
Blackening ! This Naruto is too OP

** Announcement : This is the rewritten version of my previous work 'Blackening! I, Naruto, The collection king' which was basically written on a whim while this one is the better part i have come over with after thinking for a long time .. ........................................................ A poor man dies unjustly in his previous life but finds himself reincarnated into the ninja world the moment he opens his eyes . And the person he has reborn into is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, The child of Prophecy, The son of 4th Hokage ... He should at least be happy to become the son of a Destiny of a whole plain but thinking of the tragic life 'Naruto' has suffered in the original series , He can't help but shivers in fright . Even the person holding him in the warm embrace doesn't look so good to him.. Looking at the cheap Father , Namikaze Minato making him the container for Nine-tails jinchuriki, Naruto shows him a middle finger after greeting the seven generations of the Namikaze family .. Fortunately , before the tragic life can begin a melodious voice sounded in his head . [ Ding !! The Collection System is online ..] [ Whether to bind with host or not ?? ] Naruto didn't even think about it but signed into the system as soon as the binding proceeded. ....... Years later , A horde of Tail beasts and a man with purple rinnegan looked at a man flying over the moon. "Since when did Ninja world hold someone as unfathomable as this person ?? I , Uchiha Madara really can't dance in front of him " " Is My Mother really the opponent of this guy ?? " A black child asked in a hoarse voice. " Who are you ?? No... Why can you even chase me back in the dimension i owe " A white haired beauty said after being cornered to an ice glacier while looking at the terrifying man in front of her. " Me ?? , I am.. Your Husband .Dear , little concubine !!!" Naruto said with an evil smile ........................ Note : The story is written between 1st and 3rd POV around the protagonist

Saltedfish_me · Fantasy
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14 Chs

14 Billionaire

" Holy Shit !! It was her " Naruto shouted in a loud voice , clearly recognising kunoichi's identity.

If he can nominate someone in Ninja world's luckiest person list then , there will be only two people he wants to . One , the guy who can make Ostusuki Kaguya pregnant and secondly Anko Mitarashi , only disciple of Orichimaru , the person who caused a fearful shadow in Naruto's heart and one who came back from dark Sasuke's clutches safely and still live upto Boruto's generation.

Soon , shaking these thoughts from his head , what caught his attention was the newly issued mission , 'Orochimaru's son in law' . At first he thought it was some bullshit nonsense that the system is sprouting . However , his mouth can't help but twitch when reading the quest details.

" System , is it true that Anko has her memories altered by Orichimaru only for Living Corpse Reincarnation or something else ?? "

<< No comments >>

" Hey, at least give me a clue ?? My chakra is at stake "

<< You must discover it on your own >>

" For real ?? Wait , what is this ?? 'HIDDEN PIECE' + " Naruto look puzzled at a new option appearing on the system panel.

[ Hidden piece : 1. Bring Orichimaru back to the village . 2. Complete Whitewashing of Orichimaru's life .

Reward : You may gain unexpected benefits ]

" Is this some kind of hints . I see if I take assumptions Orichimaru has his reputation thoroughly ruined by Hiruzen for favouring my father in electing Fourth Hokage then, Orichimaru was innocent all alone ."

<< ... >>

" However, Orichimaru as a scientific lunatic wasn't even interested in the political conflict but just wants to clean the dirty gutter Hiruzen and company has made . The opposite feels danger from him and after constant suppression in different fields forced him to have a rebellious move . "

" So , Orichimaru started to become nervous regarding the safety of handful of people around him. But as his teacher Hiruzen won't be too stupid to injure himself for controlling one Orichimaru. Jiraiya can also be ruled out from the danger list , after all this guy is a turtle who can ran back to Mount Myo'boku' whenever he wants. His fellow comrade Tsunade is also an exception as her nickname 'Princess Tsunade' is derived from her mother's noble family and as a loyal dog of wealthy guy , Hiruzen will never dare to attack her . So , what we are left with is ..... Anko "

<< Stop !! Stop !! Host , we are in the ninja realm not Detectives conan's world >>

" Why do you have to compare me with a shorty ?? "

<< Look below you are indeed short , **giggles >>

" Forget about it..."

" Anyways , Orichimaru who look at Anko as his own child decided to let her stay away from the dirty politics traps. In the end after passing his complete inheritance to her , Anko's memories were altered to a person abandoned by him. Though her loyalty was changed to konoha at full level to ensure her survival in the village . "

<< Bingo !! You are right , Host >>

" Ohh, Then is there any reward for me ?? "

<< Yes !! There is. Just repeat the two magical words . ' Collect it' >>

" Collect it "

[ Ding !! Received 10 units of physique ]

[ Ding !! Received 2.5 units of spirit ]

[ Ding !! Received 50 units of Unattributed Chakra ]

[ Ding !! Received Shards : Poison Mastery ( 4 ) , Sage Arts ( 4 ) , Perception ( 4 ) , Cooking ( 1 ) , cleaning ( 1 ) ]

[ Ding !! Received XP : Fire ( 20 ) , Yin ( 5 ) ]

[ Ding !! Received Immunity : Poison Resistance ( degraded version , Level 1 ) ]

Naruto : ' ..... '

" Hey isn't it my collected loot from Anko , why is it change to my reward ?? "

<< Host , you misunderstood something. The system never claimed it will reward you anything differently >>

" But still..."

