
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Hunt - (1/2 )

After the episode with Vanessa ended Yami got busy with his captain duties and said that he wouldn't be able to accompany me for a while that means I have to do bounties alone again . After talking with Yami I found that the man at the reception is a friend of his , he can help me if time comes . Talking with him was useful as I got many quests that were not posted on the board it . His magic was related to communication . He could create an orb with which anyone could contact him from anywhere . Yami had one and he handed me one if I ever needed his help .

Today was the day new bounties would be uploaded , I reached the mission board and looked for a high level bounty .


Anemo Wyvern hunt

Payment – 20,000 yuls

Two Wyverns are kidnapping children and women near the village of Lados . Get rid of the Wyverns .


I took the quest for this hunt as this was a good opportunity to enhance my strength . This was the highest paying bounty I ever tried to hunt

As I hunted with Yami , I developed a sense of relief that someone had my back but that feeling was bad for a long run as that would hinder my growth . A mage can truly shine only in the situation of crisis .

I used jet flames and started to fly towards the grand magic zone .


After Julian left the place 2 people started following him.

" Are you sure we should do it boss ?. " asked one person .

" Damn sure! That man is not with him. After the hunt he should be tired , we can take that chance to ambush him . 20 thousand years should be enough for 3 months of leisure. Hurry up and use your magic !! " said the other guy

The first guy nodded and both of them were enveloped in a cloak which made them invisible as they followed after Julian. As they were quite far from him, Julian didn't sense anyone following him.


After flying for about a day towards the grand magic zone in the direction of Heart Kingdom , I reached near a village . From above the village didn't look so good as most of the roofs were broken with broken trees all around .

I dropped in the village and asked for the chief , but the news I got was that the chief was recently killed by the wyverns . Everyone was in a gloomy mood as a lot of children had been kidnapped along with their mothers . With my request and assurance someone agreed to speak everything about the Wyverns .

There are different types of Wyverns with different attributes like geo , hydro , electro , pyro and anemo . The wyvern that terrorized the neighboring towns is a anemo wyvern . Unlike humans 95 % of mana beasts have magic attribute of nature .

Even though they belong to mana beast of the medium tier , their attacks are nothing to joke about so they are advised to kill as fast as possible . These are species that like to have a big territory and generally live in mountains with large no of prey available . But when their food stock gets over they migrate to other areas in search of food . They usually live in the middle or innermost region of the grand magic zone but when the migrate to the outermost region , they completely destroy the eco system of that area by killing everything that moves .

These wyverns have green scales around their body with small spikes running from hear to tail . They have strong legs to grab the prey and attacks , their upper limbs are attacked with their wings . Their tail are sharp as a blade along with the ability to shoot projectiles . They use various types of attacks like their Roar that can paralyze animals and weak willed mages , they can shoot blast of wind from their mouth or create small tornados , shoot razor sharp winds from their mouth but their have a lot of weakness too . They mostly depend on their vision and smell for detection .

I decided to stay in the village in the night and plan my approach as it was better than camping in the wild . I have to lure out the wyverns and follow then to their location as I can't search for them among the large number of hills and mountains present in the grand magic zone .


Next morning before sunrise I went towards the grand magic zone and began my plan . I first hunted a few animals like wolves , tigers and leopards and made them in a near-death situation. I ravaged an area and spilled blood all over the place and made it look like a fight for territory. According to the sources , the wyvern goes hunting around this time , they are sensitive to the smell of blood so they will come here to see if they can catch a prey .

I dug a hole and hid there covering the top only making my eyes visible . I did this so that I don't get detected by the wyvern. Due do the smell of blood many other animals came to see the aftermath but a roar rang out halting everyone's steps . Finally, my target was here, a winged green dragon landed on the ground and released another roar. Most of the animals in the vicinity tired to run but another roar rang out flowed by an attack from above made of wind blasting and slicing them off . There was another Wyvern that came along with the first one. Both of them were about the height of 20 m. They communicated releasing low grows and checked the prey to see the time of death. After seeing that they were near death, they embedded their claws into the animals and held as many as they could. They also held one in their mouth. Together they held around 10 creatures and started flying in one direction. Their speed of flying had visibly decreased as they held luggage. They flew at a great height not to be attacked when they have less chance of retaliation .

