

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Six: Hiroshi's Dream

Once upon a time, I was dreaming of a perfect world, a world where everyone could smile, regardless of their gender. Yes, a world like Sea of ​​Dreams, ruled by a king like the first King Leon. That's why I've been fighting until now. After all, a world where people like Yul have to kill to survive is a corrupt world. That's what I believed in

In a place where there is a lake surrounded by black flames, there was an island in the middle of the lake, in which there was a dilapidated house, and around it were many empty graves, and in one of those graves Hiroshi was sleeping.

Hiroshi woke up terrified of a dream he had, in which he was dying, beheaded, and while his corpse was soaked in blood, tree branches emerged from his body, and a pumpkin sprouted in place of his severed head.

After Hiroshi woke up from his dream, he looked around, asking, "Where am I?"

His body was intact, there were no wounds around his body, and even his severed hand was restored to the way it was

Hiroshi thought he was really dead but soon he sensed something strange in the air

(As I expected, I haven't died yet. This place looks familiar to me, but there is something strange about it.)

Hiroshi looked at the sky and saw the sun close and surrounded by many stars and planets. The view was wonderful and beautiful. Hiroshi had never seen anything like it before. Then he realized where this place is.

The place where wishes and dreams are born, where the past and the future do not exist, under the lights of that galaxy, and above the land of those flames, here where you face your destiny, the fourth dimension.

This was the first thing that came to Hiroshi's mind, and he felt a little excited and a lot scared. Here is where it all begins and here is where it all ends.

‏After Hiroshi inspected the place, there was nothing on that island except for a young boy, signs of illness and fatigue were visible on him. He was sitting around a fire near the worn-out house. He was putting a pot of food on that fire, but it was empty.

And the strangest thing among all those stars and planets was looking at a small star with interest and longing

Hiroshi lay down near the child and began to think why so much attention that boy is showing on his face for a dim star.

Hiroshi tried to ask the boy, but he didn't answer or look at him

After a short while, Hiroshi heard a noise from the western side of the island, so he went to see what was happening, and when he arrived, there was something black coming out of the lake, smelling foul and disgusting.

Hiroshi was terrified of that black thing, so he started running towards that boy, and when he reached him, he saw something that it was better not to see.

When he arrived, the boy had his head and four limbs cut off and placed inside a pot of food

The child's body was sitting around the pot, as if he was waiting for his food to be cooked, with horse legs instead of his legs, goat hands instead of his hands, and a pumpkin head with a scary face instead of his face, and blood was flowing from everywhere from his body.

The scene was frightening and terrifying for Hiroshi to bear, as he began to vomit as soon as he watched it

Then Hiroshi wondered what is happening here, why am I here, and who is this boy, no matter how he thought, he did not know the answer

So the black substance began to overflow from the river and completely flooded the island until the lake became completely black

Hiroshi was floating in the middle of it with exclamation marks on his face and his eyes looking up at that faint star in the sky

And he said

(Hiroshi, I remember now who gave me this name, I remember him very well, that he is calling me, I have to answer him, he is calling me, I have to do what he says...

yes we...)

Hiroshi heard someone calling his name, so he opened his eyes and found himself lying on the outskirts of the King's Lake.

(Hiroshi can you hear me what happened here the fuck how you let them get you)

‏Confusion and fear were visible on Hiroshi's face, so he was looking at his hand, which was supposed to be cut off, but it returned as it was before, and the wound in his chest had already disappeared.

He raised his hand with his whole body trembling and placed it on his left eye, and the wound on it had disappeared. He opened his left eye slowly and she was seeing clearly.

When Yul saw Hiroshi's eye intact, he felt confused and said to him (Your eye, do you see it now, but how did it heal? What happened here)

Hiroshi hastily stood up and said to him

(It's none of your business, since you've decided to leave the king's army, there's no reason for me to tell you anything.)

It is then that Hiroshi notices a girl accompanying Yul

"It's true that I gave up the First King's army, but I haven't yet given up on people I consider to be my companions, so if you're adamant about not telling me anything, I'll do everything I can to find out who did this to you."

Sherlock replied to him (I understand your desire to hide the matter from this person, but the assassination attempts that happened to you recently were not an ordinary thing. You did something that moved the most powerful organizations in this world, so please tell us what happened with you so that we can help you even a little).

Hiroshi was amazed at how much this girl knew about him and realized that she was not just an ordinary girl, so he looked at Yul and sighed in his face while saying

(Looks like you've got a good mate

Don't worry, nothing serious happened to me. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. I don't want to cause you to go back to that petty hell.)

(But Hiroshi is you..)

(Don't worry, if something happens, I'll summon you right away. I'm your boss after all

Are you this person's friend?

Sherlock replied, "You can tell."

(I see that you seem to be a reliable person. Please take care of this idiot for me, can you)

Sherlock felt ashamed of Hiroshi's words and replied with a red face, "Leave it to me to take care of one or two people, it's not a big deal."

(I am thankful to you

If I see you later, take care of yourself.)

Yul was afraid of Hiroshi's reaction to the matter, and signs of sadness were visible on his face, so he said to him, "Hiroshi, do you still remember two years ago when you told me about your dream? I'm still waiting for the day you show me that dream, so make sure you don't die before you show it to me."

