
Black Material Hunting System

A random sexually-frustrated college student discovers a mysterious app that changes his life forever... Okay, now the real talk. What can you expect? This is a training-type novel, that means our mc will train woman into his slaves. He will still have affection for his women, and there will be romance but don't expect silly fluffy stuff. There will be a couple of scenes of other men having sex (not with mc's woman, don't worry) but I'll still mark those chapters, so you will know what you are getting into. If it's not your cup of tea, skip the chapter. This novel is less about action and system itself, but more about mc and his women. There will be a lot of H scenes, and I mean a lot but plot won't be completely shallow either. In short, this is easily digestible, highly arousing, boner inducing, no brain-fucking novel. Enjoy! This book has fast progression and mc takes down women relatively faster as compared to my other novel. Update Schedule: 7/Week. Update Time: CST@1am; GMT@4am; IST@9:30am For those who want to support my work and read ahead, they can go to my Patreon: patreon.com/BukkakeMaster

BukkakeMaster · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 15: Subduing Fan Yingzhi

Word Counts: 2176

Fan Yingzhi was startled by his series of actions and her body resisted instinctively.

"Stop struggling!" Chen Yi scolded loudly. Although he sympathised with her, he understood that he cannot be soft with a woman like her. From the very start, he must be in command, and let her firmly grasp who hold the reigns here.

But there was a problem. Unlike Mu Shuyan who had an abusive physique and likes to humiliated, Fan Yingzhi had no fetishes.


[Prey Position 2: Fan Yingzhi]

[Favourability: -30 (0/passer-by, 20/acquaintances, 40/friends, 60/close friends, 80/crush, 90/love, 100/obsession)]

[Age: 41]

[Appearance Value: 93]

[Sexual Experience: Number of people: 1, Number of times: 13 (Oral Sex: 0, Anal Sex: 0, Vaginal Sex: 13)]

[Sexual Fetish: None]

[Black Material: To save her family, hired a dog licker to assassinate her sister-in-law. (Video.mp4)]


That's why Chen Yi was at a loss. He was able to raise Mu Shuyan's favourability so quickly because her basically aroused her inner nature—a slut who likes to be abused. Naturally, this method wouldn't work on Fan Yingzhi. Furthermore, a strong woman like her also wouldn't fall in love with him just because he fucked her good.

At a loss, Chen Yi suddenly remembered something and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

'Yes, this could work.'


Sure enough, as he expected, even after he scolded, her struggle showed no signs of halting. No, she struggled even more fiercely.

"You! Let me go!"

Chen Yi held her noble and cold body tightly in his arms, and said lewdly, "You know, after I first arrived in your villa, and met Lan Ruoxi, I was completely stunned. I had never seen such a cute little beauty, and I couldn't help but think what it would feel like to embrace…"


Before he could even finish the sentence, Fan Yingzhi yelled coldly. "Don't you dare to dream of touching my daughters!"

For a moment, seeing her ferocious state, Chen Yi courage also deflated slightly but knowing that he has her complete handle, he calmed down.

Under her perplexed look, Chen Yi choose to release her on his own volition. He stood of calmly, sat a single sofa a bit far away, leaned on the headrest comfortably and then took our his mobile phone, playing with it nonchalantly, not saying a thing.

The silence in the reception room was eerie; Fan Yingzhi suddenly had a very bad premonition. She couldn't help but curse herself inwardly for her outburst earlier.

"What are you doing?"


Chen Yi didn't reply, only his fingers moved, as if he was typing something.

Fan Yingzhi became even more anxious. The fear of unknown swept through her heart. Unable to withstand the silence, she stood up elegantly. Even in the time of peril, her every move exuded nobility that couldn't possibly be found in young girls.

Walking up to Chen Yi, he faintly leaned, showing a bit of snowy white smooth cleavage. But as she saw what he was doing, her long legs wobbled, and she almost fell down.

He was actually uploading the video on Youku, the most popular video sharing website in China at the moment with a monthly active user base of over 500million! And it was almost done uploading! The title was "Shocking! A wealthy woman living in Yun Que turned out to be a murderer! I present the evidence!"

