
Black Material Hunting System

A random sexually-frustrated college student discovers a mysterious app that changes his life forever... Okay, now the real talk. What can you expect? This is a training-type novel, that means our mc will train woman into his slaves. He will still have affection for his women, and there will be romance but don't expect silly fluffy stuff. There will be a couple of scenes of other men having sex (not with mc's woman, don't worry) but I'll still mark those chapters, so you will know what you are getting into. If it's not your cup of tea, skip the chapter. This novel is less about action and system itself, but more about mc and his women. There will be a lot of H scenes, and I mean a lot but plot won't be completely shallow either. In short, this is easily digestible, highly arousing, boner inducing, no brain-fucking novel. Enjoy! This book has fast progression and mc takes down women relatively faster as compared to my other novel. Update Schedule: 7/Week. Update Time: CST@1am; GMT@4am; IST@9:30am For those who want to support my work and read ahead, they can go to my Patreon: patreon.com/BukkakeMaster

BukkakeMaster · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 14: Fan Yingzhi

Words Count: 2125

The little gorgeous girl breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran over, grabbing Chen Yi's arm and examining him up and down. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Breathing in the delightful fresh fragrance emanating from youthful girl, Chen Yi instantly felt refreshed and shook his head. "I'm fine, but you weren't scared, were you?"

"No, no, Hua Hua has been with me since I was little. We're close, and he's very smart. He never hurts anyone."

After experiencing what just happened, the girl's level of fondness for Chen Yi skyrocketed, as if it had been propelled by a rocket.

Lan Ruoxi blinked her big eyes, looking at Chen Yi with admiration. "Big brother, what's your name? I'm Lan Ruoxi, but you can call me Ruoxi."

As she spoke, she unconsciously wrapped her arms around Chen Yi's arm, sandwiching it between her soft bosom, that was beyond someone of her age.

Chen Yi almost moaned in ecstasy. This girl seemed to have no sense of caution when it came to men, whether it was naivety or promiscuity. Either way, it was good news for Chen Yi. Getting close to a girl like her wouldn't be too difficult.

However, the job hadn't been secured yet, so he couldn't reveal his thoughts too early.

Pretending not to notice, Chen Yi naturally reported his name, with a sense of aloofness. "I am Chen Yi."

"Brother Chen Yi, you're so amazing! Can you teach me martial arts?"

Lan Ruoxi playfully shook Chen Yi's arm, and the friction between her breasts became even more evident.

Feeling that things were escalating, Chen Yi suspected he might get an erection right then and there. So, he cleared his throat and was about to withdraw his hand when he heard a cold female voice coming from the direction of the living room, "Ruoxi, what are you doing? Let go of him right now!"

"Ah, Mom!"

Lan Ruoxi was startled and quickly let go of Chen Yi's hand.

Chen Yi followed the sound and felt his heart race again.

He was engulfed by a wave of awe as he beheld the woman before him. She was mature, yet her exquisite beauty masked her age, presenting her in the radiant light of late twenties. This timeless goddess, the mother of beautiful little girl Lan Ruoxi, carried a frosty, aloof temperament that only heightened her allure.

Donned in an elegant, royal purple qipao, its intricate gold embroidery reflecting her opulence, she was a picture of regal elegance. The dress subtly hinted at her preserved curves, adding to her captivating charm. Her buttocks, firm and round, enhanced the grace of her silhouette, leaving Chen Yi yearning for more.

Her frosty demeanour did not overshadow her intellect, but rather lent a complex depth to her persona. Amid her icy indifference, her luxurious elegance shone through, leaving Chen Yi completely entranced by this extraordinary vision of beauty and sophistication.

However, judging from her expression, she seemed a bit unfriendly.

Lan Ruoxi sprinted to the beautiful woman with long strides and nervously grabbed her hand. "Mom, don't be angry. It's not Chen Yi's fault. I wasn't paying attention..."

Chen Yi didn't expect that this woman, who appeared to be in her late twenties, was Lan Ruoxi's mother. He was somewhat shocked by this revelation.

