
Bitten by the Zombie

I was bitten by a zombie, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing. After being bitten, I not only didn't turn into a zombie, but also, zombies no longer attack me. While people struggle for survival under the pursuit of zombies, I move freely among them. When people fight each other over a piece of bread, I have alreadycollected a large amount of supplies and casually raised an army. While people barely establish camps under the siege of zombies, I have already become a ruler of a territory!

vladimi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
96 Chs

Chapter 63: One Must Have the Heart to Harm Others!

10 bags of 100 kg rice.

5 bags of 100 kg flour.

10 barrels of 51 peanut oil.

At the barrel water shop, 10 barrels of water were moved.

Then, at the convenience store, took 51 large water and several boxes of 24*550 ml mineral water.

Pickles, enoki mushrooms, dried radishes, plum vegetables, rice dishes...

All were moved.

Soy sauce, dark soy sauce, MSG, chicken essence, salt, pepper powder, Sichuan pepper powder, thirteen spices, hot pot base...

All were moved.

All the Lao Gan Ma chili sauce on the shelves.

All were moved.

Ham sausage, canned beef, stewed pig's trotters, braised chicken legs, luncheon meat...

All were moved.

As for biscuits, soda crackers, Snickers, waffle cookies, and chips.

All were moved, too.

Milk, regardless of whether it's high in calcium or low in fat.

Also regardless of brand.

All were stuffed into the car as much as possible.

With the off-road vehicle, Zhang Cheng was like a locust, seemingly wanting to take all the things in the store.

The beer in the store, canned bottles.

Liquor, red wine, were also loaded onto the car.

There were also cigarettes, lighters, and chewing gum on the counter.

Cannot leave out even a box of condoms.

If it were not for the need to leave space, Zhang Cheng would rather empty the entire convenience store.

Zhang Cheng then drove the car to the police station.

He left some space to take away these police equipment.

It took him another hour plus.

Zhang Cheng finally moved all the equipment that should be moved in the police station, not leaving a single one.

By the time Zhang Cheng wanted to drive back.

It was already dark.

He was a bit too greedy.

Wanting to move as much stuff as possible.

However, luckily he won't be bitten by zombies.

If ordinary survivors, or survivor teams, are also like Zhang Cheng, that's simply toying with death.

"Oh right, almost forgot to take those things."

Zhang Cheng looked at his co-pilot seat, still had space, so he drove the car to the market behind the block.

At this time, it had already grown dark.

Zhang Cheng extinguished the engine, letting the off-road vehicle park outside the market.

And he himself, quickly ran into the market.

He came back to move fireworks.

Although fireworks can't be eaten or drunk, they can harm people in the end times.

That gang of thugs were pitied to death by several packs of firecrackers.

In the eras under rule of law, obey the law, one may not have the heart to harm others, but one must be wary of others.

But now it's the end of the world!

If you want to survive, you must not only be wary of others, but you must also have the heart to harm others!

If he doesn't die, it's my demise.

No other reasons needed.

Zhang Cheng temporarily treats all survivors as enemies.

And in the corner of the market, a small warehouse.

Here, a warehouse full of firecrackers was hoarded.

Zhang Cheng bunched them into snakeskin bags.

Just at this moment.

On the street not far away, suddenly rang the familiar brainwashing square dance divine tune.

"My love is at the end of the vast horizon."

"The flowers bloom at the foot of the green mountains."

"What kind of rhythm is the most, yes, most swinging."

"What kind of singing is the most open-minded."

Zhang Cheng's hand that was holding the firecrackers paused.

It was the DJ version of 'The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style.'

He first grabbed the bag, and at the same time, pulled out the pistol, directly pulled back the sleeve.

Chamber a round, and turn on the safety.

Then he melted into the darkness, following the sound to fumble his way out.

Only to see a pedal motorcycle, blaring loud music, swiftly drove past the street.

PS: Asking for collection, asking for flowers, asking for tips, asking for monthly tickets, asking for ten-score evaluation tickets, all kinds of asking, I need them all!