand.

"Look at me."

She raised her stained face; streams of tears and blood ran down her chin. Kenji could finally see her for the first time. Behind her glasses, listless, numb eyes stared through him. He searched her slackened face. Her doll-like expression stung his heart. She waited for him, like a dead, lifeless toy.

But that didn't stop him from smiling. Kenji nodded his head in approval, humming in appreciation.

"Hn. Good. This is the first step Batsu. Now ready your sword."


"Good. Attack. Let loose. All of it."

*step* *step* *step* *shhh~* *Whish* *Fwoosh*

Leaves slid across the ground with her dragging feet. She stood in front of Kenji and lashed out in short, direct strikes. Glinting flashes of light reflected the random, sporadic attack pattern she unleashed. With no rhyme or reason, she shed any thought and swung.

A soft voice floated down to her as she kept slashing and stabbing.

"Let it go."

*ting* *Clang* "…"


*Cling* *Pling* "…"

A warm murmur lingered, leading her forward.

'Don't give up. You're almost there.'

*rustle* "…"

'It's okay now…'



*sniff* *sniffle* "…"

'It's okay now.'

*whimper* 'R-really?' *sniff*

'Your big sister's here too.'

Under Autumn's crimson canopy, Batsu's hands wrenched her Zanpakutou. Kenji walked up, unafraid. Standing at her side, he stroked her hair and softly patted her back. Hearing his request, Furoufushi approached the two and hugged Batsu from behind. She heard the fragile girl quietly weep between them. Gently, Furoufushi squeezed her collapsing sister. Feeling a sting in her chest for the first time in a long time. She closed her eyes and accepted it.

The two fell to the ground, Furoufushi holding Batsu in place. Keeping her chained to the earth so she could cry.

After two weeks of uncertainty, two weeks of anxiety, Batsu felt her buried heart begin to beat again. She was too afraid to ask. But she made it. Years in an emotional abyss were now being handled with care and concern. The isolation began to unravel. She wouldn't have to run or hide.

The safety she desperately wanted started to mend her fractured heart. It would take a long time. But it was a start. Relief flooded her fading consciousness.

She was tired. She finally found something worth staying for.

Leaning on Furoufushi, Batsu fell asleep. Hearing her peaceful breathing, Kenji looked down at Furoufushi. He uttered another request.

"Let's head back. We can talk as we walk."

She gave a quick nod and headed over to pick up Batsu'unsai's Zanpakutou. Kenji knelt down and swooped up Batsu's legs, cradling her. They walked out of the woods down District 64's dirt roads. Furoufushi brought something to attention.

"Tenchou, earlier, I beat the brat lurking around our place."

Kenji nodded his head in understanding. He considered what to do and ultimately left it up to his eldest. He approved of her decision.

"That's fine. Just keep an eye out."

Furoufushi lifted her eyebrow. And turned her head to him. Resolute and ready, she wondered about the next step.

"Should I deal with it?"

"No. It's not like there's any real danger."

She nodded again before looking at the sleeping Batsu'unsai. She smirked and made a comment.

"Really. The little princess is a handful."

"Got that right. Not that you're any better."


"Shhh~. Quiet."

"She's not gonna wake up asshole! Don't shush me, you're just using her as an excuse, phony bastard."

"Heh. I really enjoyed the past seven days of etiquette training."

"Huh? I suddenly forgot what I was saying. Sorry."

Furoufushi clamped her mouth shut in willing silence. Kenji lips formed a wicked smirk as his narrowed eyes glanced down at her. He brought up the recent news.

"I heard your sealed Zanpakutou let you in. How'd that go?"

Grinning, Furoufushi lifted her Zanpakutou to his face. Pointing to the new transformation, she happily provided the account.

"I woke up this morning and found it with these cool changes. Look, the handguard is golden and looks like a star now. The sheath is super shiny now. And the handle is pink. I really dig the new look. Oh! Also, the blade is sharper. Pretty sweet eh Tenchou!"

"Looks fancy. How was the progress with your Shikai?"

Furoufushi's shoulders dropped at the question. Her face morphed into a grimace. She muttered, unenthusiastic to report the encounter.

"I'm halfway. I gave her two pieces. She said I have two more to go. Then she beat my ass again."

Kenji chuckled and then provided a positive outlook. She narrowed her eye at his amusement.

