
Blaze and the Monster Machines: Calling among Angel

The story begins where Secret Powers left off. But now Blaze travels alone. But he won't be alone for long. The bounty hunters are after him. Will he make it to pond or get captured by bounty hunters?

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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13 Chs

Vet of jungle

Blaze woke from the sharp pain from his front axle.

He took a deep breath and looked around. He was in some kind of garage. He stood up and saw the white truck talking with Red. He listened closely to every word.

"He is strong," Red said:" Like his mother." "Actually," said the white truck:" The wound was bad so normal truck could have died from the infection or fell into coma from oil loss." "Luckily, he is not normal truck," Red answered:" He's special." Blaze felt touched by it that his father, who made him run away, was calling him special.

Then the truck turned around and went into the garage. "You're awake!" she shouted:" How you're feeling, son." "Good actually," Blaze answered. "That's good," said the white truck:" I was able to fix it, but you maybe have an infection. I gave already you the antibiotics. But it's not enough. I will gave you the antibiotics what you can take along." "Thanks!" Blaze said:" But why are you in the jungle?" "I'm actually a vet," said white truck:" I take care of animals around here. And the trucks, who are passing this garage. You can call me medic Nature." "Blaze," said Blaze.

After the while Blaze was ready to go. "One more thing!" said medic Nature:" It's getting more dangerous when you got deeper into forest. Some of the animals had the wounds i not normaly see. Be careful when you got to the Cave of Fear. There all the animals go in but only few got out but they died in following day." Blaze nogged. "The next destination is the Cave of Fear," Red said. "Oh dear!" said medic Nature. "We can make it," Blaze said:" I have been in more dangerous situatsion."

But when they got there then they froze. It was very dark in there.

Will they get trough it?