
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


**Devil Fruit:** Hormone-Hormone Fruit (Hormone-Hormone no Mi)

**Type:** Paramecia

**Awakened Abilities:**

1. **Enhanced Hormone Manipulation:** The user gains heightened control over hormones, allowing them to produce, manipulate, and regulate hormones within their own body and in others. This control extends to a wide range of hormones, including adrenaline, endorphins, growth hormones, and more.

2. **Instantaneous Hormone Secretion:** The user gains the ability to produce and release hormones at will, instantly altering their physical and mental state to suit their needs in battle. They can flood their body with adrenaline to enhance strength and speed, release endorphins to dull pain, or induce fear or euphoria in opponents through manipulation of stress hormones.

3. **Biological Manipulation:** The user gains the ability to manipulate the biological processes and functions of themselves and others through hormone control. They can accelerate or decelerate healing processes, enhance muscle growth and regeneration, or induce temporary or permanent physiological changes in targets.

4. **Emotional Manipulation:** The user gains the ability to influence the emotions and mental states of others by manipulating their hormonal balance. They can induce feelings of fear, aggression, or calmness in opponents, affecting their decision-making and combat effectiveness.

5. **Physical Enhancement:** The user gains the ability to enhance their physical abilities beyond natural limits by manipulating their own hormones. They can increase strength, speed, agility, and endurance to superhuman levels, allowing them to outmatch opponents in hand-to-hand combat.

6. **Hormone Absorption:** The user gains the ability to absorb and assimilate hormones from other living beings, replenishing their own reserves and gaining temporary enhancements in strength, speed, or other attributes.

7. **Mental Domination:** Through precise manipulation of hormones associated with cognition and memory, the user can exert control over the minds of others, influencing their thoughts, memories, and actions to serve their will.

8. **Hormonal Regeneration:** The user gains the ability to rapidly regenerate injuries and recover from damage by manipulating their own hormonal balance. They can accelerate healing processes, mitigate pain, and rejuvenate their body to keep fighting even in the most dire situations.

With these awakened abilities, the user of the Hormone-Hormone Fruit becomes a master manipulator of biology, psychology, and physiology. They can control the very essence of life itself, bending it to their will and reshaping the battlefield to ensure victory. Their abilities make them a formidable force in combat, capable of overcoming opponents through sheer manipulation of their body and mind.

After acquiring both the Bara Bara no Mi and the Hormone-Hormone Fruit, Blackbeard concentrated intensely, channeling his newfound powers to alter his appearance dramatically. In an instant, his form shifted into that of a handsome, robust man, boasting defined abs, a chiseled jawline, and a physique exuding strength and power. His transformation left his crew members in awe, marveling at his newfound masculinity.

Witnessing Blackbeard's remarkable change, Jesus Burgess couldn't help but express his admiration. "Boss, can you change me too?" he asked eagerly. Blackbeard chuckled in response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Why not?" he replied, extending his hand towards Jesus.

Encouraged by Jesus's request, other crew members also expressed their desire for a transformation. With a wave of his hand, Blackbeard granted their wishes, using his powers to mold their appearances to match his own. Soon, the entire crew stood transformed, their once varied appearances replaced by a uniformity of white, tall stature, perfect jawlines, and sculpted physiques.

As they gazed upon their new forms, Blackbeard's crew felt a surge of confidence and pride, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. With their newfound strength and imposing presence, they were more than prepared to conquer the seas and fulfill Blackbeard's ambitions of domination.

Blackbeard's imposing display of power left Bullet and Redfield in awe, their defiance waning in the face of his overwhelming presence. As Blackbeard unleashed his haki, the entire Impel Down trembled, its inhabitants succumbing to unconsciousness under the weight of his aura. Bullet and Redfield, barely able to stand, felt a sense of dread creeping over them as they realized the extent of Blackbeard's strength.

With a mixture of fear and begrudging admiration, Bullet finally relented, his laughter subsiding into reluctant acceptance. "Fine, I will join," he conceded, his voice tinged with resignation. "But mark my words, I will leave once I defeat you."

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the halls of Impel Down, his confidence unshaken by Bullet's proclamation. "We'll see about that," he replied, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Turning his attention to Redfield, Blackbeard offered him a tantalizing prospect. "You desire the Vampire Fruit, don't you? I know its location," he stated matter-of-factly.

Redfield's gaze met Blackbeard's, a smirk playing on his lips as he contemplated the offer. After a moment of consideration, he chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. "Fine, I'll join you," he declared, his decision made.

With Bullet and Redfield now under his command, Blackbeard's crew grew even stronger, their ambitions reaching new heights as they set their sights on the challenges that lay ahead.

As the dust settled from the intense battle in Impel Down, only one prisoner remained standing amidst the wreckage: Shiruyu, the enigmatic swordsman known for his formidable skills. Blackbeard, unfazed by the chaos around him, had a plan in motion, one that would further bolster his crew's strength.

With a calculated motion, Blackbeard retrieved three Devil Fruits from his arsenal: the Nine-Tail Fox Fruit, the Island Fruit, and the Moa Moa no Mi. Each possessed unique powers that would serve to enhance his crew's capabilities.

