
Bleach: Bonds of causality

i'll think of one later.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter: 1

8:00 pm

It happened so fast Dad's back exploded with blood and I was knocked outside I wasn't even sure what the thing that hit me was all I could say as I looked up at it It was holding my younger sister that it was a monster of some kind. It had a skeletal appearance with a white mask covering its face, The mask had a menacing design with holes for the eyes and a wide-open mouth. The body is somewhat humanoid but deformed, showcasing a bony and emaciated figure. I lay on the floor unable to move because of the pain I was in I felt so hopeless as I stared at the monster that held my younger sister, Yuzu. I didn't even know what to do what could I do?

"Riku, Yuzu." A familiar concerned voice called out.

Hearing the voice I used the little bit of strength I had to look back in the direction of my house looked over to see the owner of the voice and saw that it was none other than my elder brother Ichigo Kurosaki. Ichigo had orange hair and was still wearing his school uniform baseball bat in hand as he ran toward the monster, he intended to attack it. When Ichigo got close to the monster it threw a punch which Ichigo had to block with the baseball bat which broke on impact knocking him not too far away from me. The monster then threw another strike at Ichigo to try and kill him but a girl wearing a black shikakusho wielding a sword cut into the arm of the monster that was holding Yuzu causing it to release Yuzu from its grasp and Ichigo caught her. Yuzu seemed to have passed out as he was trying to shake her awake while calling out to her. The girl in the black shikakusho landed in front of Ichigo say something along the lines of: "Stay calm boy. The hollow has not eaten any of your family's souls yet."

Hollow, eating souls what's happening right now is that thing called a hollow and it can eat souls I'm so confused but it seems like Brother has a slightly better understanding of what's going on if only a little, and the conversation between Brother and the girl dressed in black wasn't any better for me.

"It hasn't."

"Not even the soul of your father who lies on the floor."

"Wait! You said hollows attack people to eat their souls so why'd that thing attack my family."

I would like to know that too. I would voice my thoughts if I could but I was too tired to even speak.

"Hollows are drawn to high amounts of spirit energy… but they also attack opportunistically."

"What does that mean?" 

"I have never known a human who could see a soul reaper…"

So wait she's a soul reaper but I can see her too.

"Or breaking a binding spell before… I haven't heard of a human with so much spirit energy before."

"I believe he was looking for you."

"What! He was after me!?" Ichigo asked in shock and confusion.

"All this… was because of me my family was attacked because of me.

"Wait that's not what I meant…"

I just realized something as glanced behind the girl the hollow was standing right behind her I didn't even realize it because I was paying attention to the conversation I tried to say something to tell them seeing as they didn't realize either but I couldn't say anything the hollow swung its fist hitting the girl into the wall across from my house.

"Soul reaper!"

The hollow released a shrill howl my and Ichigo's attention to it he gritted his teeth and said.

"I've had enough of you." 

"Hey ugly you want my soul?" he asked

"Then fight me like a man!! Forget the others!! It's me you want!! So kill me!!"

Brother, what are you doing? Don't try to fight that thing.

The hollow opened its mouth seemingly pleased with Ichigo's statements then rushed at him jaws wide open screeching while doing so. Before it could bite into Ichigo the girl in black appeared between Ichigo taking the hit for him with her sword lodged between its teeth cutting into its mouth. The hollow stepped back releasing the girl from its jaws and holding its face howling in pain. The girl collapsed on the floor in pain.

"Wha soul reaper."

"You fool," she said huffing on the floor in pain.

"Fool… Did you think it would be over if you gave him your soul? Then you are a fool!"

"I'm sorry…. I just wanted to…"

"I fear… I cannot console you… I'm too badly injured to fight it…"

"It is a matter of time… until we all become its food…"

Hearing this Ichigo gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in hopelessness. And a sudden amount of dread crept into my heart. The girl seeing Ichigo's expression asked.

"Do you wish to save your family?"

Hearing her question Ichigo immediately looked at her with a look of desperation and then said.

"Just tell me how! I'll do anything!! Tell me!!"

As she sat up with a groan she said.

"There is a way… should I say there is only one way…"

She slowly picked up her sword off the ground and pointed it towards Ichigo.

"You must… become a soul reaper."

A look of shock crossed Ichigo's face. 

"What… what're you talking about? I can't a…"

"You can!" she interjected

"Place the point of my Zanpakuto, soul cutter, over your heart… and I will infuse you with half of my soul reaper powers you will temporarily have the powers of a soul reaper… to give you a chance against the hollow."

"Are you sure… you could do something like that?"

"I do not know. Perhaps because your soul is so powerful but… the chance of success is low, and… if we fail you die!"

"But there is no other way nor time to ponder it."

