
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Hunt - (2/2 )

Julian gritted his teeth as he faced the monstrous Anemo Wyvern, its size and speed far surpassing the two he had originally anticipated. "Damn it, why are there always surprises," he muttered under his breath, eyes fixed on the wyvern that seemed to radiate an aura of pure menace.

The previous wyverns had been challenging enough, but this one was on another level, its peak medium-tier power evident in every thunderous roar and swift movement. "As long as it's not high-tier, I can handle this," he reassured himself, though the doubt crept in with each beat of the wyvern's wings.

The creature's eyes locked onto Julian with a deadly focus, its intent clear: to kill swiftly and mercilessly. A thunderous roar erupted, paralyzing Julian momentarily as he struggled against the lingering effects of the earlier poison. "No time to waste," he thought, increasing his mana flow to counteract the paralysis, flames bursting from his feet as he shot away from the charging wyvern.

With a resounding stomp, the wyvern leaped into the air, closing the distance with alarming speed. Julian dodged narrowly, the sonic boom from its movement nearly knocking him off balance. He retaliated with a concentrated beam of flames, aimed directly at the wyvern's head. The beast's tail intercepted the attack, its scales proving tougher than anticipated.

"I need to get in close," Julian thought, knowing that engaging at range played to the wyvern's strengths. As the wyvern prepared another wind sphere attack, Julian slashed with his dagger, splitting the projectile in half before it could reach him. The explosion that followed sent razor-sharp wind currents slicing through the air, cutting deep into Julian's flesh. He winced but pressed on, using Phoenix Robe to staunch the bleeding.

Balancing himself in midair, Julian shot towards the wyvern again, their clash like that of swords. The wyvern's tail met his dagger with terrifying force, the impact sending shockwaves through Julian's arms. Gasping for breath, he summoned a ball of flames, launching it into the wyvern's open maw. The distraction allowed Julian to land a precise strike on one of the wyvern's eyes, eliciting a pained roar.

But the wyvern was far from defeated. It unleashed a shockwave of wind from its entire body, forcing Julian to dodge with desperate agility. The spikes on its back gleamed ominously before raining down in explosions of earth-shaking force. Julian evaded most with his heightened KI sense, retaliating with a barrage of flames that destroyed the incoming projectiles.

The battle escalated as Julian closed the distance, focusing his attacks on the wyvern's wings and vital spots. The wyvern, now enraged and wounded, abandoned aerial maneuvers and aimed to crush Julian with its sheer size and power. A direct hit from its tail sent Julian crashing to the ground, blood streaming from a deep wound in his chest.

"I can't lose here," Julian thought grimly, struggling to his feet amidst the pain. He summoned all his remaining strength, casting spirals of flames that enveloped the wyvern's body. With relentless determination, he slashed and burned, exploiting every weakness he could find. The wyvern fought back ferociously, its movements increasingly desperate and erratic.

In a final gambit, Julian dodged a wide-range wind blast and climbed onto the wyvern's back, slashing furiously at its remaining wing and causing it to crash to the ground. The beast thrashed and roared, but Julian maintained his grip, refusing to relent until the wyvern's struggles weakened.

With a surge of power, Julian struck the killing blow, severing the wyvern's head amidst a cascade of flames and blood. The battle had lasted what felt like an eternity, each moment a desperate struggle for survival.

Exhausted and battered, Julian collapsed beside the fallen wyvern, his breath ragged and body trembling from the ordeal. He forced himself to expel the lingering poison from his blood before applying a Phoenix Robe, the pain still fresh and searing.


Julian POV: 

Holy shit! I almost died. 

My body is still staking from the fight. 

Forget about fighting, I will chill for the next two weeks.

I took out the orb the receptionist gave me to call for someone to help as I couldn't carry so many people.

I somehow carried the dead Wyverns to their nest and went towards where I sensed humans were trapped.

There was a chamber-type structure which I broke and took out the humans and laid them on the ground. 

There was dried blood and injuries on their bodies but fortunately, they didn't die of blood loss. 

They were most probably saved as meals for the leader.

It was during midnight when a group of men arrived with the receptionist.

They were shocked by the results of the battle but didn't ask any questions and began moving the people and dead bodies of the wyverns.

Unknown to me a nickname of Wyvern Slayer became famous through the guild which I am sure wouldn't come to bite me in the back….right?