
Black Clover: Lantern

Abandoned by the system at the start, Ness awakens in a modest hut near Haji Village within the magical realm of Black Clover. All that remains from the system is a mysterious Black Lantern Ring. Determined to thrive in this new reality, Ness wholeheartedly embraces his destiny, pursuing the path of a Magic Knight while living each moment to the fullest. (Adapted from the storyline of "Black Clover" by the original author.)

703Sunny · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Five-leaf clover

Inside the Grimoire Tower.

The headmaster gestured towards Grimores and explained what each represented.

Pointing to a three-leaf clover Grimoire, he explained, "The three-leaf clover represents the virtues of faith, hope, and love. These are the foundations upon which our society and magic are built."

He then indicated a rare four-leaf clover Grimoire, its presence drawing murmurs of awe from the gathered participants. "The four-leaf clover is a rare gift," the headmaster stated solemnly. "It represents good luck, bestowing upon its bearer unparalleled fortune and potential."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd, mingled with whispers of admiration for those who had received such a prestigious Grimoire.

Amidst the whispers, one name stood out above the rest: "Yuno... He got a four-leaf clover Grimoire."

"He's so cool," someone whispered in awe, casting a glance towards Yuno, who stood with quiet confidence, his four-leaf clover Grimoire emitting a faint aura of power.

Yuno looked at Asta. "I'll be the Wizard King!" he declared boldly. Before walking out of the tower.

"Just you wait, Yuno!" Asta called out, his voice brimming with determination. "I'll train harder than ever, and I'll surpass everyone to become the Wizard King!"


Ness had just left the Grimoire Tower, excitedly holding his newly acquired four-leaf clover Grimoire. The bustling village around him seemed to find a new sense of energy as the other participants dispersed, eager to try their new powers.

As he walked through the village square, a commotion caught his attention near the outskirts. A group of nobles, their extravagant attire contrasting sharply with their humble surroundings. They exuded an air of entitlement as they shot disdainful glances at the villagers.

In the midst of their cat walk, a tall man with a haughty expression, took offense at a villager who dared to meet his gaze. Without warning, he struck the villager across the face with the back of his hand, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Ness, witnessing the injustice, felt a surge of interest rise within him. His dark eyes narrowed as he approached the scene.

"S-Sir," the villager stammered, blood trickling from his lip. "I-I did nothing wrong."

The noble ignored him, turning his face towards Ness, his arrogance flaring as he crossed his arms over his chest. "And who might you be, peasant? Do you have a problem with how I handle my affairs?"

Ness met the noble's gaze with a calm demeanor, though a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "No problem at all," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement.

The noble's face flushed with indignation at Ness's casual response. "How dare you speak to me like that! Know your place, peasant! You should kneel before a noble!"

Ness's smile widened, his dark eyes sparkling with amusement. He raised his hand, and from the Black Lantern Ring adorning his finger, shadowy chains materialized with a menacing crackle. They slithered through the air, wrapping themselves around the noble's arms and legs, binding him in place.

The villager gasped in awe at the display of magic, their eyes widening with astonishment.

Ness chuckled softly as he summoned a hand and slapped the noble. With a final glance, Ness released the chains. The noble fell, scrambling to gather his composure. Shooting a venomous glare at Ness, he stormed off with his entourage.

As the tension eased, the villagers gasped in awe, and they circled around Ness, thanking him.

Ness nodded to them, leaving for home.

Asta, who was the last to leave the Grimoire Tower, witnessed the entire scene. "Who was that? How is he so strong?" Asta exclaimed.


Once at home, Ness sat down and opened his four-leaf clover grimoire. On the first page were some strange patterns, which he forced his mana into. The room around him began to fill with a radiant light.

The next moment, a stream of crystal-clear water began to flow from the pages, suspending in the air. Ness extends his hand towards the floating water. As his fingers touched the surface, he felt a surge of energy. 

"Holy water," Ness realized, was imbued with purifying magic, capable of healing and repelling dark forces.

With a single thought, the holy water responded to his will, shaping itself into various forms—a protective barrier, a fish, and even sharp, crystalline projectiles.

Suddenly, the Black Lantern Ring on his finger started vibrating. It had a dark aura. Ness raised his eyebrow, he hadn't seen the ring react like this before.

Without warning, the black lantern ring flew off Ness's finger, surrounded by a dark aura. The grimoire reacted instantly, glowing with a radiant light that formed a protective barrier. The energies clashed fiercely in the air, with dark tendrils extending from the ring towards the grimoire, slowly wrapping around it before the ring entered the grimoire. Upon contact, the book's cover darkened, and an extra leaf grew on the front.

Ness stared at the transformed grimoire with a stiff face. "What just happened?"