

He walked through the desolate city calmly, scanning the vicinity for any stragglers that he had missed. A short inspection quickly revealed that his ruthless attack left no surviving Plague Monsters.

But there was something else.

He stopped in front of a large building, and then quickly turned his neck to face the person flying so fast that it could break the sound barrier. 

A surprised look overcame his face. He knew the person.

"Mr Hugo, you're here!"

A happy, childish voice called his attention to the rapidly flying figure of a boy rapidly flying towards him.

Hugo waited for Icarus to get there, and the boy didn't take very long at all. He dropped from the sky, large white wings folding up behind him. The boy landed on the ground with a small thud and grinned at Hugo as he did so.

'I've never understood what this boy sees in me…'