

Scott grabbed Vivian's arm as she turned away from him. “Don’t you ever walk out on me like that again!” he said angrily.  Vivian let her eyes settle on his hand for a few seconds before she yanked her arm away from his grip. Noticing that she missed his touch, she shook the thought away. “The only time you have the right to tell me what to do is during working hours, and the last time I checked…. No one is working right now." His eyebrow lifted, as if calling her bluff." Really?" he asked. One side of his lips curled up in a smirk.  Vivian didn't care. She was finding it very hard to keep her mouth sealed tonight, and she didn't even try to stop herself." Yes. I am not your employee right now so I can do exactly as I please!” “That's funny?” He said, but there was nothing funny about the look in his eyes. His mouth hardened with lust. “Well, since we're going with that, it also means that I can do the same, right?” Without giving her a chance to respond, he grabbed her waist and he pulled her right up against him—so close that she could feel every hard muscle in his body. His body heat warmed her, and his palm settled at the base of her spine. She couldn't think straight… Not when he bent and nipped at her bottom lip, then sucked it, soothing and enhancing the sting before returning to devour her mouth. As if she was something he knew he shouldn’t have but couldn’t resist.  “Let's stop playing games,” he said as he drove his mouth down onto hers. "We both want each other…. Why don't you come up with me so we can get this thing… whatever it is… over with?" _____________  The last thing Scott McCall expected to see in his hotel room one night is a beautiful waitress. A woman so desperate for a job at his company that she would do anything to get his attention…like sneak into his hotel room to talk to him. Despite his growing attraction for this woman, Scott McCall throws logic out the door and hires her anyway.  Vivian Sanchez is excited. She got a job at a successful company, despite all the mistakes and bad decisions she made… and she couldn't believe it. Everything was falling into place and It was all happening like a fairytale. She vows to give this new job her best, but there's just one problem.  …. Her boss Being crazily attracted to Scott McCall was a situation Vivian didn't quite anticipate when she asked for this job, and she doesn't quite know how to handle it. The long awkward gazes, subtle flirting and tension between them is enough to make anyone crazy.  An affair with the boss could ruin her, but what is life without risks?.... 

Whendhie1 · Fantasy
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478 Chs


Vivian never knew her mother as she had died when she was little. She had been raised by her father, and when he died four years ago, Vivian had felt so alone. She had some distant relatives, but they were really far away, and Vivian didn't really feel as if she knew them. Megan had become her family and that was enough for her. 

She grabbed her handbag and the file which contained the documents Scott had requested to see, and said goodbye to Megan. 

"Please lock up for me" she said, "I don't want to be late so I have to hurry. Don't forget to keep my key on top of the light bulb outside" 

"Sure," Megan replied. "Goodluck" 

And so with her heart beating with excitement and nervousness, Vivian drove to her new workplace. 


Vivian drove her small car into Creative Edge construction company premises and stared in awe. She had known that it was a big company. She had even seen pictures of it when she was doing her numerous research about the company before coming up with the ridiculous idea of talking to Scott McCall in person, but as she looked around, she realized that what she saw in the pictures was nothing compared to what she was seeing at the moment. 

A security guard directed her to the road leading to the administrative department, but she couldn't help looking around as she drove, especially at the really big machines and equipment in the parts where she assumed most of the construction work took place. She knew she wouldn't be working there, but she hoped that she would get a chance to visit that part of the company even if it was just once. She knew that it would be such a cool site. 

The administrative building was quite large on its own and when she parked her car in the parking lot, she couldn't help noticing how small it looked compared to the other cars around hers. She shook the thought away and got out of the car. She was so confused about where to go when she stepped into the building and asked for directions from a woman sitting behind a counter. 

"Good morning. Please what floor is Mr McCall's office?" she asked the lady who wore a red shirt. 

The woman looked up from her laptop with a frown on her face and looked Vivian up and down. "Do you have an appointment with him?" she asked in a manner that made Vivian feel very unwelcome. 

"Ermmm, I'm to start work today as his new personal assistant" Vivian responded politely. 

The lady scowled and returned her attention to her laptop, then said without glancing at Vivian, "Last floor. Take the elevator…. Or the stairs if you want that. Talk to the receptionist." 

Seeing that she had obviously been dismissed, Vivian said a soft 'Thank you' that she didn't get a reply to, and headed for the elevator. She refused to let the lady's attitude get her down. This was her first day and she was going to do everything right. 

The last floor was even more magnificent, Vivian thought when she stepped out of the elevator, and she was even more surprised when she saw that it had a sky lobby which provided a great view of the city. It was so beautifully designed that Vivian fought the urge to look around in awe as she wanted to. She spotted a young woman who she assumed was the receptionist and walked up to her. 

"Hello, good morning" she said, bracing herself for another weird and rude conversation, but instead this lady flashed her a welcoming smile. 

"Good morning, ma'am" the young lady greeted cheerfully, "How may I help you?" 

The lady had blond hair which was cut to shoulder length, and had a white shirt and black pants on. 

Vivian smiled back, relieved and finding the lady's attitude refreshing. She was beginning to worry that everyone would be mean and stuck up and the last thing she wanted was bad coworkers. 

"I would like to know where Mr McCall's office is please." she said, "I'm to start work today as his personal assistant." 

"Oh, you're Miss…" the woman checked her laptop for her name".... Miss Sanchez. Mr McCall told me you'd be arriving today. Just a moment please, I'll let him know that you're here." 

Vivian nodded and watched as the woman called to inform Scott that she had arrived. When she turned back to her, she smiled and said,"Come with me please."

Vivian followed her and they had only taken a few steps before the woman said, "I'm Betty, the receptionist on this floor. Welcome to Creative Edge." 

Vivian smiled back. "Thank you so much," she replied. "I'm Vivian… as you know already." 

Betty smiled at her. "Yeah I do. You look so nervous… I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice. I just wanted to tell you not to be. Relax. You'll enjoy working here. Mr McCall isn't as tough as most people assume…. As long as you do your job right, I promise you'll be fine." 

Vivian nodded. "Thanks. I am really nervous, but that makes me feel much better." 

Betty stopped in front of a door which had Scott McCall's name on it. "Here you are," she said, "Welcome once again." 

When she left, Vivian took several deep breaths before she raised her knuckles to the walnut finish. 

"Come in" His voice snaked out at her. She hesitated, then opened the door and entered the expensively decorated office.

Scott McCall sat behind a massive walnut desk in the center of the room. Dressed in a business suit, a light veneer of sophistication touched his swarthy features, which were enhanced by the tailored gray suit and a soft blue shirt. His silk tie was loosely knotted. The contours of his chiseled mouth relaxed as Vivian scrutinized his hard features. His crisp black hair glistened and his  jaw looked hard. Creases slashed his cheeks, deepening as his white teeth flashed.  

Vivian's hands formed tight fists at her sides as she took a deep breath and planted her shoes firmly on the concrete floor, forcing her expression into immobility. "Good morning, Mr McCall." she said, and hoped that she didn't sound timid. 

"Good morning, Miss Sanchez." The deep voice acknowledging the greeting raised goosebumps on Vivian's skin. Her scalp tingled and the hand tightened around her bag.