
Chapter one

"Come on, we need to get to school, it's our final test." Alice said to Charlotte, and like always, Charlotte nodded and followed her out. This is a world of magic, 60% of all the people have "powers" , well, "power", there is only one for each person, there are rare occasions where there are two, and there is only a story of having someone who has three powers, but it is just a story. Even if it is true, no one knows who that is. There are also monsters in this world. If you kill a monster it will give you "points" that will help you upgrade. there is also energy value, if they run out, the powers will no longer work. Alice is not thinking about that, today is their final test and Alice can't wait to see how well she is doing in her class. As they got onto the bus, kids said hi to Alice but not Charlotte, after they sat down, Alice looked at her. Charlotte is not her sister, Alice and her family don't know where she comes from. They found her on the street and adopted her. Charlotte never talks, but she seems to understand everything. Charlotte is one of the special ones, she has two abilities, the first one is called "heal" and the second one is called "ice". They never saw her using them, she told them by writing them down and she also told them that she is 18 which is the same with Alice. Alice also has two, the first one is "pause" this can make the time stop, she can move and she can also choose someone else that can also move. The other one is "proficy". She can know what will happen in five minutes.

The bus stopped and they got off the bus, and got to their classroom. The first test is on paper, History, English, Math, all that kind of stuff. Then the test of ability levels, "don't worry about it," their teacher said "after you get to level 10 you will be free to go and use your abilities, and you all can do that." that didn't help much, they never tested even though they had been meditating whenever they had time to improve their levels, lilly is still nervous. Charlotte's facial expression didn't change, Alice realized that it had never changed before, black eyes that looked blank, and never even smiling. The test had just started by then the first student was walking up to the stage, he put his hand on a glass ball, the moment he put his hand on it, a beam of light shot out on the wall behind and the light kept climbing up until it reached the number 11, it flashes gold once and stops. "number 1, level 11, passed." said the examiner. The student sighs in relief and gets off the stage. "number 17, level 10, passed" "number 32, level 8, did not pass" finally, it was Alice's turn, she took a deep breath, walked up the stage, she could hear people whispering "it's the 'sisters'" "wonder how she is going to do." "I don't worry about her, it's her sister, you know she can't talk" Alice glares at the audience and the voices disappear. Slowly, she put her hand on the glass ball and. Suddenly the light shot up, faster and faster until it reached 10 then it slowed down a little, it reached 15, slowed a little and slowly, very slowly reached 19 and flashed. The crowd was silent for almost a minute then exploded with applause. "19! It is the highest score this year!" "I was thinking maybe a 15, but 19." Lily smiled with pride as she walked down the stage. 

After then, it was Charlotte's turn, she still looked blank as she walked on the stage. she just simply put her hand on the ball as if she had done this a million times and it is not a big thing for her. as the same as Alice the light shot up and soon reached 19 and flashed however it didn't flash only once. It is like the ball is not sure what her level should be, but still stopped at 19. However Alice noticed something else, when Charlotte put her hand on the ball, her eyes seemed to narrow for just a second. Alice decided that she didn't see that, Charlotte never has an expression on her face, right? Soon she forgot about it and joined the cheering crowd. 

Not long after that the whole city knows that there are two genius girls who reached level 19 when they were 18. At home, mom took out a basket filled with invitations from schools, even the most famous ones. "Well," dad said, "which one do you two want to go to?" Alice was still thinking when Charlotte picked up an envelope and handed it to dad. The envelope looked old, it is one of the small schools that she never heard of, it is called "Castle Peak School". "What a strange name, and it is a boarding school." Mom commented, "But sure, how about you Alice, you two can pick any because of the great score that you got." Alice has a feeling that she has to choose Castle Peak School for some reason, she doesn't know why but she feels like if she chooses something other than that, we will miss out on a lot of things, so that was it they both went to the Castle Peak School.

The summer after the test passed fast, they mainly stayed home and meditated, because whenever they went out, they would be surrounded by people, but they sometimes still had to go out, they had to get things for school. "Here, Charlotte." Alice handed her a mask, they walked out and into a weapon shop, "Welcome," the attendant said looking up "tell me when you need help." Then he went back to his work, they both needed a sword, and that is about all. However there are millions of swords in the shop, "excuse me," Alice asked the attendant, "how do we find a sword that is suited for us?" "oh, you just close your eyes and ask them,simple." That didn't sound simple, but Alice still closed her eyes and asked silently, " Um, does anyone want to come with me?" she asked, then something in her mind flickered, "hold out your hands." She heard the attendant say, as she held out her handles, she felt something fly onto her hands, then she opened her eyes and saw the attendant who was shocked, his mouth open looking at the thing on her hand. The sword has white scabbard, as she pulls it out, she notices how good the sword is, the blade gleams in the light, the handle is white and golden, it also has a gemstone on it which is gold. "um, hi miss, do you want to purchase the sword now?" the attendant said, Lilly noticed his tone had changed, but people are all like that, power is the only way to get respect. She purchases the sword and asks what she should do "make yourself the owner, try putting a drop of your blood on the gemstone and start meditating," then he asks "is it you two first time here?" "Yes, why." "Well, your sister looks like she knows here very well, and she is already meditating now."

That is when she realized that Charlotte is already sitting on the couch meditating, she has a black sword on her lap, it has a raven and a black gemstone on the handle. Alice joined her and also started meditating, as she closed her eyes she saw something, it was the sword that had chosen her, "hay." it said "hi?" "well? Gave me a name." "oh, oh yea I forgot, maybe Alexis?" Lilly doesn't know if a sword can roll eyes, but if they can this one definitely is. "I'm a boy, Alexis is a girl's name." he thought for a moment "how about Alex?" Lily nodded, "great, now, get out of there." Alex said and Alice opened her eyes, and saw Charlotte looking at her, "let's go home." Charlotte nodded and followed her. 

  What Alice doesn't know is that when she was meditating, the attendant looked up and said "Well, it has been a long time isn't it Charlotte? since we last met, or should I call you A-001 Raven."