
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
198 Chs

Get out

Ichigo cursed and looked at Orihime and Tatsuki. He smiled warmly at them. "Sorry guys, but can you hide in the bathroom? It's only for a while I swear." Ichigo told them. Orihime looked at Tatsuki.

"Come on let's go!" Orihime grabbed Tatsuki's hand and they dashed to the bathroom. Yuzu looked at the girls in shock.

"They're so beautiful..." She muttered. Karin arrived beside Yuzu.

" What have you done now, Yuzu? " Karin asked her with a bored tone. Yuzu looked at Ichigo who was looking at her with a betrayed look.

" I told dad Ichigo had two girls in his room. " Yuzu whispered. Karin groaned.

" So that's why he was acting insane downstairs. Good thing I punched him." Karin muttered. Ichigo got up and stood in front of his weapons. He kept staring at it. Karin and Yuzu looked at the weapons.

" Where did he get those—

"Ichigoooooo!!!!!" Ichigo narrowed his eyes. He hated that tone.

" Ichigo my son! You're finally becoming a man now! I want see my third and fourth daughters—

"Get out of my room now." Ichigo growled. Isshin didn't falter. Instead, he got closer to him.

"C'mon! Where are they?! I wanna see them!" Isshin asked with a perverted grin. Ichigo grabbed the hilt of his claymore.

" They're nowhere to be found, dipshit. I'm not going to let you get to them." Ichigo grabbed the claymore and khyber knife. He walked in front of the closed bathroom door and looked at Isshin.

"Why not!?" Isshin asked loudly with a raised eyebrow. Ichigo pointed the claymore at him.

"Because I said so. Now can you please get out of my room?" Ichigo asked him nicely.

"What if I said no?" Isshin mocked.

"Then I'll cut you up and eat you raw. " Ichigo answered him and pointed his claymore at him. When he raised his claymore even higher, Isshin got the message.

"Alright okay! I'm going!" Isshin ran away. Ichigo waited for a while before putting his weapons against the wall. He looked at Yuzu and gave her the plates.

" I'm not mad Yuzu. I'm just shocked." Ichigo ruffled her hair. Yuzu smiled at him and walked away. Karin closed the door.

Ichigo went into the bathroom and saw Orihime and Tatsuki fully clothed. "Aw come on. You put on your clothes already?" Ichigo grumbled. Tatsuki huffed and crossed her arms.

"And let your crazy ass dad see our boobs? " Tatsuki argued back.

" Hey! I was out there protecting both of your dignities. He's never seeing your boobs." Ichigo argued. Tatsuki and Orihime smiled and went up to him.

"My hero!! Hihihi." Orihime giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Tatsuki smiled.

"Thanks Ichigo." Tatsuki thanked and kissed him on his cheek. Ichigo blushed a little and grinned.

" Awww look Orihime he's blushing! " Tatsuki teased. Orihime smiled and kept kissing his cheek.

"Chu~! Chu~! Chu~!" Orihime stopped kissing and looked at Ichigo's lips. Ichigo looked at her and smirked.

He hugged her and kissed her in the lips. Orihime gasped at the surprise kiss but she didn't mind it.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds. Ichigo ended the kiss and looked straight into her orangey-brown eyes. "I like you, Orihime." He whispered. Orihime widened her eyes in surprise.

"R-really?" She asked him. Ichigo nodded.

"Mhm. I've noticed it a long time ago. I just didn't act upon it because I wasn't sure." Ichigo answered. He heard Tatsuki clear her throat. He looked at her.

Tatsuki had a flustered look." What about me then huh? " She asked him with a raised eyebrow. Ichigo grinned.

" You're a special case. I didn't know you had feelings for me until a few minutes ago." Ichigo told her.

" Tatsuki. How about we share him? " Orihime asked her out of the blue. Tatsuki widened her eyes.

"Ehh????" Tatsuki was very shocked that Orihime would even suggest that. Ichigo was also shocked as well. He expected someone like Rangiku to suggest that, not the innocent Orihime.

"What? I thought sharing is caring? I don't mind that." Orihime looked at them with a confused face.

"I don't want to know how that idea even came to fruition." Ichigo grumbled to himself.

"How about we give it a try? If it doesn't work then it doesn't work. " Tatsuki suggested.

" Great idea Tatsuki! " Orihime answered with a warm smile. Ichigo sighed.

" Alright. Then it's settled. I'll walk you guys home. " Ichigo told them.

" We'll be fine— Chu!~"

Tatsuki widened her eyes as Ichigo smashed his lips onto hers. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Ichigo released it. He grinned at her.

" You were saying? " Ichigo asked again. Tatsuki growled and clenched her fists tightly. Ichigo laughed and they exited his bedroom.

They walked down the stairs and exited the house. Once they were outside, Tatsuki and Orihime looked at him.

Orihime hugged him. "Bye bye, Ichigo. I'll see you at school tomorrow." Orihime muttered as she buried her head into his chest. Ichigo smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Bye bye, Hime. See you tomorrow." Ichigo replied to her. He looked at Tatsuki.

"Ugh." Tatsuki grumbled and hugged him as well.

"See you tomorrow, idiot." Tatsuki muttered. Ichigo chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Bye, Tatsuki. See you tomorrow." Ichigo muttered. Tatsuki released the hug and smiled at him.

The girls waved at him with Ichigo retuning the gesture. They walked away from his house and went back to their houses.

Ichigo smiled as he watched them walking away.

But that smile turned into a frown. 'Peace won't last long. I have approximately a month left before Rukia comes barging in my room. Within that time I have to master my Fullbring, learn how to wield my weapons skillfully and—

"Here comes the pain!" Ichigo widened his eyes before dodging a flying kick from his dad.

Ichigo kneed Isshin in the gut. "Ughhh...." Isshin groaned and kneeled down on the ground. Ichigo looked at him.

"Do you never learn from your mistakes?" Ichigo asked him.

"Never, Ichigo." Isshin muttered while he slowly got up.

"Guess all those punches and kicks finally messed up your head. Stop it, get some help." Ichigo mumbled and walked back in the house.

But before he could, Isshin called him again. Ichigo looked at him. Isshin had a rare serious look on his face.

"I wanna ask, where did you get those weapons?" Isshin asked him.

"Look old man, if you think I'm involved with some gang shit—

"Not what I meant Ichigo. Where did you find them? They look so unique." Isshin asked again. Ichigo's face scrunched up.

' Does this guy think I have a Zanpakuto?' Ichigo thought to himself.

"I got these from my Master at the Kung Fu dojo. Dad, I swear if you're going to use them to wake me up—

" I would never, Ichigo! Fist and kicks are all I need to wake you up! " Isshin cracked his knuckles and grinned. Ichigo chuckled in amusement.

" Like it'll do anything to me when it lands. Goodnight old man. Don't die in your sleep...