
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
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91 Chs

The six Prodigies

Azrael exited the building, which housed both his home among others and the briefing room. As he stepped out into the busy streets of Aml city, the bustle of people and the vibrant energy of the city filled his senses. The setting sun painted a warm, golden glow across the streets, bringing the city to life.

Aml city was renowned for its lively nightlife, boasting a plethora of taverns and drinking establishments that lined the streets. More upscale drinking spots were located high up in some of the city's towering buildings, and there were a number of brothels and food spots that added to the city's vibrant energy. As night approached, the city truly came alive.

Azrael wandered the streets of the city, his curiosity piqued by the mention of the Weaponry tower that Li had spoken of. He had no intention of purchasing a weapon, but he saw no harm in exploring what the tower had to offer.

After wandering aimlessly through the bustling city streets for what felt like an eternity, Azrael's eyes eventually settled on a towering structure that loomed over the surrounding buildings. It was an imposing sight, with its sleek dark design and reflective glass facade that glittered in the sunlight. As he entered the building, he was met by one of the girls stationed at the entrance.

"Good evening, sir A7," she greeted him warmly, gesturing for him to follow her. "My name is Alia, and I'll be your guide for today."

Azrael couldn't help but wonder how she knew who he was, but he decided not to dwell on it for too long.

"I'll take you to the higher level, where you'll find more suitable weapons," Alia said, leading him into the elevator.

As they ascended, Alia struck up a conversation with Azrael.

"So, what kind of weapon are you looking for?" she asked.

"Nothing in particular, I just came to look around mostly," Azrael replied.

"That's perfectly fine. I'm sure you'll find something that catches your eye," Alia said with a smile as they stepped out of the elevator, which had finally come to a halt.

Upon entering the floor, Azrael was immediately struck by the grand display of weapons, each occupying their own separate stands and some even housed within glass cases. He could sense a great level of ki emanating from the weapons, each with their own unique aura. However, Azrael also sensed an even greater ki emanating from the people walking around the room, making it clear that these people were not ordinary.

Alia began to guide Azrael around the room, showing him the various weapons and giving descriptions of each one. They stopped at a dagger called Viper, crafted by the league's head blacksmith, Dangurs Rafholt. The dagger had a curving Azure red hilt that seemed almost glowing and deadly sharp black blades that stemmed from it. Its design was sleek and enticing, making Azrael, who had never used daggers before, want to purchase it. However, he resisted the urge and continued to look at other weapons.

As they walked, Azrael's attention was drawn to a sword confined by a glass box, unlike most of the other items. Although covered, Azrael could still feel the energy radiating from the sword quite well. It was a weird energy, not ki or magic, but both. He took a closer look at the sword, noticing the sharp silver blade that connected to a slim and slightly curved hilt. As he gazed at the sword, Alia stopped his inspection and said, "That sword already has a designated buyer."

As Azrael shifted his gaze from the sword to see who the designated buyer was, a young man with jet black hair and dark brown eyes walked up to him and Alia. The man had a charming face, and he seemed to be the same age as Azrael. "That designated buyer would be me," the young man said, extending his hand to shake Azrael's with a smile on his face. "Forgive me for taking the sword from you."

As Azrael shook his hand, he froze for a moment. He definitely could not feel the young man's ki or aura before, but now, he felt a power almost like a boulder weighing down on him. He was sure that this man was definitely the strongest person in the room and by a great margin.

"I'm Levy," the young man said, shaking Azrael's hand.

"A7," he said, introducing himself before continuing, "I wasn't really planning on purchasing the sword, so don't worry about it," Azrael said.

"Well, that's a relief," Levy responded. "I have to go finalize the purchase of the sword, so I'll have to take my leave now. But I hope to see you around, A7," Levy said as he walked away with a smile.

As Azrael watched him walk away, he couldn't help but feel something off about Levy, especially his smile. It felt fake, forced even.

Although his face seemed happy, his eyes were completely different. They were dark, emotionless...they were just like Azrael's.

Azrael curiously asked Alia, who stood beside him, "Do you know who that is?" he said, shifting his gaze from Levy's to Alia.

"Yes, Levy, although that's probably not his real name, is one of the six Prodigies of the League," Alia said.

"Six Prodigies? What are those?" Azrael asked.

"According to my limited knowledge, every twenty years, six extremely talented kids of around five years of age are taken and undergo the most gruesome and highest level of training possible by the League's strongest for fifteen years. And after the fifteen years, these six people replace the former Demon Extermination Squad. The six Prodigies are very rarely seen, and their whereabouts, activities, names, and other information are kept very private," Alia explained as she and Azrael walked around the room.

Azrael was intrigued by this new information, but what intrigued him even more was what lay before him. It was not a weapon, but a mask. Unlike the other items in the room, it emitted no ki or aura. It felt blank but drew Azrael towards it.