
Blaze and the Monster Machines: Calling among Angel

The story begins where Secret Powers left off. But now Blaze travels alone. But he won't be alone for long. The bounty hunters are after him. Will he make it to pond or get captured by bounty hunters?

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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13 Chs

Unexpected mate

Blaze waved goodbye to the All-Knower and drove into the off-road track.

He saw a ramp and jumped it. He landed onto his wheels. "Blaze?" somebody asked. Blaze froze. It was his father calling him. "I won't let you touch me again!" Blaze shouted. Then the deep red truck drove beside him. "Don't worry," he said:" I won't. I just want to make sure that you are safe. When you don't want to call me "father" then you can call me Red." Blaze turned to face him and said:" Alright, Red, i said that i don't want your help. And you have told me many times that you won't touch me but...you did." Then he turned around and drove away. Red just stood there.

Blaze wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into the bighorn. "Baa!" shouted bighorn. Blaze casped and raced away, bighorn after him. Then Blaze triped and fell down in the cliff. Then there was a Clink! and sudden pain shot trough from his front axle. "It's seems like my luck is running out," said Blaze when he saw bighorn ready to jump off the cliff behind him.

Then he saw Red driving there and honked his horn. Bighorn said:" Baa!" and ran away. Then Red drove to Blaze's aid. "You alright?" he asked. Blaze nogged and stood up only to collapse again. "My axle is painful," Blaze told Red. Red took the quick look at the axle but then he turned away. "The bear trap!" he shouted:" It got you very badly!" Blaze casped. Red looked around. "Stay still, kid!" he ordered as he looked for something. Blaze felt dizzy but he knew that he needed to stay awake. Blaze felt as the oil was tripping from his axle.

There was nothing he could do when the blackness came over him.