
Blades & Roses

Blood. Blood was dripping from my forehead. Panting, I tried to catch my breath. For a minute, I was tempted to look back and see if the Japanese Yakuza was chasing after me. I muttered a curse, trudging through the quiet street, making sure to hide in the shadows, avoiding all streetlights. Stupid Japanese Mafia Boss and his claim to rule the mafia world. But I will never let him. Not after killing my entire family. Thinking about them, a brief flashback of my father screaming for me to flee before a bullet passed through his head, instantly ending his life, appeared in my line of vision. I clenched my hands into fists, sadness and fury burning inside me. I will make sure that the Japanese Mafia will pay for what they did. I will avenge my father. My family. From this day forward, they have declared war. And war they shall have. *** Cover Image from Google

shrEk2o3 · Urban
Not enough ratings
169 Chs

Unshed tears


On the day of my mother's burial, the sky cried with me and my father. Today, it was the same.

Rain poured down heavily while my father was being lowered on the ground, white roses were thrown on top of his casket.

Almost half of the police department was present and had given him the salute.

I felt numb.

Is this how it feels like to be an orphan?

I felt so empty and I wanted to scream.

Why did it have to be my father?

Why of all people it had to be him?

Puddles of mud started to build the surrounding barren land, the rain continuously pouring like there was no tomorrow.

When it was my turn to throw the lone white rose I had held in my hand, I gripped it tightly.

"I'll make sure you get avenged, dad. That's a promise."

I watched the flower fall, slowly on top of my father's casket, my heart breaking but my determination to make the bastard pay being sealed.