
Black Or White

People are born as white sheet, later the world will leave some colour to it. Black or White? Salvation or Destruction?

Haruyuki1 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Blade Family

"Young master please wake up, it is already seven o'clock in the morning, the teacher will come at eight o'clock this morning," said Rinne.

"Mmm, five minutes father," said Mikayla but he realises something and gets up instantly. "Sorry Rinne, I get up now." (Stupid! haih, I keep remembering father since this house is so comfortable like my old house. Father, I miss you)

It has been a week Mikayla stays with Alaric and his news being adopted has been told to the main house.

(It causes a bit ruckus but Ala... I mean father said that I don't have to mind it. It just makes me more nervous. Rinne, my butler is a proud vampire, I can feel that he did not like me that much. They did not know that my eyes can see peoples aura and whenever Rinne calls me young master his aura fluctuate and almost going berserk. He has great control of his emotion if not I already dead a few times this week. That is why I just accept his arrangement quietly and did not reject anything recklessly.

For my education, Rinne arranges me to have private tutors because I'm quite behind in my studies but I'm sure he just did not want to me to meet other people. The teachers are surprised to see me and for sure it is because I'm not a vampire but they are as professional as Rinne in controlling their emotion. I'm happy to be able to study, whether in this world or the previous world I unable to have a good education. Now I'm going to learn until I'm vomiting.)

"I'll get ready now," said Mikayla.

Mikayla gets a shower and go down to have breakfast and then go directly to the library to have his classes there. His class starts at eight o'clock in the morning and ended at noon for a two hours break. The learning continues again until five o'clock in the evening. He feels like he is a working person except he is busying learning.

The class start with general knowledge in the morning until the break and after the break, he will learn about magic. At night he has to report to his father what he has learned today. Everything is going smoothly for a month until he been told that the main family has come to meet him.

Rinne seems happy to see Mikayla freaked out. He thought that he can finally get rid of Mikayla with the main family visits.

"Good morning Sir, please come in," said Gerald.

"Hump! Where is that boy Alaric?" said Gregory Blade as he strides inside the mansion ignoring Gerald.

Mikayla is in the library waiting to meet Granpa Gregory if he is called. Alaric will meet his father in the study and when Gregory enters the study, he releases a very strong pressure. Gerald and the other servants that following behind him feels the pressure and directly falls to the ground. Gerald is a little bit better than others, he at least down on one bent knee. Gerald and the other servant's backs are wet and none of them utters a word of defiance.

"You dares to adopt a random child into our house! Do you think that you rule this family? ALARIC BLADE, explain yourself," shouts Gregory. His voice is so loud that the others who are weaker bleed their ears.

"Father, welcome!" said Alaric.

"What welcome!" said Gregory. Alaric keeps smiling and unaffected with his father rage.

"Father, that child is called Mikayla and he is not a random child. Kent brought him to me," said Alaric.

"You and your human friends. Remember, he is a human and that means he is our food," said Gregory. "How many times should I tell you. Haih!" Gregory sat on the chair and the pressure he emitted is gone. Not a little pressure can be felt. Magnificent control of magic power shows that Gregory Blade is one of the powerhouses in the vampire continent.

"I'm thirsty," said Gregory.

"Gerald makes the tea that I specially bought from the elves continent," said Alaric.

Gerald gets up immediately and secretly wipe his bleeding ears. He then hurriedly to make tea for the great master while controlling his trembling leg. The other servant carefully gets up from the floor and be ready for any instruction.

"Since you specially bought the tea from the elves continent, why don't you make the tea for me. Gerald step down, let the mighty duke who is so powerful and thinks he can bring anyone into our household make me some tea," said Gregory sarcastically while his finger knocking on the table with rhythm.

Alaric did not mind his father attitude and signal Gerald to moves aside and he himself prepares tea for his father. "Father, a month ago Kent come to me with this child. I think you have heard the rumours regarding new weapon in the human continent?" said Alaric.

"Hmm, I heard about it somewhere. You want to say this boy is the weapon," said Gregory.

"Mikayla is not the weapon but he receives something from the weapon and survives," said Alaric.

"Oh! And care to tell me why he is here if he is so important," said Gregory.

"Based on what I heard from Kent, they decided to make him the second weapon because of the first weapon full of flaw. Kent did not give me detail description about the weapon but he said the weapon is a monster," said Alaric.

Gregory stops tapping the table and his face changing into a serious expression. "You seem to know many things regarding that human weapon."

"Father, a few years ago I accidentally meet the weapon. I did not know anything about her at first but the disturbance that I feel from her is real. I cannot read her at all. If the weapon revives then it may change the stability we have now," said Alaric.

"..." Gregory. "That boy, how can he help us?"

"His father is among the first batch to receive the inheritance and then become The Fallen after knowing his friends being killed. Surprisingly after becoming The Fallen he remains sane unlike others and he passes the heritage to Mikayla. Mikayla receives the heritage and not only remains sane he also integrates with the heritage making the heritage his own power." said Alaric.

"You want to say that the boy can counter that weapon?" said Gregory.

"Yes, but I also think he probably has the same status as us," said Alaric.

"As far as I know his father is human?" said Gregory.

"Nobody knows, he has actually been adopted. Only his death father knows his origin," said Alaric.

"If he is as useful as you said taking him in is insurance. But if he cannot do anything towards the weapon then raising him because of his status also a benefit to us," said Gregory. His serious face is relaxed," said Gregory.

"Yes, and this your tea. Enjoy it," said Alaric.

Gregory sips his tea and savours the taste. Alaric knows his father loves tea and intentionally prepares this tea.

"So, where is the boy? When are you going to let me see him?" said Gregory.

"Gerald, call Mikayla to come here," said Alaric.

Gerald goes to the library to call for Mikayla. Mikayla calms his mind and walks to the study room to see Gregory. As soon as Mikayla enter the room Gregory looks Mikayla from his hair to his shoelaces.

"What a handsome boy! Hahahahah. Come to grandpa." said Gregory.

Rinne is stumbling a bit hearing Gregory addressed himself as grandpa. Didn't he dislike this child? Rinne regains his calmness and stay beside Gerald.

"Hello grandpa," said Mikayla with a clear voice and his cheek is red from excitement. He never thought that he will be received so easily inside the family.

"What is your name little boy? said Gregory.

"My name is Mikayla," said Mikayla.

"Good name! Pour grandpa some tea," said Gregory.

"Yes, grandpa," said Mikayla.

Mikayla pours some tea to Gregory and he drinks it with a happy face. Alaric helps to make the situation less awkward for Mikayla and because of this the three of them have a nice conversation together.

Gregory stated his decision to accept Mikayla in the family and they will announce it two months later in the main family residence. Mikayla is elated because it is an honour that they willing to accept him an ordinary orphan and even introduce him into their circle. Mikayla didn't realise that he is no longer an ordinary orphan and there is no way they will accept him if he just an ordinary person.

The three of them have a great time together and after dinner, Mikayla go into his room and after doing some revision he goes to sleep. Mikayla did not follow the vampire routine and still sleep at night and wake up during daylight because it will be detrimental for his health to suddenly change his biological clock.

In the living room, Gregory and Alaric are enjoying late night tea.

"Mikayla is an interesting boy just like you said. His status probably higher than us and on the same tier as our king. You made a good decision Alaric," said Gregory.

"Thank you father," said Alaric.