
Chapter two

"What did you do all these years? Where did you go? Do you live with her now?" the attendant said to Charlotte. Charlotte looked up, smiled at the attendant, her smile was not warm, it made people think she was thinking of how she should tick them, "Just call me Charlotte now, I'm not in the organization any more and you know that, and, give me a reason not to kill you so you won't tell anyone I'm there. C-023  jack diamonds." Charlotte said with a cold voice which made people walk into a trap. "Call me David, I don't want anyone to know I'm in the organization and how did you know I'm in the organization but not the Angel Reach?" "You looked up when we came in, looked a little surprised to see me, and this." Charlotte said as she held out a ring. there was silent for a moment

"When did you take that?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Will you give it back?"

"you don't want it?"

"I do, and by the way, how did you know me?"

"You are quite famous in the organization, being the one that knows the most information."

"Not as famous as you, the youngest one to be a director in the organization."

  There was silence for a moment. "She is going to wake soon," Charlotte said she raised her hand really fast and a dart flew out from her sleeve, and it hit the wall before David could realize it was stuck into the wall. A trickle of sweat fell down his head. "I don't want to hear a word of me being here and do I have to pay for my sword?" it was not a question. "no,no take it, it was your sword after all." Charlotte smiled again and looked at Alice as she opened her eyes. Soon the summer passed, and they were leaving for school. For some reason Charlotte insisted on Alice wearing a mask with her. Alice's has a white medal that outlines half of the face, and white silk, which is outlined by a golden line around it, flows down like water. Charlotte also has one but it is black completely black. They put their things on the bus, and the bus started, it will be a long ride, Alice soon fell asleep. 

There was a loud noise, and everyone was alert, they were all going to the school. A monster that looked like a huge scorpion jumped in front of the car. "Everyone, get off the bus and prepare to fight." the busdriver said to everyone. They got off but most people are too afraid to move, they had all got trained, but they never faced a real monster before. Not Alice, she was ready she pulled out Alex, her sword, and then she felt stronger, she looked back and saw Charlotte, putting her hand together as if praying, her eyes gleamed green and Alice knew it was her power "heal" working now. she nodded and jumped up into the air, dogging the scorpion's tail, and smashing Alex onto the it's head. A flicker of fire appeared as the great sword hit the scorpion and only left a mark. The scorpion winces and tries snapping at Alice, but with her sister's help, Alice is really fast. As she was trying not to get hit she yelled "what are you people thinking? I can't beat a huge monster by myself!" That makes the people start moving. Suddenly hundreds of fire and water balls flow and hit the scorpion, veins grow up and tie it to the ground, people that have healing and support power stand around Charlotte and use their powers to help, and there are also people that pull out swords and help Alice. The scorpion tries to break the veins helplessly but there are too many. Soon the scorpion fell to the ground and did not stand up again. Everyone is tired and exhausted as they get into the bus again, and the bus soon is filled with snoring. 

Alice woke up and felt someone shaking her, it was Charlotte, she pointed out the window and Alice found out they were at their destination. They got off the bus and Alice gasped, the school is on top of a mountain and it is in the clouds, the buildings are all big and beautiful. Charlotte pulled her sister to a building that had a sign that said "new student here" and an arrow pointing that way. There are people sitting behind the tables, as they approach one table a girl that looks about 21 sits behind the table. "names?" "um, I'm Alice and this is Charlotte." "ok," the girl said and handed them a key and a watch, "room 403, and the watch is for time and level, click here." She showed them how to use it. "thanks." Alice said "no problem, oh, and you can also get credit here. everything can be brought by credits, and at least 500 credits to graduate. and NEXT!!!". There are 4 people in a room, 2 Bunk beds, and a bathroom. Alice and Charlotte are the earliest two so they can choose bad first, they both choose the top ones and start putting away their things. 

About ten minutes later, someone barged into the room, someone on her back and two luge on each hand. "Does anyone have healing power?" the girl asked, panting "we got attacked by the monster and Sophia got hit and fainted. They say 'go ask your roommate.'" Charlotte got down and started healing Sophia with her power. There is a serious injury on Sophia's back that is clearly made from a monster, but soon the injury starts healing at a really fast speed. "Wow." the girl said "that is awesome, my name is Iris. what is your's." "My name is Alice and this is," Alice pushed for a second "my sister, she doesn't talk , her name is Charlotte." "thanks Charlotte, what is your two's power and level? I'm 17 and my ability is Summoner." Iris said proudly. Alice smiled "me and Charlotte both need a monster that suits us, the one that we meet is not good enough." "oh, great, Wait a moment, what? are you two…" Alice smiled and looked at Charlotte who stood up and nodded, then pointed at Sophia who's injury was completely healed. Alice looked back and saw Iris sitting on the floor in a corner facing the wall drawing circles with one finger "I thought I'm the strongest one." she muttered "but I'm the weakest. you two are level 20 how did you do that?" Alice can't help it, she starts laughing, "hay," Iris said, "you are mean." Charlotte poked her to let them know that Sophia needed rest.

It turns out every room is a team, Sophia's power is to control plants, Iris can call out two monsters that can fight for her, Alice can control time and is over all the team captain, and Charlotte is the support and healing. The next day, everyone woke up and went to the field (Alice and Charlotte had their masks on). There is a stage and the principal is standing there. After all the new students got to the field, the principal said "Welcome to Castle Peak School, I'm not going to speak for 30 min in this burning sun." he raised his hand and 3 doors appeared, "everyone will be in their room, every room is a team. Get 50 points and come out, you can kill each other but remember if you die, you will be dead in the real world too." he took a breath, "The gem on the monster's head is the thing you want to bring back, white gem is 5 points, yellow is 10 points, red is 20 point, and black is 30 points." he waved his hand and everyone got a ring on their hands "for storing the gem. Now good luck, the most simple one is on the left, and the hardest one is on the right. You all have three days."