

Hugo lay on the long operating table, eyes wide open as the saws and medical equipment cut into his body.

Vibrant red blood spilled all over the surface and his guts and entrails lay open before him. At that moment, his internal organs were no secret.

It didn't terrify him as much as amuse him. He thought he was a god. A deity. Once again, life proved him wrong.

In his final clash against the large man in armour, he'd taken more damage than he cared to admit. However, he didn't really feel it. However, it was clearly there. He looked to the side of him after a brief struggle. Physician sat on a bench overseeing the procedure.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, ignoring the irritating itching in his throat and the piercing pain deep in his chest.

Physician looked at him with a dirty frown, his eyes burning with anger, but surprisingly the man managed to keep a straight face and speak calmly.