
Bleach - Sleepless nights

Sleep isn't familiar to him. His mind just cannot wander off and have a calm night of blissfully sleeping. He's a problem for his division and mostly the 4th division where he makes daily visits. However, he's known for his analytical eye which is sought after from several divisions in the Gotei 13. Even those with ill-intent.

AndyWhite · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Negar was kneeling at an altar. It was a shrine to worship his fore-father the Hollow who could even best Baraggan Louisenbairn.

The great hollow, Ikomikidomoe.

"The times are becoming rough. There's dissent within the village and I've slain countless of my own brothers. Am I doing it right? Should I be killing my brothers because they do not agree with me? It feels wrong but it must be done to preserve the culture and history of ancestors. Please give me a sign that I'm doing the right thing." He pleaded.

"I come bearing urgent news, Lord Negar," Maria said as he knelt before him.

"Speak, Maria."

"Lucia has been slain. She engaged with two Shinigami and was bested in combat. She perished after entering her realised form."

Her words and sentences broke every now and then and her voice wavered and cracked when she spoke.

"I know how you feel. I'm burning inside but we must look forward. It's funny, isn't it? Shinigami believe hollows to be nothing but being hellbent on the destruction of Mankind and nothing but evil. But here they come to our home and begin killing our brothers and sisters one by one."

"She was killed out of cold blood. This is a declaration of war."

"Where were they going when you saw them?"

She thought about it for a while before answering. "They were going to the Tierras Heladas*. I don't think they know where they're going but they were going there anywhere."

"Good. Gather all the men in the village and anyone who can fight. We'll confront them there. I want it to be complete annihilation. For Lucia."

"For Lucia, M'lord."


"I'm excited to meet him. The one who was watching us probably relayed everything Negar so I think we might see him soon." Hikifune said.

"A king of Hueco Mundo eh? The concept itself is interesting to think about. A being that's in control of this entire dimension with almost no opposition. Well, these are all assumptions. But it's nice to think about.

The area we were walking in was completely cold. The sand was freezing when we touched it felt like our hands were freezing.

However, this was one of the first places with actual buildings. The buildings were pure black, probably to keep warmth inside the buildings. Smart actually.

They were like miniature castles. Each building had 4 towers on each corner of the building and a flag-waving high and blowing in the wind.

It was the same flag they'd seen before. A cross with a crown on top of it.


Negar held a flag in his hand as he stood in front of his men. He had his 2 wives to either side of him. There were around 40 of them. 38 of them were regular hollows like Adhujas and Gillian while 2 had their masks broken, not including Negar himself.

Much like Lucia the 2 with broken masks were all females who are wives of Negar. They were all beautiful in their own ways with each having different looks and flaws.

The one to the right of Negar was his most trusted warrior and advisor. Maria. His first wife. She had lovely and eccentric butterfly wings which set her apart from the others. Her hair was black and only reached her neck. Her outfit was quite revealing. She wore a vest which only reached the base of her breasts leaving her stomach open for prying eyes and her skirt was short stopping a bit above her knee.

The one the left of Negar was his 2nd wife and most intelligent warrior. Julieta. She had horns which stuck out her head which made her look like a bull but her personality was the opposite actually. She was soft-spoken and quite timid but she had the respect of all her brothers and sisters for her motherly nature.

"Brothers and Sisters, I have gathered you all for a simple reason. Revenge. We aren't going to battle with Baraggan or other hollows no, today we fight Shinigami. Shinigami who have: come to our home, destroyed our land and killed our kind all for the reason that it is their duty. This is what makes Shinigami such evil creatures. They use the excuse of justice and peace in order to kill our kind. But I know oh I know all too well what they are,

False prophets who live in a land which is built on lies and deceit. I know all too well that they have these traditions which are built on genocide and persecution. It hurts my mind just to know what they've done and have gotten away with it."

The hollows began to grunt and agree with what he said despite not knowing what he meant.

"Today my brothers go and fight for our fallen sister. We fight for our culture. We fight for each other!"

The crowd broke out into cheers and began chanting his name.

It was truly the time for a fight.


"These buildings seem advanced, well advanced enough to support life and have people live here for prolonged periods of time," Hikifune commented.

"Captain, we have visitors. Around 40 people all of the differing strengths." This radar of mine was incredibly useful.

She began walking up the stairs to the top of the castle where we had a better view of all our enemies.

I instantly knew which one Negar was. The dominant looking one. He looked superior to everyone and looked better than all of them. He had two women flanking him, probably the wives the other Hollow told me about.

They didn't have any sort of formation or tactic but I didn't want to assume anything I didn't actually know the intelligence of my opponents. I couldn't be assumptions, that would probably lead to my downfall.

"Would you look at that Captain? They got an army for us." I was looking through the army and seeing which ones were easy pickings. The gillians and a few of the Adhujas could probably be taken out quite quickly but the ones with the masks were the most worrisome

"I feel almost honoured." Captain Hikifune took out her sword for the first time in this entire expedition.

Her sword was beautiful. It had a pink handle with a green gem embedded inside it. The hilt was a flat square with small dots on each corner of the square. The blade was almost see-through it almost looked like glass but it was still a regular sword and not her released form.

"Let me do the first greetings, Captain

"Drift into the wind, Fujin"

(A/N: Tierras Heladas = Frozen lands. I'm just using Google translate.)

Jeff the ripper Vs Heracles is such a good fight..

AndyWhitecreators' thoughts