"Hehe. Well, halfway is good progress. If you spend your time well, you might come up with the other two. We have a little less than two weeks until that Autumn Gathering. You'll see some real fighters there. People who you'll be competing against for the rest of your life."

"Speaking of which Tenchou, can you explain the whole gathering thingy? Who's all coming? I don't know jack about those clan kids."

"Mn. I'll do it when our youngest wakes up. That'd probably be around dinner."

Furoufushi was tempted to hear about the Seireitei Clans now, but after looking at the sleeping Batsu'unsai, she relented. Kenji had a small grin after witnessing her silence. He decided to pick up the pace.

"Come. We can go a little faster."

*whish* *whish*


Floating in a pool of liquid, Batsu'unsai felt a cool buzz on her back. Batsu's eyes fluttered open. She tilted her head in confusion as she looked at the empty black sky above. Realizing she was lying down, her mind rewound. Memories of her spar with Kenji surfaced. The oddity of the situation weighed on her. Anxiety and fear coursed through her veins as she sat up in a hurry.

Her mind strayed to the worst possible outcome again. She'd been left alone again.

However, before she could panic, a husky, feminine voice echoed, trying to comfort her.

"Calm, Batsu'unsai. No one's left you. Breathe."

Batsu's eyes flickered around in bewilderment. She looked at her surroundings. She sat in a pool of ankle-high cloudy liquid. It refused to reflect anything. She swept her eyes around. Noticing the sloping ridges and ashen stone, she came to a strange conclusion. She was sitting in a shallow caldera.

The same, echoing voice of a woman caught her attention.

"Good. Relax. I'll send you back if you're feeling uncomfortable."


Batsu's mutter lingered in the empty black sky. The voice rang throughout the caldera.

"I'm next to your feet."

Batsu shifted her feet underneath herself. Nestled in front of her was a curious and familiar creature. Her thoughts slipped out.

"A rabbit?"

It stood on the surface of the liquid. Its fur possessed a golden tinge, yet it was iridescent in nature. Below two floppy, fluffy ears was a pair of piercing red eyes that peered back at Batsu. Twitchy whiskers framed a black button nose.

It bowed in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Batsu'unsai. Although I cannot offer my name, I hope that you know I've been here alongside you. Also, I'm a cute hare."

Batsu made the connection while listening.

"My Zanpakutou?"

The hare nodded in confirmation. Its pleasing voice echoed once more.

"As expected of you. I would happen to be your blade."

"I see. And this is…"

Batsu scanned her strange surroundings once again. The smooth, sloping, pale stone surface captivated her. Seeing the high ridge of the caldera, she couldn't calculate the distance to the top. With the black sky and lack of landmarks, there was no way to pinpoint how far it was.

The hare provided an answer.

"Your inner world. This caldera, the murky liquid at our feet, the black cloud above, all of it is your inner world."

"Black clouds?"

Pushing her glasses, Batsu stared up at the empty black 'sky'. Nothing hinted at its formation as clouds. In fact, they spanned far past the visible ridge of the caldera.

The hare clarified her misunderstanding.

"Cloud. Only one hangs above our heads."


She was stunned into silence; the size of the singular cloud was enormous. If she had to put it into perspective, the cloud could cover two or three districts of Rukongai. Even then, she couldn't properly see over the ridge of the caldera. It could span who knows how far. After having studied the anomaly, Batsu turned her attention back to her immediate surroundings. Noting the caldera's sloping stone and lipped ridges.

"What a fascinating place. It's almost like a lunar crater."

"I would have to agree with your sentiment. As expected of my wielder. An astute observation."

Batsu finished staring up at the sky and turned her attention back to the eye-catching golden hare.

"So. What next?"

"I will test you. Your teacher has guided you on the path. I will judge if you are worthy. As of right now, you are too weak. You need time to recover, to grow. Return and rest. You've made great strides today. Spend time with your family and prepare for tomorrow."

"Is that so?"

The hare shook its head after hearing Batsu's disappointed remark.

"Do not be disheartened Batsu'unsai. Be proud, return, and share the news. Remember. You've now passed your teacher's test."

Batsu's eyes widened in realization. Her lips curled up in a graceful smile. A warm sensation rushed through her chest. It was an immensely fulfilling achievement.

The hare nodded in approval.

"Those are good eyes. Now off with you. Celebrate your success."

Unable to say farewell, Batsu felt her mind lighten like a feather. And soon after, she was whisked away from the caldera.