
Black Matter: I Stare Back

Through science a mistake was made. The mistake resulted in a mutation never before seen. In a boy locked away before the end as he was deemed too threatening. !Warning! Dark/messed up themes present. Not for the faint hearted. Thanks for reading.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasy
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11 Chs


After 1000 years in the Mariana Trench, I was satisfied. The humans regained their senses over the generations and were now Stone Age hunter-gatherer groups.

How long they will be in this stage is unknown. the population was steadily rising too. Nothing significant as hunter-gather civilizations can not support great growth.

I was not stagnant during these 1000 years. I experimented with black matter. First, the more complicated applications. Then I began to wonder, "Can I share this power?"

It is a highly volatile substance. It is a miracle I survived it in the first place. Another miracle it became my power. Giving it to others was a crazy idea. It would kill them. At least I think it would kill them.

I began such experiments with plants and animals. I had success. Them being non-sentient, they could only wield it in simple ways. Observing them, they got better at using it. They could even use more after as time passes. This made me confident in being able to give it to humans.

Power has always had a history of corruption. That repeated itself often. I should choose carefully. So I won't need to kill the one I chose later on.

A hero type of person. There have not been any heroes yet though. Too few humans too far apart too busy with just surviving.

I observed for another 500 years and I finally got a candidate. A young hunter chasing after a brown bear. As the brown bear was chasing another hunter with an injured arm who could not fight back. They were in a bigger group, but the rest did not try to save the injured hunter. Only this young hunter ran in an attempt to rescue the fleeing hunter from the brown bear.

Eventually, the young hunter caught up to the bear who had cornered the injured hunter. Not knowing what else to do, he threw his stone spear at the bear. It got stuck in the topside of the bear and enraged it. The young hunter took the 2nd spear he had hung on his back. Then fearlessly stood his ground as he held his spear tip out in front of him.

"He should do...", I think.

Then I manipulate black matter to cover the spear tip. The young hunter did not understand what the black sand and goo was. He did not get a chance to think as the bear ran straight into the spear tip. The the bear exploded into meat pieces all over the place.

The young hunter grew a bit weak at the extremely bloody scene. He was able to keep himself composed though. The injured hunter was entirely bewildered and thankful. The young hunter rushed over to attend to him. They talked about what happened as they walked back to their group together.

That was simply a taste. I put a small amount of black matter in his heart. Which will make it assimilate the best. I started small in case it did not go well with humans.

I observed this young hunter. Who I learned is called, Richard. The source of the names came from the pet humans who had names. The Elves kept human naming schemes for their human pets. So in a way, human origin names survived trough the human pets. Which now passed on the name repository they knew to others.

Richard was slow and cautious with discovering the small amount of power I gave him. Given his youth, he was also extremely curious and eager to find out what it can do.

His first applications were related to hunting. Enhancing his spear, his movement, even his sight. Figuring out how to improve his sight was impressive. As messing with the eyes is difficult and dangerous. His sight could only be considered farsight. As it could not penetrate through objects, but still commendable.

As the years went by, Richard noticed something peculiar. He was not aging that fast. His peers were visibly more worn out than him by years. His woman was growing older faster than him. His children were catching up to how he looks. Which is not a day over 35.

He seriously pondered the implications. He did not have any real idea about what the future would bring. Richard decided he would continue to live as usual and do his best for the tribe. As he has always done. He did work his way to becoming the tribe chief. His abilities made it easy.

However, as he lived longer and get his youth. The tribesman began to be suspicious and would not be at ease around him.

Eventually, Richard decided to abdicate his position and live nearby the tribe. Rather than within. He took on the role as a protector and hunter. When the tribe needed more food, he went and found some. Then he left the dead prey in the tribe. Often without being noticed.

Only his children and grandchildren interacted with him after his woman died of natural causes.

He became a protector when they encountered another tribe and the relations deteriorated to violence. He fought them all off himself once he knew their intentions to fight his tribe for the hunting grounds of the area. Even thought it was big enough for a dozen tribes.

The tribe became less wary. They even had a distant respect for him.

Around this time, Richard looked to be in his early 40's. Aging may be slow for him, but not non-existent. He will still die from time. Feeling this to be the truth, Richard left his tribe and land. He went to travel.

He was stagnating as a hermit anyways. There still existed animals with magical abilities on Earth. Which were brought over by the Elves. I did not eliminate them. As they could be useful to humans in the future.

He encountered them for the first time. He was fearful of them until he realized how he compares. He was higher on the food chain.

He went to a few tribes until he settled with a people that lived on a plain next to a forest. In his old age, he had gotten a few ideas.

Which would lay down the path to a better civilization. Luckily, the tribe he settled with had a few intelligent people with vision. When Richard died, they remembered his ideas. Ideas of building homes with stone, and capturing animals.

"Mmm, no new heroic type person yet. I'll keep a special eye on this tribe though. Richard's ideas have taken root. Perhaps the next hero will be from this tribe. I'll make stronger too. I only used a bit of black matter on Richard. As I was unsure how much a human can handle.", I muse.

While in my watery retreat. I saw another Elf fleet enter the system. This time, there were 10 ships.

I scoff, "Laughable and honestly insulting."

Looking at the flagship, the fleet captain is someone different. I go invisible and step right next to the fleet captains chair.

I overhear while they don't know I am there, 

"We must take the planet back."

"90% of all human farms were on Earth."

"How dare a lower lifeform fight back!"

"Destroy the dark being, and take back Earth!"

"Avenge the dead!"

It was obvious they were not here for diplomacy. I don't feel like being theatrical neither. The ships are only a bit stronger than the last ones. The Elves are all around the same strength as the last fleet. This captain isn't as strong as a king neither. I think they just wanted to depend on their technological weapons against me. Which are magic based technology. It will not work.

I stepped back to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. They were not worth the trouble. I flicked my hand and the fleet was hit with black matter particles. Atomic explosions followed soon after. The fleet was wiped out. No survivors.

It should be a short while before they send a ship or whatever to check on them. These Elves really have a long sense of time. It has been almost 2000 years, and they have barely sent a capable fleet. Well, capable against normal threats. It is boggling to guess what they are thinking. 

"Are they so arrogant to send insects against me repeatedly? Or is due to lack of information.", I think aloud.

Better for me they stay foolish anyways. Gives me less work and more time for things I want to do. For one, I have been craving ice cream. It will be a long time before the people get around to inventing it again. I should just invent it for myself.

I also want a couch and a bed. I never really thought about it, but I haven't slept in these near 2000 years. I never noticed until now. 

I think I will begin the more creative uses for black matter. Rather than destructive.

2500 years after the genocide. I have gotten really good at making things from black matter. Although I needed to make the ice cream by hand. A perfect snack for witnessing the birth of civilization. 

For the humans of the last Tribe Richard reached have begun to keep animals for animal products. Goat milk, chicken eggs and the like. Farming still eludes them though. Stone buildings are popping up in the tribe. Medicine is getting better. There is even primitive writing being made from small picture depictions.

A small start, but a good start.


thanks for reading.