
Bleach: Bonds of causality

i'll think of one later.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

chapter 2

Chapter: 2


I woke up after hearing one of Dad's typical surprise attacks on Ichigo failed miserably. I got out of bed stretched and went to the bathroom to freshen up staring into the mirror, my black hair and brown eyes staring back at me. Then the memories of last night started rushing back to me. I rushed downstairs to check on everyone, noting that no one was in the living room. I looked around a bit and a gaping hole in the living room unprofessionally boarded off. Hearing voices coming from outside, I went outside standing in front of the boarded-off hole were Dad, Yuzu, Karin, and Ichigo. Dad, Yuzu, and Karin were in perfect condition as if last night didn't happen. Dad was talking about something along the lines of a truck crashing into the house and how it was a miracle that no one was hurt or woke up. 

…. What a truck? No, that's definitely not what happened. I looked over to Ichigo and had a look of pure and utter confusion on his face indicating that he remembered what happened last night. It looks like everyone memorizes lasts but mine and his were rewritten or altered…. Eh, too much thinking for the morning I'll figure it out later. He was deciding that I would forget about what happened last night for a while. After that everyone went inside, we had lunch and I headed to school. 

Karakura Middle School(cliche I know at me)

I yawned as I made my way to school. My mind goes back to what happened after I passed out the first time: what were those flames and that sword? arg… this is so frustrating. I walked into the school and straight to my class and took a seat and I immediately rested my face on my desk.

"You look like shit you know." a female-voiced said

Looking up from my desk to the owner of the voice and recognizing who it was I said.

"You know you shouldn't be cursing right Liltotto?" I asked.

Liltotto shrugged at my question. Liltotto Lampered was a petite young girl with chin-length blonde hair and purple eyes wearing our school female uniform which consisted of a white button-up shirt, a red tie, and a gray skirt that reached her knees.

"I heard a truck crashed into your house, is that true?"

Deciding to go along with the story that everyone seemed to know I replied.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just checking is everyone ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine."


She took her seat next to me as we waited for the teacher to come to class. We talk about things that happened in yesterday's class absent-mindedly. The teacher eventually came to class and we got on with class.

The school day eventually came to an end and I walked home as usual taking my normal route and walking by an abandoned construction site. things were normal until I heard a scream from inside the abandoned site. I stopped walking after hearing the scream and started contemplating what I should do. The typical and most reasonable answer was to walk away: stranger danger, it's not my problem and the morally right answer was to go help.

".... Damn my bleeding heart it's so gonna get me killed one day."

I ran into the site at full speed stopping at a clearing in the middle of the site and seeing a very familiar yet unfamiliar sight. a woman in a full business suit with a chain hanging out of her chest and she was being held up by a large ape with green fur and a hole through its chest. Instead of a face, it had a white mask in the shape of an ape's face. noting the situation I realized what was happening.

"a soul and that monster it's like the one from last night. What did Ichigo call it again a hollow right? it's trying to eat the soul, what am I gonna do?"

picking up a stone from the ground and throwing it at the hollow hitting it in the side of its face then shouting.

"hey ugly over here!"

the hollow looked over at me and howled/screamed (honestly I don't know what the sound is called.) and dropped the woman and rushed at me.

"I really didn't think this one through did I?" 

I ran around the clearing to get away from the hollow. As I was running I noticed a flat iron pole around the size of a kendo stick on the ground in the distance I quickly darted towards the iron pole, picking it up as the hollow closed in on me. I slid to a halt steadied myself and took a breath pulling on my kendo training as the hollow closed in it threw a punch remembering last night and knowing it not a wise idea to take a direct hit from that thing I raised the flat side of the pole and twisted my body in a way that when the hollows fist made contact it grazed off the pole throwing the attack off balance and allowing me into its guard. I swung at its face to see if I could kill the hollow by cracking its mask. my attack landed but it did nothing to its mask.

'not enough force.'

I noticed swinging its other arm at me which I had to block as I was in no position to deflect or redirect the attack. The steel pole took most of the damage and broke and the remaining force knocked me into a wooden crate. The force of my body slamming into it broke it on contact. I grunted as I lay on the ground with broken wood around me. The hollow started to walk over to me.

'I knew this was a bad idea.' 

I thought sitting up from the hit I just received. my arms felt numb from blocking that attack and the hollow continued walking over to me. thinking about how hopeless the situation was and I couldn't help but think back to last night and how I felt hopeless as well. while I was silently reminiscing about last night my thoughts wandered back to the flames and the sword and the feeling they gave off as I did I felt two familiar feelings in my chest not really having anything to lose I mentally pulled on the feeling and a sudden burst of strength shot through my body and the familiar feeling of my awareness of my surroundings came over me.

as the hollow that was over me by this point threw a punch at me a burst of silver and white energy was released from my body knocking the hollow back a few feet. standing on my feet I clenched my hands looking between them and noticed in my left hand was a familiar silver katana and a silver sheath on my waist I also noticed that I was in a black shihakusho one similar to what Ichigo was wearing last night.


 I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the hollow roar turning my attention back to the I quickly remembered what I was doing prior. The hollow rushed at me once more I sheathed the sword then entered a quick draw stance and took a breath entering a state of hyper focus. The hollow got closer. I didn't lose my stance. It wasn't until the hollow was a few inches away from me that I drew my blade and slashed horizontally with all the force I could muster. The silver blade sliced effortlessly through the air, cutting through the hollow's mask and head. the hollow let out a deafening scream, disintegrating into dark particles as its body disappeared. 

realizing that the fight was over I ran over to check on the soul I saved when I got over to where she last was I found her hiding cowering in fear I walked over to her and with a smile I said.

"ma'am it's fine now it's gone now."

The woman noticed my presence and turned to look at me, fear still evident in her eyes. After looking around a bit and realizing that the hollow was gone.

"is.... is it gone."

"Yes, it's gone, ma'am." 

Relieved, the woman slowly began to calm down. "Thank you, young man. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

"It's no problem. My name is Riku, by the way."

She hesitated for a moment before introducing herself. "I'm Rina. Thank you, Riku. I didn't think anyone would come to help me."

I smiled warmly. "Well, I couldn't just ignore someone in trouble. Are you hurt?"

Rina shook her head. "No, just scared out of my wits

I nodded with a smile then out of reflex or something I didn't know I rested the bottom of my katana on her head and a light blue light was released from her head. Rina started panicking as her body started to disappear into blue particles.

As Rina's body completely disappeared I stared at the spot unsure of what I did and sighed as I collapsed to my knees the adrenalin and strength that coursed through my body slowly faded away as the sword and the shihakusho both started fading into silver and white particles. I got up, arms aching as I slowly made my way home.

I got home, went inside said evening to Dad, Yuzu, and Karin, and went straight to my room and fell face-first into my bed passing out instantly.

Unknown space

I woke up in an unfamiliar space but unlike last time it wasn't an all-black space. This time it was a massive plain with a massive tree right in front of me. sitting in front of the tree was a girl who looked about 18 with long silver hair that reached her back and was wearing a silver dress that emphasized her bust cleaning a very familiar silver katana. She looked up from cleaning the katana looking directly at me then said.

"We have much to speak about creator." 

Chapter 2:END