<< Do you want a punishment plenty?? >>

" What ??? Why is that tentacle ninjutsu missing??" Naruto said shifting the topic

<< Did you mean , hidden Snake hand ninjutsu?? >>

" Yes , that one"

<< Because the system fears your perverted acts , this jutsu is currently unavailable for use >>

" Damn it !! " Naruto cursed while laying in the bedroom..


Konoha Hokage Office ,

Hiruzen , Danzo' , Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado were sitting in the office looking at the crystal ball placed on the table.

As for the content running in it , 'Naruto's first day outside the Sarutobi clan' seems more appropriate.

" That girl Anko's involvement is too suspicious, I think it's better for Naruto to be hand over to me before its too late " Danzo' spokes making a poker expression on his face .

" Pure Nonsense, What did you see suspicious throughout the day?? " Hiruzen spoke in a cold tone , making the temperature in the room fall a little..

The other two elders also look at Danzo' seeking an answer .

" I don't think Naruto knows our 'Great will of Fire' and I don't feel assured around that guy's disciple either . What if she was a hidden piece left behind and took away Naruto right under our noses ??" Danzo' said in a serious tone

The hall fell for a moment of silence before Hiruzen spoke again.

" Then , did you take the liberty to teach him the 'great will of Fire' ?? "

Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado wanted to nod in support to Danzo's claim but Hiruzen's word brought them back to reality..

" It seems we never approach this guy after he learnt walking on his own... "

" Right , Miss the best time to brainwash him "

Danzo' looked at these two pig teammates of his with resentful eyes .

They didn't approach Naruto and he wasn't allowed to ... Why is the there such a big difference between light and darkness??

" Hiruzen, I still suggest giving Naruto'a custody to me " Danzo' wanted to persuade one last time .

" Danzo' !! Remember , I am Hokage " Hiruzen said with a cold shout

" I said you will regret it " Saying Danzo' left the office .

Hiruzen didn't chose to stop Danzo' from leaving but taking a puff from the cigarette, turns his attention back to the monitoring crystal ball .

" ** Puff , Obscene?? Must be my illusion... " Suddenly , he choked with the inhaled smoke . Though he refuses to believe it , the asleep Naruto in the ball made a slightly creepy face making Hiruzen doubtful of life .

In the end , unable to find any strangeness throughout the monitoring, Hiruzen turned it off after looking at the silently approaching night .


" Hehehe, This dream was really sweet " Naruto said cleaning the saliva flowing out from his mouth

<< Host , you are behaving strangely >>

" Shut up , I am not strange but the dream was too awesome to not to feel excited " Naruto shouted trying to recall the details of his fantasies.

It was him reading a report that the rebel Orichimaru has a net wealth of over one billion 'ryo' , not including the property confiscated in the village but it is still short in front of his rival , Jiraiya who has made an unknown amount of money via selling Ero books . Lastly, a big blonde beauty was hugging him in arms flapping the pages of the report , from the mere looks he clearly he knows her . Tsunade , the last seedling of Senju family , with an enormous wealth and assets spread all over the world .

<< That's interesting >>

" Hey don't read my thoughts without my permissions "

<< Okay , Okay .. Then , can you tell me what happened next ?? >>

" You ask it yourself.. It continued with me taking Anko as one of my concubines which indirectly results as becoming Orichimaru's sole hier. That old man Jiraiya don't wants to be left out so, adopting me as his god-child, all of his property were also handed over to me. Even the cold princess Tsunade become mine both by body and heart ... Hehehe " Naruto continued to speak but the clean mouth started to flow with saliva again..

<< Wait ... Orichimarun ?? Jiraiya?? Tsunade?? You indirectly looted the three legendary sanins >>

" Well , yes .... No , i didn't loot any one . They gave it to me . "

<< Why are you getting so excited ?? it was a dream anyways. >>

"Yeah just a dream not the cruel reality, we are going to face from now on. Must be prepared for countering the upcoming plost and twist before it is too late . " Making his face a little serious, Naruto said with a heavy heart..

<< That's the mindset, host >>

" Well , Thanks . Anyways , How many of those guys you found through out the day?? "

<< A total of Seven , Three from an Anbu team and Four has an uncleared disguise, Probably from Danzo's roots >>

" If all of them are in Jonin ranks then , Seven is a number showing great importance to me . Even I seems to have feel a crawling sensation all over my skin during the day . It might be also related to that Hiruzen's telescope technique.. Wanna monitor my every move ?? I will see if you can continue to monitor me after crushing your cronies in a meat dough." Naruto said holding his chin with a grin on his lips