Ichigo stood in thought for a few moments before he was pulled from his thoughts by Yuzu's voice.

"Ichigo where are you…? Ichigo"

"Yuzu is she having a bad dream?"

"Don't come… Danger… Run… Ichigo…"

Hearing this Ichigo's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth he silently thought about something for a few seconds then he clenched his fist as a look of determination crossed his face. He then walked over to the girl while saying.

"Give me the sword soul reaper! We'll try your plan!"

A smile crossed her face as she said.

"Not 'soul reaper'. I'm Rukia Kuchiki."

"Oh, Ichigo Kurosaki nice to meetcha" he responded.

"Let's pray this won't be our last meeting."

The hollow finally getting over the pain howled in anger and started to walk toward them.

"The hollow is coming… we must hurry."

Ichigo reached out and grabbed Rukia's sword and aimed it toward his chest as the hollow drew closer.

"Ready?" Ichigo asked


The hollow broke out into a full sprint but before it could get close Rukia plunged her sword into Ichigo's chest and a blinding white light was released from them. Riku who was still watching them had to close his eyes because of the bright light.

As Riku closed his eyes, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if he had a heightened awareness of his surroundings and he could actually feel the energy being released from the now-named Rukia and Ichigo the sensation felt weird but he also felt stronger no long after the feeling appeared it disappeared as did the light. when the light died down enough for Riku to open his eyes he did he saw that the Hollow lost one of its arms and saw that Ichigo was standing behind the Hollow no longer wearing his uniform but now wearing a similar black Shihakusho that Rukia was wearing and was holding a massive oversized even katana unlike Rukia's. speaking of Rukia she was no longer wearing her Shihakusho instead she was wearing a white kimono and Hakama pants. before Riku could think about why that was the case a sudden bout of drowsiness overcame him as he passed out.

Unknown space

I woke up in a dark space that seemed to stretch on forever with the only source of light being three flames each the size of an adult and a different color from left to right: it was a white flame, a silver flame, and a multicolored flame. I didn't know if it was instinct or what but I felt pulled to the silver flame the flame itself felt familiar it felt like the energy Ichigo and Rukia were releasing. I reached out to the flame that seemed to flow onto my hand and the flame didn't burn but a few seconds after the flames rushed into my body startling me with me trying to stop it. The flames did stop but the remanding of the once adult-sized silver flame was now the size of a tennis ball. My sudden surprise faded after a while and then I realized I had the same feeling I had before I passed out the heightened sense of awareness. But when I realized that I couldn't help but think of the events that happened prior but the thing that stuck out to me the most was the swords Ichigo and Rukia had they were so cool. That was most likely my inner sword fanatic speaking I had always found swords cool well not just swords all-bladed weapons in general but swords really stuck out to me the most so much so that I took up Kendo and I am pretty good at it for my age at least. But Ichigo and Rukia's swords were cool Rukia's was simple but effective and Ichigo's was big, massive even to be classed as a typical katana which added to its cool factor. On the topic of swords, I couldn't help but think about if I had a sword how would I want it to look.

Hmm, I think a simple katana would be best with its guard being an octagram (eight-pointed star) hmm now that I think about it that's pretty much all I want.

Seemingly listening to his thoughts the small silver flame tried to change its to match the katana Riku was thinking about but it was too small it was then there was movement from the white flame started to flow onto the silver flame coating it in a large amount of white flame with the silver flame in the center like a core. The white then steadily started to form the katana with Riku no the wiser still in his thoughts.

Oh, you know what came to me what if Ichigo and Rukia's swords have special powers if so what powers would they have? With that in mind, I started making theories that my 12-year-old brain could come up with but after a while, I gave up then my thoughts returned back to What if I had a sword 

now what if I had a sword with powers I brainstormed for a while to come up with a power that would suit me I could only come up with two. One of which is the ability to create and manipulate blades so not just swords but any bladed weapon the premise would be that I could create bladed weapons to do things like rain them down opponents and such. The other would be to copy any bladed weapons that my sword has come into contact with thus allowing my sword to shift to them so I can use them. Hmm, but what about weapons like Rukia's and Ichigo's before I passed out I could see an aura around Ichigo's sword so maybe not only come into contact with it but also the aura of it Hmmm…. 

Around the same time, Riku's next set of thoughts started the multicolored flame started to move as well but at a much smaller amount than the white flame combining into the steadily finishing katana that unleashed a bright flash of light that dragged Riku from his thoughts to the source of the flash looking down he realized that the small silver flame was gone and the white flame had reduced in size by a third and the multicolored flame had barely moved. Instead of the silver flame that was in his palm, there was a beautiful silver katana that matched the description of the katana he had thought of but before he could examine the blade an intense amount of drowsiness enveloped him causing him to pass out once more.

Chapter 1: end