
Black Clover: Lantern

Abandoned by the system at the start, Ness awakens in a modest hut near Haji Village within the magical realm of Black Clover. All that remains from the system is a mysterious Black Lantern Ring. Determined to thrive in this new reality, Ness wholeheartedly embraces his destiny, pursuing the path of a Magic Knight while living each moment to the fullest. (Adapted from the storyline of "Black Clover" by the original author.)

703Sunny · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Dawn

Ness opened his eyes to a new dawn, finding himself in a small, humble hut on the outskirts of Haji Village. The early morning sun filtered through the cracks in the wooden walls, casting a warm glow on his surroundings. He had been in this world for 7 years now, brought here by a mysterious system called Myriad World Invasion. The system had granted him a starter pack, the Black Lantern Ring, before disappearing.

He rose from his makeshift bed and walked outside, heading towards the nearby stream, where he often went to gather his thoughts. The cool morning air was refreshing, and the gentle sound of water calmed his mind.He stared at his reflection, taking in his black hair and deep, dark eyes, the face of a stranger yet somehow his own.

A wide grin spread across his face. "I still can't believe I'm here." He had only watched up to the Elf Reincarnation Arc before giving up because of the character's one-dimensional, endless shouting about becoming the Wizard King and never giving it. It wasn't just the constant screaming that turned Ness off; it was the lack of depth and development. Every line was a repetitive mantra, and it quickly became grating. Reading leaks every now and then. If he had known he would end up in this world, he would have endured the noise and paid closer attention to the plot. 

"Well, it doesn't matter now; I should just focus on mastering the power of the Black Lantern Ring."

His self-talk was interrupted by a soft rustle behind him. He turned to see Sister Ana approaching, her face lined with worry. She was a kind soul who had looked after him since his arrival in this world. She wore a simple dress, and her hands were rough from years of hard work, but her eyes were kind and full of concern.

"Ness, have you really thought about it?" she asked gently.

Ness nodded. "Yes, Sister Ana."

"I thought you didn't like Magic Knights. Why the sudden change of heart?" she asked, her brow furrowing.

Ness's grin widened, with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "That's exactly why I want to do it. The greater the challenge, the greater the thrill. Besides, I have no intention of aiming for titles or fame. I just want to live my life to the fullest."

Sister Ana sighed, her expression softening. "If that's truly what you want, I won't stand in your way. Just promise me you'll stay safe and come by for a visit."

"I promise, Sister Ana," Ness said, giving her a reassuring smile before setting off.


Every March, the kingdom of Clover held a Grimoire Conferment Ceremony for those who had reached the age of fifteen. This year, Ness would participate, hoping to receive his own Grimoire and further augment his abilities.

The Grimoire Tower loomed ahead, its ancient stone walls reaching towards the sky, a testament to centuries of magical history. The tower's exterior was covered in ivy, and the heavy wooden doors creaked as they opened. Inside, the air was cool and filled with the scent of aged parchment and old stone. Ness found himself among thirty to forty other hopefuls, all eager to receive their Grimoires. He recognized Asta, the protagonist of the anime, and Yuno, the prodigious mage who would receive the four-leaf clover Grimoire.

A white-haired old man, resembling Gandalf, descended from above on a magic carpet and addressed the crowd. "Welcome to all the Grimoire recipients. Today, I grant honesty, hope, and love to all of you who have embarked on a different path."

The ceremony began, and the Grimoires in the tower lit up, flying towards their destined owners. 

Suddenly, a brilliant light enveloped Ness. The crowd gasped as a Grimoire with four shining leaves descended into his hands. The book was bound in dark leather, its pages glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

"This... this is a four-leaf clover Grimoire," Ness whispered, his voice filled with disbelief. He knew the significance of such a grimoire—only those destined for greatness received one.

As the other participants marveled at their Grimoires, Asta raised his hands, confused. "That? My Grimoire hasn't come yet!"

The old man looked puzzled for a moment before replying, "Come again next year!"

Behind Asta, a golden light flashed as Yuno received the legendary four-leaf clover grimoire. The room buzzed with awe and excitement, but Ness stayed calm, his mind already planning his next steps.

"Two four-leaf clovers, this is going to be interesting," he thought, leaving the tower with a gleeful smile.