Turning his attention to Shiruyu, Blackbeard made his move, hurling the Moa Moa no Mi towards the lone survivor. With a swift and decisive action, Shiruyu caught the Devil Fruit in his hands, uncertainty flickering in his eyes as he gazed at Blackbeard.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard issued his command, his voice carrying an air of authority. "Eat it," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Shiruyu, recognizing the significance of Blackbeard's offer, nodded solemnly, steeling himself for the transformation that awaited him. With a determined resolve, he consumed the Moa Moa no Mi, the power of the Devil Fruit surging through his veins as his body underwent a profound change.

As Shiruyu's transformation took hold, the true extent of Blackbeard's plan began to unfold. With each new recruit and every acquired Devil Fruit, his crew grew stronger, their potential reaching new heights with each passing moment.

Bullet's eyes widened with intrigue as he processed Blackbeard's revelation. "So, Captain, you possess the ability to steal Devil Fruits as well?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Blackbeard's grin widened as he confirmed Bullet's observation. "Indeed, I can consume multiple Devil Fruits and wield their powers simultaneously," he affirmed, his tone brimming with confidence. "As of now, I command the abilities of the Yami Yami no Mi, the Manticore Fruit, the Bara Bara no Mi, and the Hormone Fruit."

Bullet nodded, his expression thoughtful. "That's quite the arsenal you've amassed," he remarked, his respect for Blackbeard's power growing with each passing moment. "And what about the rest of your crew? Where are they?"

As Bullet's inquiry hung in the air, a subtle shift in the atmosphere heralded the arrival of Blackbeard's formidable crew. With a gesture from Van Augur, their presence was made manifest, each member materializing before Bullet's astonished gaze.

Enel, his electrifying presence crackling with power, stood with an air of regal confidence, his eyes alight with the promise of thunderous retribution.

Crocodile, the Desert King, exuded an aura of lethal determination, his gaze piercing through the very fabric of reality with an intensity that spoke of his mastery over sand and shadow.

Daz Bones, the Living Blade, stood as a silent sentinel, his body as hard as steel and his resolve unyielding in the face of any opposition.

Jesus Burgess, the Champion, radiated an aura of raw physicality, his muscular frame a testament to his unrivaled strength and ferocity in combat.

Doc Q, the Plague Doctor, exuded an eerie calmness, his presence a harbinger of impending doom, his dark eyes betraying a depth of knowledge and cunning beyond measure.

Van Augur, the Sniper King, stood tall and resolute, his steely gaze scanning the horizon with the precision of a hawk, his presence a testament to his unparalleled marksmanship and tactical acumen.

As Bullet beheld the assembled might of Blackbeard's crew, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over him. Their collective aura was palpable, each member standing as a titan among men, their strength and loyalty unwavering in the face of any challenge.

With their ranks now complete, Blackbeard's crew stood united and unyielding, ready to carve their legacy upon the annals of history and usher in a new era of dominance upon the seas.

With a hearty laugh that echoed across the sea, Blackbeard beckoned his crew to return to the safety of their ship. Van Augur, ever the tactician, took charge, addressing the newcomers with a commanding presence as he outlined the rules of the vessel.

In a blink of an eye, they found themselves back aboard the Ark Maxim, Blackbeard's flagship, its imposing silhouette a testament to their power and ambition. Thanks to Blackbeard's newfound ability, the ship possessed the extraordinary attribute of instant transportation, allowing them to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye.

As the crew gathered on the deck, Van Augur began to elucidate the guiding principles that governed life aboard the vessel. His voice carried the weight of authority as he spoke of loyalty, camaraderie, and the unwavering pursuit of their shared goals. 

Amidst the murmurs of agreement and nods of understanding, the newcomers began to grasp the essence of Blackbeard's crew. Bound by a common purpose and united in their resolve, they stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their destiny intertwined with the fate of their enigmatic captain.

With the crew assembled and briefed on the rules of the ship, Shiruyu, Bullet, and Redfield gained insight into the workings of the Ark Maxim. Van Augur, ever meticulous, made it clear that certain areas were off-limits to all but the captain.

As they familiarized themselves with their new surroundings, Van issued a stern warning: the female quarters were strictly off-limits to all but Blackbeard himself. It was a rule not to be taken lightly, as the sanctity of the captain's harem was paramount aboard the vessel.

Shiruyu, Bullet, and Redfield nodded in understanding, recognizing the importance of respecting their captain's domain. With their newfound knowledge, they navigated the corridors of the Ark Maxim with a newfound sense of purpose, mindful of the boundaries that governed life aboard Blackbeard's ship.

As the Ark Maxim cruised towards Marineford, Blackbeard convened with his crew in the men's area, discussing their strategy for the impending battle. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they finalized their plans, each member keenly aware of their role in the coming conflict.

With the discussion concluded, Blackbeard's crew nodded in agreement, their resolve hardened for the battle ahead. As they prepared to unleash their might upon Marineford, not even the female members dared to breach the sanctity of the men's domain.

Meanwhile, chaos erupted below as the war at Marineford reached its climax. Amidst the tumult, Whitebeard, the legendary pirate, prepared to deliver his final words, only to be abruptly silenced by the deadly accuracy of Van Augur's sniper shot.

The sudden demise of Whitebeard sent shockwaves through the battlefield and the watching world, igniting an uproar of disbelief and outrage among both friend and foe alike. With the fall of the Pirate King's former rival, the course of history was forever altered, and Blackbeard's presence loomed larger than ever over the tumultuous seas.