Lan Ruoxi may not have been very old, but she appeared to be at least thirteen or fourteen years old. Her mother, on the other hand, was conservatively estimated to be in her thirties or older. Yet, this woman seemed to have consumed a preservative that left no trace of time on her body. It was truly unbelievable.

The beautiful woman glanced at Lan Ruoxi and gracefully walked over, giving Chen Yi a faint cold glance. "Are you here for the job interview?"

Chen Yi swallowed nervously and said, "Yes... Madam."

He originally wanted to address her as "Auntie," but looking at her youthful face, he just couldn't bring himself to say it. "Miss" seemed too frivolous, so he had a sudden idea and called her "Madam."

The beautiful woman was slightly surprised by this address, but she didn't show it. She calmly said, "Your interview is over. You can leave now."

"When will I start working then?"

"Work? You're too young. You're not suitable to be Ruoxi's driver. Do you understand what I mean?"

Although the beautiful woman's voice was calm and composed, her cold tone containing warning was unmistakable.

Before Chen Yi could respond, Lan Ruoxi couldn't help but interject, "Mom, how can you do this? You said you wouldn't interfere. Chen Yi agreed to be my driver. Why are you stopping him?"

"There's no why. I said it's not happening!"

The beautiful woman looked coldly at Chen Yi and said, "Chen Yi, later I will send someone to give you a 100,000 yuan as compensation for your trouble. Now, you can leave."

A mysterious faint blue light flashed in Chen Yi's eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips. "No need for compensation, and I won't insist on staying. However, I have something I'd like to discuss with Madam. Would it be possible to have a private conversation?"

A trace of disdain crossed the beautiful woman's face. "There's nothing that can't be said in front of others. Whatever you want to talk about, say it here."

Chen Yi smiled faintly. "Since Madam insists, there's no problem. The matter I want to discuss is about a woman named Guan, Guan Yufen..."

"Hold on!"

The beautiful woman's face finally showed a hint of change. "Ruoxi, wait outside. Chen Yi and I have something to discuss."

Lan Ruoxi, who had been sulking, saw her mother's sudden change in attitude. Though she didn't know the reason, a smile instantly appeared on her face. She nodded repeatedly, "Okay, Mom, I won't disturb you. Isn't that right, Hua Hua?"

Hua Hua glanced up at Lan Ruoxi and then turned around, giving her a gentle tap on the back of her head.

"Hmph, you naughty Hua Hua, I'm not talking to you anymore."

Lan Ruoxi left, and the beautiful mature woman took a deep breath. "Follow me."

After saying that, she walked into the living room on her own, unintentionally twisting her fat buttocks. Chen Yi licked his lips, followed and passed through the living room, entering a quiet reception room.

"Speak up. What's your relationship with Guan Yufen?" the beautiful woman asked.

As soon as Chen Yi entered the room, his attitude suddenly became casual. He casually sat on the couch with one leg crossed over the other. "I have no relationship with Guan Yufen. I just happened to come across some information."

Before the beautiful woman could speak, he took out his old Huawei phone from his pocket and opened a video, pressing the play button.

In the next second, a woman's voice came through the phone:

"Sister-in-law, don't blame me. I didn't want to do this. If you have to blame someone, blame yourself for going too far!"

The moment the beautiful woman heard the voice, her face turned pale. She was all too familiar with that voice. It was her own voice. She even remembered the scene vividly when she said those words.

Chen Yi paused the video and smiled. "Do you want to continue listening? To the words of Mrs. Fan Yingzhi?"


Fan Yingzhi's cold face lost all colour, becoming incredibly pale. She suppressed her rising inner panic, and asked, "Who are you, and why do you have that video from back then?"

Chen Yi didn't answer directly. Instead, he spoke calmly, "Twenty years ago, the Lan brothers founded Dongpeng Pharmaceutical Factory. Within three years, the business thrived and gradually prospered. During this period, the two brothers got married, and their wives helped manage the affairs of the factory efficiently. The brothers had more time to focus on researching pharmaceuticals, and everything seemed to be moving in the right direction."

