
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


With a sinister chuckle, Blackbeard's laughter reverberated through the tense night air, his defiance echoing in the face of the approaching navy vice admirals. Doll, Steelheart, Sakura, and Lionheart, their steely expressions a testament to their determination, stood firm in the face of Blackbeard's brazen challenge.

Undeterred by their presence, Blackbeard's gaze flickered to Crocodile, his voice dripping with malice as he issued his command. "Crocodile, go deal with them," he ordered, his tone laced with deadly intent. "Capture the two ladies for me, and dispose of the two males."

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Crocodile stepped forward, his sand-like form shifting with lethal precision as he prepared to engage the navy vice admirals. With a swift nod of acknowledgment, he moved to carry out Blackbeard's orders, his confidence unwavering in the face of the impending confrontation.

Meanwhile, Blackbeard remained poised on the precipice of battle, his anticipation mounting as he awaited the inevitable clash with the navy's formidable forces. With his gaze locked on his adversaries, he readied himself for the chaos that was about to unfold, his thirst for power driving him ever onward into the heart of the storm.

In a swift and calculated display of power, Crocodile surged forward, his movements fluid and deadly as he engaged the navy vice admirals in combat. With his mastery over the Suna Suna no Mi, he wielded the very essence of sand itself as a weapon, his attacks precise and unrelenting.

As the battle unfolded, Crocodile's adversaries found themselves outmatched by his formidable abilities. Doll, Steelheart, Sakura, and Lionheart fought valiantly, but against Crocodile's relentless assault, their efforts faltered.

With a swift strike, Crocodile incapacitated Doll, rendering him immobile with the shifting sands that ensnared him. Sakura, her resolve unwavering, attempted to retaliate, but found herself ensnared by Crocodile's sandstorm, her movements slowed to a crawl as she struggled against the onslaught.

As Doll, Sakura, Lionheart, and Steelheart clashed with him, they found themselves facing not only the relentless assault of his sand techniques but also the palpable force of his Armament Haki. The sheer intensity of his haki-infused blows amplified the lethality of his attacks, leaving his adversaries reeling and struggling to defend themselves against his onslaught.

In addition to his mastery of Armament Haki, Crocodile also possessed an acute proficiency in Observation Haki, allowing him to anticipate his opponents' movements with uncanny accuracy. With each clash, he effortlessly evaded their strikes and countered with precise, well-timed maneuvers, exploiting the slightest openings in their defenses to gain the upper hand in battle.

Meanwhile, Lionheart and Steelheart pressed their attack, their determination fueling their strikes as they sought to overcome their adversary. However, Crocodile proved to be a formidable foe, his sand-based defenses rendering their blows ineffective against his unyielding form.

In a decisive maneuver, Crocodile seized the opportunity to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With a swift and calculated strike, he severed the heads of Lionheart and Steelheart, their bodies falling lifeless to the ground in a grim testament to Crocodile's dominance.

With two of their comrades fallen, Doll and Sakura found themselves at Crocodile's mercy, their defeat inevitable in the face of his overwhelming power. With a victorious smirk, Crocodile subdued them both, binding them with his sand before delivering them to Blackbeard as prisoners of war.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the air as he heard the voice of Sengoku emanating from the phone bug that Doll carried. With a smirk playing on his lips, Blackbeard took hold of the conversation, his tone laced with amusement and confidence.

"Ah, Sengoku, my old friend," Blackbeard began, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "It seems you've got the wrong end of the stick. As you can see, we're very much free and roaming."

Sengoku's voice on the other end of the line betrayed a mixture of surprise and irritation at Blackbeard's brazen response. "Blackbeard," he said sternly, "don't think for a moment that you can evade justice forever. The Marines will not rest until you and your crew are brought to justice for your crimes."

Blackbeard chuckled dismissively, his confidence unwavering. "Oh, I have no doubt about that, Sengoku. But until that day comes, we'll be enjoying the spoils of our conquests without a care in the world."

Blackbeard's laughter resonated through the tense air as he listened to Sengoku's begrudging agreement. With a sense of triumph, he knew he had gained the upper hand in this exchange. The prospect of facing off against the might of the Admirals excited him, as did the opportunity to potentially bargain with the Five Elders through the phone bug.