‏Hiroshi was surprised when he heard that Yul still remembers that day and replied with a faint smile on his face, "You don't need to remind me of that."

Just wait, I'll show you how I'm going to change this world

After Hiroshi left the place, he told Yul that Hiroshi's left eye was injured in his left eye two years ago, so he can no longer see through it, but today it has completely healed, even the wound on it has disappeared, and he asked her if something like this was normal

Sherlock replied that it is not impossible. There are many types of supernatural powers in this world, most notably the yin and the yin, which few people enjoy. Among those superpowers, there are those who heal wounds as if they did not exist from the beginning.

Yul replied, "You spoke a while ago, as if you knew who attacked Hiroshi. Do you have any idea what happened?"

(Yeah, but I wouldn't advise you to think about going after them. The Relic Guard and the Despair King's minions are not people you can deal with. You'll die before you realize what happened to you.)

(I see that Hiroshi was never an ordinary warrior. Defeating him so easily is not a normal thing. But even so, I have to help him. After all, I still owe him.)

(I see that it is something you will say, but it is forbidden, I know that you insist on it, so I will say it to you, even if I explain it to you, you will not understand, so I will do everything to prevent you from being reckless in this matter)

(If this is goodbye see you later)

(Do you think this is enough to get rid of me after spending this month with me, you know what will happen if you decide to do something)

(I hate to admit it, but I have become more than aware of how stubborn you are and hate losing)

(Haha, don't worry, don't worry, nothing of what you're afraid of will happen, that's what I'm sure of)

Yul knew Sherlock was right, so he had no choice but to rely on what she said

In a small village near the east coast, the first king was walking around the markets in ordinary clothes, like ordinary clothes, so many did not realize that he was the first king of Leon.

He reached a small restaurant, entered it, and headed towards the person who was preparing the food and told him

(I see you still have this habit)

Itsuki replied with a cold look on his face, "Look who came, isn't this King Leon?

For this I just didn't have money so I work to pay for the food

So what brings you here, don't tell me you only came to eat.

(And why not, in the end, I am still human and I need food, or I am not welcome here)

Itsuki was surprised by his response and said to him (to eat, are you that free anyway

Wait a minute, I'll make you something to eat.

After Leon finished eating, he told Itsuki that he had always impressed him with the delicious dishes he prepared. Itsuki replied.

(You didn't come here to tell me how delicious my food was, did you)

(In the past few days, Hiroshi has come under attack from several organizations, the most important of which are the "Servants of Heaven" and the followers of the "King of Despair"

I tried to talk about it with Hiroshi, but he refuses to meet me at the moment. Do you have any idea what happened?)

(Do I look like a know-it-all to you? If you don't know, how can I know?)

(Here you are again, I doubt you have any idea what happened.)

(Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't know anything. A month and a half ago, I met Hiroshi in a small village. He gave me this book and told me to keep it until our next meeting.

Do you have an idea what kind of book this is?

When Leon saw him, he seemed to know something about him, so he told Itsuki to be careful not to show him to anyone. Itsuki was surprised by Leon's reaction and said that he did not expect him to be so worried about Hiroshi, so Leon answered him

(Of course, you and I are not like that. We know how much Hiroshi clings to his dream. He works hard on his own. He does not ask anyone for help, no matter what happens to him. He smiles and pretends that nothing happened.

So I worry that he will die without achieving anything and that everything What did he do for his dream in vain?

(You are right about this. He has always been the type who likes to do things alone, and since he is an ordinary human, it is not strange that he would die at any moment.

But you are wrong that what he has done so far is of no use.

(and how's that )

(Not every person realizes the dream that he strives to achieve, and not every dream is worth working for, but the fact that you worked to do something is not useless at all, because in the end, if you cannot achieve your dream, at least you will have tried, and this means that you were not a failure The fact that you weren't a failure was enough to keep trying to achieve your goal.

(What monotonous words, you are the most knowledgeable person. Whatever achievements you have done in your life, they will disappear as soon as you die. When you die, there will be no value left for anything you have done.)

(If you don't mind a small bet)


Do you mean we bet on whether Hiroshi will die with interest or with no interest)

( Okay )

(I feel bad for Hiroshi for doing that, but I accept your bet, but if I win, I want you to hand over your head.)

(What a scary person you are. Instead, if I win, I want you to help this world when it needs your help.)

Leon wanted to ask what he meant by that, but he knew he would find out with time

When Leon wanted to leave, he asked him about a girl named Ares, and told him that he no longer saw her with him. Itsuki replied, "I didn't know that you became kind towards others."

Ares passed away two years ago.

(This is what happened, so what a loss. I was hoping that she would come with me one day to Utopia, but it seems that she stuck to her decision until the end.)

(Yes, unlike you, she was never weak)

(You're right about that

see you later)

When Leon was about to leave the restaurant, Itsuki called him and told him to pay for his food, as he would not offer a free meal at his expense. Leon returned and paid for the dish for him and then left.

Itsuki sat looking at the Book of Relics and said with his usual cold look, "Book of Relics, then okay, I guess it's time to move."

chapter six _end_