I got out of my cover and started following them from the ground at a low altitude by using a tree branch to be as quiet as possible. After around 30 min of flying, I reached a part of the mountain where there were no trees. In front of my was a nest-like structure made of mud behind him was a cave presumably their lair .

As I got near the place, I saw a horrifying scene. There lied skeleton and dead bodies of Various animals and humans half eaten from various place and a lot of near-dead animals. Seeing dead bodies of animals and humans were totally different but I was mentally prepared to not let it affect my battle . The two wyverns dropped their prey near the cave entrance and began eating one. I step toed my way to another direction where I sensed a human presence and found a hole enough to drop a human , I looked inside and found that there were around 10 bodies of children and woman . From their KI, they are humans an alive but unconscious, most probably a stock for later on. I decided to save them latter on and focus on the hurdle in front of me first .

Now that I have got their lair, I can begin my attack. I took out my dagger and enforced it with mana slashing it towards one of the wyverns. A yellow slash shot from my dagger slicing a good part of the wing one wyvern who didn't sense me. It screamed in pain and released a wind blast towards me as it had detected my position from the attacks . As the attack was slow I dodged it easily and released it as the attack was slow. I moved towards them and pointed my hands towards them blasting a spiral of flames towards them. The uninjured wyvern waved his wings slowing down the flame but , in spite of being slowed the attack still hit him .

I condensed the flames and shot a beam making a hole in its stomach making it scream in pain and started blasting winds all around himself miking him unapproachable . The second one reinforced is tail and slammed it near me like a sword , I dodged it and sliced towards its tail severing it . I jumped in the wyvern and set the entire fire , the second one send another wind blast at me which I dodged flying upwards , I reinforced my legs and slammed it against the one that had its tail cut making him drop on the ground forming a crater .

I made claws of flames and made a large wound on his back tearing though its scales and embedded my fist into it releasing large amount of flames in it . I jumped again and slashed my dagger towards the other severing its wings. Using the momentum and I stabbed my dagger into the head of the first one killing it. But the second one released a giant wind blast throwing me to a distance with the dead body with the first one . This attack made minor cuts on my body drawing some blood .

It roared seeing the dead body of the first one , I did didn't get paralyzed by it and dashed towards and releasing bullets of flames towards it . It somehow dodged half of them before his remaining wing got filled with holes too. As it stopped roaring I sent a giant fireball enveloping its figure on fire. I got near him before making a strong slash slicing its head off but what I didn't expect was a beam that was sent towards me from another direction, I sensed it with KI and dodged the attack but as soon as it hit the ground, the area was filled with smoke.

" Cough Cough " What the hell is this! I felt like my movement was getting rigid and my wind pipe burning.

Poison !! Someone is targeting me but why didn't I sensed them . Was my level of KI not enough or something else ? . I sensed another attack but this time instead of dodging It sent a fire attack creating an explosion but it seemed that the power behind the poison increased . I felt like my skin was burning due to the effect of poison

As the smoke cleared to a certain degree two people became visible as two people arrived near me.

" Well, Well if it isn't the famous hunter everyone is talking about. Thank you for killing them , you made my job easier . " one of them said .

" If you are wondering how you didn't sense us , my friend can hide our presence and I know you are a good sensor but too bad I am a good sniper . "

As I was thinking how to get out of the situation I looked up and my face twisted .

" Where are you looking bastard, I am Infront of you – " he didge get to finish his words as something happened.


A dark shadow from the air dropped directly on his companion flying a lot of dust for its landing. As the dust cleared the thing that unfolded froze the man. There was a giant anemo Wyvern twice the size of the other ones standing on top of the body of his companion who had become a paste . The beast didn't stay still and opened its mouth wide biting off the upper half of the man. Blood flowed like fountain and covered the face of the wyvern as it looked towards me with bloodshot eyes .