As the call ended, Blackbeard turned to Crocodile, Doll, and Sakura, who were standing nearby, bound and defeated. With a wicked grin, he addressed them, his voice dripping with malice.

"Well, well, it seems our little game just got a lot more interesting," Blackbeard taunted, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Aokiji will be bringing the phone bug tomorrow, and then we'll see just how valuable your lives really are."

Blackbeard's gaze fell upon Ace's unconscious form with a mix of curiosity and contempt. The audacity of someone like Ace attempting to launch a sneak attack on Enel amused him, but at the same time, it irked him that someone so renowned in the pirate world would prove to be such an easy target.

"Hmm, so the infamous Fire Fist Ace dared to cross paths with us," Blackbeard mused, his voice laced with disdain. "Seems like he's not as formidable as they say."

Turning to Enel, Blackbeard raised an eyebrow. "You handled him with ease, I see. Well done, Enel. He may prove to be useful leverage in our negotiations with the Marines."

Enel nodded in acknowledgment, his expression reflecting a sense of smug satisfaction at his victory over Ace. Holding Ace securely, he awaited further instructions from Blackbeard, ready to carry out his captain's bidding without hesitation.

The situation has indeed taken an interesting turn," Blackbeard chuckled, his eyes glinting with a sinister gleam. "With Ace in our grasp, we hold a powerful bargaining chip. The World Government values him greatly, and they won't lightly dismiss any demands we make in exchange for his release."

Enel nodded in understanding, recognizing the strategic advantage Ace's capture provided them. "What do you plan to do with him, boss?" he inquired, his gaze fixed intently on Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's lips curled into a wicked grin as he contemplated his next move. "For now, we'll keep him under close watch," he declared, his tone dripping with malice. "But rest assured, Enel, Ace's fate will serve our purposes well."

With Ace secured and the prospect of negotiating with the World Government looming on the horizon, Blackbeard's ambitions only seemed to grow stronger, casting a dark shadow over the future of the seas.

As Blackbeard held Doll and Sakura firmly by their hair, his gaze bore into theirs with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. "Your defiance is admirable, but ultimately futile," he declared, his voice dripping with confidence. "Admiral Aokiji's arrival will change nothing. You are mine now, and you will obey."

Doll and Sakura exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of their situation settling heavily upon them. Despite their training and status within the Navy, they found themselves powerless before Blackbeard's overwhelming presence.

"We'll see about that," Doll retorted defiantly, though his voice wavered slightly with uncertainty.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that sent a cold shiver down their spines. "Let's see indeed," he agreed, his eyes glinting with malicious amusement. "But I wouldn't hold out hope for salvation. You've crossed paths with the Blackbeard Pirates, and there's no turning back now."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Blackbeard signaled for Enel to escort Doll and Sakura to their new quarters, where they would serve as prisoners aboard the Ark Maxim, bound by chains of servitude to their new master.

Apologies for the oversight. Here's the corrected version:

With a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes, Blackbeard absorbed the vast wealth of the Spade Kingdom into the swirling void of his abilities, adding its riches to his ever-growing hoard. As the last remnants of treasure vanished into the darkness, Blackbeard turned his attention to the system, eager to learn the extent of his plunder.

"System, report on our total spoils," he commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

The system hummed to life, its response echoing within the confines of Blackbeard's mind. "You have raided the Spade Kingdom and 13 others," it intoned, "and amassed a staggering fortune of 150 billion berries' worth of treasure."

A satisfied grin crept across Blackbeard's lips at the confirmation of his success. With such wealth at his disposal, his ambitions seemed boundless. But the acquisition of treasure was not the only boon he had gained from his conquests. The system's revelation had also brought to light the acquisition of a formidable Devil Fruit: the mighty Muscle-Muscle Fruit and phantom Void Fruit.

Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with newfound ambition as he contemplated the possibilities afforded by his vast wealth and newfound abilities. With his strength and resources growing with each passing day, the world trembled at the thought of what the future held under the reign of Marshall D. Teach, the enigmatic Blackbeard.

With a commanding presence, Blackbeard summoned Jesus Burgess and Van Augur to his side, his intentions clear and unwavering. Placing his hands upon their heads, he called upon the power of the system to enhance their very beings.