"But one day, the younger brother's wife discovered that her sister-in-law was embezzling her husband's assets through her position. She told her husband about it, but the sister-in-law had already prepared to cover it up, and not only did she not arouse her husband's attention, she also made him doubt his own wife."

"Afterward, the sister-in-law orchestrated various schemes to frame her. Not willing to be humiliated, the younger brother's wife secretly contacted a licking dog who had always had a crush on her. She persuaded him to add hydrogen peroxide to the soup her sister-in-law regularly consumed during the lunch break."

"When everyone realized what had happened, it was already too late. The sister-in-law had passed away. Afterward, she promised to take care of the licking dog's family, and out of love, he willingly confessed and went to prison."

"The death of the sister-in-law greatly affected the elder brother, and his congenital heart disease resurfaced, leading to his untimely demise. Her husband, after piecing together the clues, deeply regretted what had happened and became a monk."

"With the support of neither her husband nor his elder brother, the pharmaceutical factory became increasingly difficult to sustain. Therefore, she made a decisive move and sold the company to Hongxing Pharmaceuticals for 1.5 Billion RMB, just before the decline. She then bought a villa in the Shanghai and raised her two daughters and a traumatised son on her own."

"I hope I didn't miss anything in my account, Mrs. Fan Yingzhi."

As Chen Yi recounted the events, Fan Yingzhi had lost her previous cold air of superiority. With each word, she couldn't help but sob.

Chen Yi felt some sympathy. After all, Fan Yingzhi had been forced into a corner and had resorted to such extreme measures. However, the law does not consider such circumstances.

"Stop crying. I'm not here to seek revenge for Guan Yufen," Chen Yi said.

Fan Yingzhi looked up in surprise, her originally cold and enchanting beauty now adorned with tears, adding a touch of allure. Chen Yi couldn't help but swallow hard.

"You... really aren't here for revenge?" she asked.

Chen Yi sighed, "If I wanted revenge, I could have simply handed over the evidence to the police. There was no need for me to go through all this trouble and apply for a job."

"Then where did you get this information?" Fan Yingzhi asked.

Stripped of her haughty cold facade, Fan Yingzhi appeared like any other ordinary woman, no, she was even more vulnerable.

In fact, this was the true face of Fan Yingzhi.

Her struggles as a wealthy single mother raising two daughters and a traumatised son were known only to her. To avoid the pursuit of men with dark intentions, she had no choice but to don a veil of pride, indifference and coldness for self-protection.

Chen Yi sympathized with her, but he had no intention of letting her off the hook. A woman of her calibre, with an equally pair of stunning daughters, would be a waste to pass up. Besides, she was already on his radar, and he couldn't afford to let such an opportunity slip away. Chen Yi would not allow such a thing to happen.

Facing Fan Yingzhi's deer-in-headlights gaze, Chen Yi shook his head. "You don't need to know where this information came from. Just know that I'm the only one who has it."

"So, what do you want? Money?" Fan Yingzhi wasn't a fool. She knew that Chen Yi's actions were not simply meant to scare her. After all, she had received a staggering sum of 1.5 Billion RMB for selling the pharmaceutical factory, and it was only natural for Chen Yi to be tempted.

Chen Yi shook his head. "Although money is indeed tempting, that's not what I want."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want something else," Chen Yi said firmly as he stood up and walked towards Fan Yingzhi steadily. "I want you. Be with woman, and I will ensure the safety and well-being of you and your daughters."

Fan Yingzhi's eyes trembled, and her body began shivering. With this sentence, she has a firm grasp of his intensions. Faced with such a situation for the first time, even a strong woman like was at a loss. She looked at Chen Yi's gradually approaching figure and said hesitantly, "I am already an old woman, but you are so young…"

"Who said you're old?" Chen Yi interrupted with a smile. He took a step closer, sat down beside her, and gently embraced her slender waist, pulling her cold body into his embrace. He leaned in and lightly kissed her neck, inhaling a subtle fragrance mixed with the scent of white blossoms.

"It smells so good! You are the most captivating woman I've ever encountered."