
Black Bird Technology

A boy by the name of Vexxen was walking through the woods, and found an egg on the ground. The egg was odd in that it seemed special to him, as if talking to him. He brought the egg home to his mother, and his mom said it was a crow egg. When he found out, he wanted to hatch it to have a pet crow, his mother did not think it was a good idea, but under his insistence she finally agreed. This was the decision that changed the boy, the world, and perhaps the multiverse's future. He named the bird black. _________ This story is my first time writing anything big, I mostly just imagine stories, not write them, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I am also not the best at spelling, but i am using spell check. Discord: https://discord.gg/fM3nPV6Wrs

_C_ · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A Bird's Perspective

'Odd, where am i. Who am i'

'What's this, thinking'

'Odd indeed'

'Im somewhere wet, with hard walls on all sides'

'I'm tired, eh whatever. I will sleep.'


Some time passes…

'Hmm, what should i do'

'It's warm and comfy here'

'Wherever here is'

'I'm bored, the only thing to do is to sleep'

'Or think about nonsense things'

'Hmm, it seems that something is shaking'

'Whoh, im… falling?'

'This is dizzying'

'Oof, well, i seemed to have stopped'

'Wonder what's outside of these walls'

'Hmm, it's getting colder'


Some time passes…

'Ahh, its s-so cold'

'Come on, where is my warmth!'

'God damn it!'


'Hmm something hit me'


'Somethings shaking… woah, am i falling again? What's going on'

'Speaking of witch, why do I know of falling, why am I thinking this way? Odd'

'Wish i knew more stuff'

'Oh, it stopped sha.. Nevermind, it's still shaking' :(

'At least it's getting warmer'


Some time passes…

'Ah, nice and warm…'

'But it is kinda cramped in here, i hope i can get out of here'

'Odd, its getting hard too breath'

'Oh, fuck, i got too get out of here!'

'How thou?'

'Ah fuck it, i will force my way out!'

He tried too peck, it seemed to have worked


He pecks again

And again

And again

'So tiring! Come on stupid wall break!'

And it broke, he put his beak thru

'Ah finally! Air!'

'Ah that feels so great. I'm so tired.' :0

'I should probably break the rest of the way…'

'Lets wait a moment, i need to rest a bit'


After some more pecks

'Ah, i can see!'

'Whats that thing! ITS HUGE!'