
Bitten by the Zombie

I was bitten by a zombie, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing. After being bitten, I not only didn't turn into a zombie, but also, zombies no longer attack me. While people struggle for survival under the pursuit of zombies, I move freely among them. When people fight each other over a piece of bread, I have alreadycollected a large amount of supplies and casually raised an army. While people barely establish camps under the siege of zombies, I have already become a ruler of a territory!

vladimi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
96 Chs

Chapter 62: Strong Arms, Rigid and Firm!

Driving away from the villa was Zhang Cheng's first time driving a vehicle in his life.

On top of that, his first car was a modified off-road vehicle.

The performance of the off-road vehicle was quite 'beastly.'

Although its linear acceleration wasn't as exaggerated as a supercar, its speed was genuinely fast.

Moreover, it was incredibly stable.

It could smoothly drive over certain obstacles on the road, just like a civilian tank.

And once the vehicle picked up speed, any zombie hit would basically be smashed to pieces.

Zhang Cheng drove the car, charging recklessly all the way.

After all, it was the apocalypse, and there were no traffic police to stop him.

He drove to Xincheng Bay first, under Tang Ying's house, and loaded all the hoarded supplies onto the car.

Rice, flour, oil, mineral water, milk...

All were loaded onto the car.

Then, Zhang Cheng went upstairs.

There were Tang Ying's clothes, shoes, and other household items upstairs.

Even though he could find these items elsewhere, it would be wasteful not to take them.

It's important to save supplies and reduce the number of times you need to go out.

After almost two hours of going up and down the stairs, he was finally able to load all the items to be moved onto the off-road vehicle.

Zhang Cheng started the engine.

At this moment, a hissing sound came from the car's walkie-talkie.

Then, Tang Ying's voice came through, "Husband, are you coming back now?"

This was the first time Tang Ying had called Zhang Cheng 'husband' on her own initiative.

Maybe it was because Yang Xiaohong's natural call of 'husband' had an impact.

Tang Ying had finally let go of her last restraints.

After all, she had already unlocked every position with Zhang Cheng, and was already his woman.

Zhang Cheng pressed the talk button, smiling, "I have to go get some more rice, mineral water, and food. Wife, is there anything else you want me to bring?"

Tang Ying replied, "Try to come back early; it's dangerous out."

It was clear that she was worried about him.

She was genuinely concerned about Zhang Cheng.

Because she couldn't live without Zhang Cheng now.

If she lost Zhang Cheng, how could she survive?

Thinking about the family across the street, and the old man who committed suicide...

The decency of people in the end times was severely tested.

In order to survive, even family members could be sacrificed.

Zhang Cheng, pressing the talk button, said, "Yes, I'll try."

The two stopped talking.

Zhang Cheng continued to drive to the police station.

There were more and more zombies on the streets outside the police station, as though they'd sprung up all over the place after a rainfall.

If it weren't for the fact that the zombie 'bodies' were still on the ground, Zhang Cheng would think that another wave had 'refreshed.'

Although the off-road vehicle's engine was loud and attracted a large number of zombies, once Zhang Cheng got out of the car, the zombies continued to wander aimlessly, and didn't take him seriously.

Zhang Cheng parked the car in front of the grain and oil shop.

And prepared to start loading rice, bread, and oil onto the car.

The off-road vehicle had a large space, and he could load freely.

Zhang Cheng originally wanted to carry a fifty-kilogram bag of northeast rice but thought better of it and decided to carry a hundred-kilogram bag of Thai fragrant rice.

He had noticed during his recent cooking that Thai fragrant rice was tastier.

He grabbed the two corners of the snakeskin bag with both hands and lifted with all his might.


Felt a bit heavy.

But, not so heavy that it couldn't be lifted.

His waist and back exerted force simultaneously.

"Go!" Zhang Cheng heaved with all his might, hoisting the hundred-kilogram bag of rice to a certain height, then tossed it onto the vehicle.

Thud! The bag of rice fell in the vehicle's trunk.

"Huff~~" Zhang Cheng sighed in relief.

He flexed his arms round and round.

While his biceps weren't very prominent now, without large bulges of muscle, the fact remained that his arms had indeed become stronger.

When he clenched his fist, his arm was hard and rigid!

Could it be because he ate too much protein powder? Or was it because of the exercise?

PS: Seeking favorites, flowers, tips, monthly tickets, ten-star rating tickets, all kinds of requests, I need them all!