"System," Blackbeard commanded with authority, "elevate their Haki to the pinnacle of mastery and refine their physical prowess to reach the limits of human potential."

As the system responded to his directive, a surge of energy coursed through Jesus Burgess and Van Augur, imbuing them with newfound strength and fortitude. Their forms seemed to radiate with an aura of power as the enhancements took hold.

But Blackbeard's intentions did not end there. With a gesture of authority, he bestowed upon Jesus Burgess the potent Muscle-Muscle Fruit, its abilities promising to further augment his formidable might. To Van Augur, he presented the elusive Phantom-Phantom Fruit, a Devil Fruit of mysterious capabilities.

With the fruits in hand, Blackbeard's voice rang out once more, commanding the system to awaken the dormant powers within Jesus Burgess and Van Augur, unlocking the full potential of their Devil Fruits.

As the transformation took place, Jesus Burgess and Van Augur underwent a profound metamorphosis, their bodies infused with the potent energies of their awakened abilities. With their newfound powers at their disposal, they stood ready to serve their captain and further his ambitions with unwavering loyalty.

With a firm resolve, Blackbeard beckoned for Doc Q and his trusty steed to approach him. Acknowledging the lack of a suitable Devil Fruit for Doc Q, Blackbeard sought to bolster his abilities through other means.

"System," Blackbeard commanded, his voice carrying an air of authority, "enhance Doc Q's Haki to its zenith and refine his physical form to surpass the limits of mortal endurance."

As the system complied with his directive, an unseen force surged through Doc Q, infusing him with newfound strength and fortitude. His presence seemed to exude an aura of indomitable power as the enhancements took root, solidifying his status as a formidable member of Blackbeard's crew.

Turning his attention to Doc Q's faithful companion, Blackbeard placed his hand upon the horse's head, his intentions clear. "System, upgrade this creature's physique to match the pinnacle of mortal capability."

With a surge of energy, the horse underwent a transformation, its form imbued with enhanced strength and resilience. Standing alongside Doc Q, it now possessed the physical prowess to match its master's will.

With these enhancements in place, Doc Q and his steed stood ready to serve Blackbeard with unwavering loyalty, their newfound power poised to contribute to the realization of their captain's ambitions.

With a commanding presence, Blackbeard issued a series of directives to further augment his power and that of his crew, undeterred by the dwindling funds at his disposal.

"System," Blackbeard declared, his voice resonating with authority, "awaken the Baku Baku no Mi within the ship, imbuing it with the ability to manifest a protective shield around us. Additionally, elevate my King's Haki beyond the constraints of mortal limitations, and extend my bloodline's capabilities to the world's utmost threshold."

As the commands echoed through the Ark Maxim, a palpable energy enveloped the vessel, signaling the implementation of Blackbeard's will. The Baku Baku no Mi stirred within the ship, awakening its latent potential to erect a formidable shield, capable of warding off any threats that dared to challenge them.

Simultaneously, Blackbeard felt a surge of power coursing through his veins as his King's Haki transcended the boundaries of ordinary strength, radiating with an intensity that commanded both fear and respect from all who bore witness.

And with a profound understanding of his lineage, Blackbeard commanded his bloodline to ascend to the pinnacle of its potential, unlocking abilities that surpassed even the loftiest of aspirations.

As the enhancements took hold, Blackbeard stood as an indomitable force, his authority unchallenged and his ambitions poised to reshape the very fabric of the world. With each decree, he forged a path towards ultimate supremacy, unfazed by the constraints of mere currency, for his vision transcended the limitations of material wealth.

As Blackbeard surveyed his augmented status, a sense of satisfaction washed over him, knowing that he stood at the pinnacle of power and mastery.

[Name: Marshall D. Teach]

[Physique: Kraken{World Limit}]

[Bloodline: Human{World Limit}]

[Devil Fruit: Yami Yami No Mi, Manticore,_________,_________.]


[Armament Haki: Beyond World's Limit - Can permanently blacken any weapon, space trembles upon activation]

[Observation Haki: Beyond World's Limit - Vision akin to x-ray, nothing escapes sight]

[King's Haki: Beyond World's Limit - Gains the ability to directly affect and manipulate the souls of those around him, instilling fear or commanding absolute obedience at will.]