
I wish I could lose myself like this, without fear of tomorrow!?

Upon reaching the Malecón Graú, the tourist scene: it had changed radically!

The people: they were getting closer, Bierny said to himself, but not like before? - Meditating to himself, he said:

To inhale: The sea breeze! To close: the eyes. To feel: fly like a seagull. To think: to be, a fish, -with wings and sail through the waters-. To climb: on the crests -of the waves-. To do: pirouettes, -until you reach the White Island-. To rest: in its palm trees, -and snack: one or another coconut-. To resume: the flight. Until posing: on the highest mast of a fishing boat; that returns: from the high seas Bringing: her succulent catch! After being: a sailor on land -in search of good, gentle and uncompromising love as in every port-: Like in all the seas! Bierny said mentally, facing the Bay of Chimbote. –To which KeiSky managed to break: his philosophical trance:

— Ouch! Bierny," KeiSky pulled at Bierny, waking him up from his ecstatic, grandiose dreams: "Wake up!

— Oh! It's the sea… -He murmured, well, he didn't go out to those places in a long time, since his family took care of local business in the store.

— How will the sea be? –He refuted, KeiSky, clarifying:

It is you who is lost Who knows in what worldly thoughts?

— Excuse me! Bierny objected. A, what KeiSky, I reaffirm:

—The next time he pulled you: The cheeks! Or I give you a bag: You embarrass me!?

- Really? –A little blushed, Bierny, he wanted to apologize, although it wasn't that big of a deal. KeiSky, was playing a joke of words:

- No way? Fool! I enjoyed: looking at you like this: Lost! As if the world didn't matter to you!? As if you were the master of the universe! -Suddenly, he changed his look, a gloomy halo, made a tear of happy nostalgia flow, explaining: He exclaimed!

—I would like to lose myself like this: Without fear of tomorrow!? Or what will they say? -Bierny, who was already understanding his interlocutor, proposed:

- If you like? I'll teach you! –KeiSky, the most connected with the inspiration that she gives that moment in front of the sea and the refreshing breeze, asked, as if in a request: that she opens a heart and melts all icebergs. –The narrator would say: Advance! -That love surrounds us-. KeiSky, rebuked, again: asking:

- You may? To have? –Bierny called her, and taking her by the hand: softly, he said:

-Come closer. –KeiSky, shy now: expectantly, she asked!

- Here? –Bierny, clever, in poetry made real, induced her to:

—Closer, stand in front of me. – Proceeding to indicate that:

—Extend! Your arms… -Adding:

"Now I'll hold you by the waist." –KeiSky, responds:

-Good. -Bierny, requests, internalize, the feeling to the depth-: To the heart of thought!

-Close your eyes. –And, seeing KeiSky's hesitation, he imposed: very cautiously:

—Ready, left eye closed…

"I said: both eyes.

- Already!? –Claimed, KeiSky, feeling, tender and increasingly sensitive, for the following:

—Now: Breathe in air! While, I count: up to ten.

—…as hashes (1)…as hashes (10)

—Relax: Imagine you are a butterfly! -I continue your marine therapy, Bierny-. Although, for an instant: KeiSky, trembled! -Alluded to by a mixed feeling-. By a reflection, of family life: left behind. Because of the uncertainty of the new place, -compared to the imposed security-: because of the new friend. From the emptiness of the World, but from the fullness of you! –Suddenly, to the stern gesture, KeiSky's face, was overshadowed in nostalgic tenderness, saying:

-I do not can…

- Because? What happened? –Asked, Bierny: Surprised! And touched. –While: KeiSky, as if in a whisper, explained:

'A butterfly couldn't stand against the winds off the sea and would fall face first on the rocks and break its wings and more. Do you want that to happen to me?

- Nope!? –Object, quickly, Bierny. -To which KeiSky, inhaling a good mouthful of air, and between sighs: he proposed, resolved-:

"Then: be more ingenious." And don't squeeze my waist so tight! With your hands

- Sorry! He excused himself, Bierny. And measuring the pressure of her hands and without removing it from her waist, she consulted again: "Is that okay?"

- Yes! –He said, KeiSky: with more, ease, and without losing: body space, he added-: Continue… Bierny! –KeiSky: she slightly looked into his eyes, as if wanting to look inside Bierny and know: what was happening between them. –When two glances meet like this, souls unite: And do hearts kiss? - What do you say friend reader? –Bierny, taking: other criteria, I propose the following:

—You will be a seagull, with blue eyes, and white feathers: with gray stripes and you will fly: playing among the waves. –To whistles: titanic. Bierny, with a gentle touch of his hands along her swaying waist, circled her from side to side: soft, soft, soft. The sound of his voice, intoned with the swaying of the waves, was almost imperceptible to the environment but not in the game of pairs. It was an eternal time of accompaniment, and there was silence. -KeiSky, he had, the same look as Bierny, when he lost his way-: Extending his arms, he looked up at the sky, closed his eyes. It seemed, KeiSky: a lighthouse to Prow. And, Bierny: the ship. KeiSky said:

- Oh yeah! –Ecstatic, in contemplation, of joy, of memories, of longing.

–When two glances meet like this, souls unite: And do hearts kiss? - What do you say friend reader?

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