"Wait! Stop! Don't upload it!" Suddenly regaining her vigour, regardless of her image as a noble lady, she jumped to snatch his phone first.

But how could this be allowed to happen? Already familiar with this route, Chen Yi effortlessly suppressed her, looking at her with a cold smile, "Oh, what happened? Weren't you pushing me away just a minute ago? Why are you clinging to me now?"

Fan Yingzhi was completely panicked at his moment. Seeing his cold face, she panicked even more. She felt that Chen Yi was seriously going to upload the video. If that happened, then she was completely finished.

No, although she didn't mind if something happened to her as she was ready to atone but she didn't want her children to carry the burden of "murderer's child". Just imagining that made her eyes wet.

Seeing that no matter how she struggled, she couldn't get close to the phone at all and the upload was almost complete, Fan Yingzhi, a cold and mature strong woman couldn't help shedding tears. She bent her knees, and hugged his thighs, begging sobbingly, "Please… I'll do anything. Just don't upload it… I beg you…"

Chen Yi felt bad in his heart when he saw her in this state but there was also a surging pleasure in his heart asking him to humiliate this woman more and more. At the end, the inner voice defeated pity. He sneered and asked, "Oh, I don't know if you are being sincere or not..."

"I am sincere, absolutely sincere. I'll do anything you want. Don't you want me as your woman, fine. I will be your woman, hu… husband." Fan Yingzhi felt the shame of lifetime seeping into her veins as she uttered those words. When had she ever suffered so much?

When Chen Yi heard the word "husband" from those pink lips of hers, combined with her immortal-like beauty and frail look in the eyes, it made his heart pump hard. What a stunner! If a woman like her was allowed to escape, then that will be the regret of his lifetime.

Not only is her beauty timeless, her body curvaceous, even her younger daughter was marvel in the world. He was sure that her older daughter was definitely a peerless beauty too. Furthermore, she was a billionaire. When Chen Yi came here today, he real intent was to get into contact with a rich woman. Never did he imagined that he would actually stumble upon a treasure trove!

This woman… her daughters… her wealth… he wanted it all!

"Seeing that you are so sincere, I will be lenient. But from now, if I ever heard you talking to me in that loud tone, you know the consequence. Don't you, my… wife?" Chen Yi chuckled amusedly, removing his cold expression. He actually wanted to press her further, but he figured he might as well let her have some dignity. If she did something out of moment of desperation, then the loss wouldn't be worth the momentarily entertainment.

"I understand, I understand." Fan Yingzhi nodded hurriedly while hugging his legs. If someone who knew her saw her in this state, then their eyes would probably fall off.

"Can you please stop uploading the video?" She carefully asked.

"Hmm?" Chen Yi gave her a look.

How smart was Fan Yingzhi, how couldn't she understand? She bit her lips, deliberately made her voice soft and then said, "Please, husband."

The soft voice akin to oriole singing made Chen Yi intoxicated. He liked it. Satisfied, he stopped the uploading process. Seeing this, Fan Yingzhi finally heaved a sigh of relief but before she could relax, Chen Yi said, "Wife, the ink in my pen seemed to be jammed, can you please use your mouth to suck my ink out and clear the passage?"

Fan Yingzhi raised her head with perplexed look. Pen? Jammed? She need to suck it out? What does he—

Seeing his lewd smirk, a realisation dawn upon Fan Yingzhi and she subconsciously looked at his crotch. Immediately she backed away in shame. She didn't pay attention to in the heat of the moment, but now she realised how close she actually was to his crotch, which rose at some point, and the stretched pants pointed towards her face.

Understanding his intent, Fan Yingzhi's pupils trembled. However, knowing that she was a fish at a chopping board at the moment and she couldn't disobey this man, the only thing she wished was that he would leave her with some dignity. She said, "At least not here, Ruoxi is still outside…"

"Why does it matter? She's just learning how to do "maintenance" earlier. Let her learn from her usually cold and proud mother about how to serve a man, I'm sure it will be eye opening for her." Chen Yi smiled obscenely.

