
Black Bird Technology

A boy by the name of Vexxen was walking through the woods, and found an egg on the ground. The egg was odd in that it seemed special to him, as if talking to him. He brought the egg home to his mother, and his mom said it was a crow egg. When he found out, he wanted to hatch it to have a pet crow, his mother did not think it was a good idea, but under his insistence she finally agreed. This was the decision that changed the boy, the world, and perhaps the multiverse's future. He named the bird black. _________ This story is my first time writing anything big, I mostly just imagine stories, not write them, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I am also not the best at spelling, but i am using spell check. Discord: https://discord.gg/fM3nPV6Wrs

_C_ · Urban
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Chapter 1: The Egg

This story is my first time writing anything big, I mostly just imagine stories, not write them, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I am also not the best at spelling, but i am using spell check.

"" is for talk

'' is for thought.


Vexxen Grey woke up. He got up from his bed and sat on it. He stretched. He walked into the bathroom, and looked into the mirror. 'I look alright' he thought to himself. He was a dark brown-haired, dark brown eyed boy. Rather average looking, He was 9 at the time. He was an odd child. He was very intelligent, and according too the doctors, he was a high-functioning autistic. He was very good with mechanisms. He loved to build contraptions with anything he can get his hands on. He used the restroom, and went downstairs for breakfast.

His mom was cooking sausage and scrambled eggs. He liked sausage, but hated bacon. Why you may ask, simply it was too greasy, sure the first few bites are good, but after that its bad. Sausage however was less greasy, and had less squishy bits. "Morning, love you" he said to his mom. "Love you too, we are having sausage and eggs." His mom said. He went too sit and eat dinner or breakfast, whatever it was it did not matter too him. Food was food.

After breakfast, he grabbed one of his creations from his room. A remote control car he took apart and edited using lego technic, and some lego electronics. It was a little remote control car with a camera on front that connected too his phone, it even had a robot arm. He went outside with it, and a box full of parts. He went too his backyard, which leads directly to a forest. He put the box full of parts into a bag, and drove his car around, and tried too pick up and move rocks, but the robot arm was too weak for it. As he walked deeper into the forest with his car, he was driving it until it came to an egg. The egg was small and blue with black dots. He went over too the egg and picked it up. "Odd" he said. The egg was in perfect condition. But he did not see a nest anywhere nearby, so he decided to bring it home.

After he was done in the forest he went home. He showed his mom the egg. "Mom, look at this egg i found, it was on the ground, and no nest was nearby!" His mom, looked at the egg and said "You got a crow egg! Odd? Wonder why it fell. Also odd its not cracked." He said "Crow? Wait, crows can talk right! Can i hatch the egg into a pet crow!" His mom said "Ha, na sweaty, the egg may not even be fertilized. Also, how are you going too rase a crow, you have never had a pet." His mom was right, but he had an amazing idea of what too do with the crow, and was insistent. "Please mom, Please, at least let me try! I will feed it, and deal with its shit and everything! I want to see if i can teach it too speak! Crows are smart, so i want too make it into my friend!" His mother said with uncertainty "Why do you need a crow friend you can make friends at school" He said with annoyance and disgust "The kids at school are idiots. I'm certain a crow will be better than them!" His mom reminded "No vexxen, remember, most kids are idiots, not all of them! You are a kid too." He said "but they are so hard too find, and its annoying, please can i raise the crow, if it does not work out we can let it free!" His mother thought for a moment. "Fine! But you haft too deal with any messes it makes, and if it does not hatch don't come running too me!" She said with finality.


Let me know if this is the right chapter length, or should it be longer/shorter. As well as point out any spelling mistakes, issues, and suggestions.