"No, don't say that… please, let's get into a room. I'll do whatever you want."

When had Fan Yingzhi heard such innuendos? Although she is a mother of three children, in actuality, the number of times she had sex with her husband can be counted on fingers. She got pregnant a few days after marriage, and her younger daughter was born because she and her husband drank one day and then ended up on bed.

After the matter with his sister-in-law, he was much colder to her. Forget about sex, they didn't slept on the same bed. Furthermore, her husband was a typical career-oriented rigid man. During the few times they slept together, he couldn't even say a few words of love. It was as if sleeping with her was a chore that he just had to be done with.

"Oh, you are inviting a strange man into your room that you have met for the first time? What a slut~"

"No, I am not…"


"No, yes, I am a slut… a slut…" Seeing Chen Yi's worsening face, Fan Yingzhi hurriedly corrected.

"Hmm. What are you waiting for then? Lead me there."

Under the leadership of Fan Yingzhi, the two reached the innermost bedroom on the second floor. As soon as he entered, he saw the family photo on the desk beside the bed. He walked up to it and picked it up. In the photo were five people—two adult and three children. The photo exuded a particular feeling, Chen Yi didn't know how to describe it. But what he could tell what that all three woman in the photo were goddess-level beauties.

Putting down the photo, he sat on the bed and said, "Where is your elder daughter?"

Fan Yingzhi wanted to lie, but after thinking about it, she still told the truth: "She is a student at Tsinghua University."

"1000kms away, huh. But Tsinghua University, tsk, tsk, she must be smart." Chen Yi said enviously.

Fan Yingzhi didn't seem to have heard his envy. A hint of genuine happiness and pride appeared in her eyes as she said, "That's right. She has been extremely smart, hard-working and intelligent since childhood."

"Alas, what a pity"—Fan Yingzhi looked at Chen Yi, not understanding why he said so, only to hear him continue—"If others knew that her mother is a murdered, then all her hard work, future that she worked for, friends that she made… all will vanish."

As a look of despair arose on Fan Yingzhi's face when she heard this, Chen Yi experienced a giddy feeling bubbling inside his heart.

He… enjoyed that? It seems like it. Coming in terms with this revelation, he couldn't help but shook his head wryly. Seems like he was a scumbag material—through and through.

Fan Yingzhi quickly came to her senses. She didn't tried to talk nonsense with him anymore; she walked up to him and then squatted down between his legs. Since she had to go through this anyway, there was no need for further torture.

Chen Yi was surprised to see her so obedient. "Smart woman are easily to deal with. Go on, open my pants."

When the moment finally came, Fan Yingzhi newly found resolution was put through ringer. She hesitated for a while, glanced sideways at the family photo, closed her trembling eyelids for a moment, opened then and then stretched her arms to take off his pants.

"Wait. That's not the proper way… wife." Right when her jade-like crystal clear hands were about to touch his pants, he stopped her. She looked at him, waiting.

He didn't say anything this time, merely stretched his hand and touched her cheeks. He slowly stroked her delicate and smooth cheeks, rubbed her cute ears, tapped onto her straight nose, passed through her philtrum groove and finally touched her pink lips that were neither thin or think, they were perfect, just like everything else about her.

It was the first time someone caressed her face so carefully. The hot touch of his hand gradually made Fan Yingzhi a little intoxicated. She subconsciously leaned into his hands. Until Chen Yi finally touched her lips did she snap out of the spell-like moment. A complex light flashed in her eyes as she realised what she did just now.

Chen Yi slowly rubbed her lips. Fan Yingzhi saw him looking at her lips and then at his pants. She understood what he meant immediately. Curling her lips, for the first time in life she hated her own intelligence.

When Chen Yi removed his finger from her lips and waited with a look of anticipation, she could only sigh helplessly, prop her arms against the flurry carpeted ground, lean forward, move her proud head closer to his crotch and start undressing him using her pink lips and pearly-white teeth!