
Bit by bit Manual for Learning the Specialty of Tantric Sex!

Sex is a fundamental piece of life, and a movement should be performed by grown-ups for their actual prosperity, however for their psychological prosperity as well. In this day and age, where we have all become used to our unquestionably rushed ways of life, even 24 hours don't appear to be adequate. Attempting to shuffle between their work and public activity, as a general rule, individuals will quite often abandon their sex lives. Sexless relationships have been developing at a disturbing rate in the new past, where the couple takes part in nearly nothing or even no sex. Sex is fundamental for having a mentally and truly sustaining relationship.

CUTE_KINGDOM · Book&Literature
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Essentials of Tantric Communication

Tantric sex places a high value on the level of communication between two people. This is an extremely energizing and intimate form of sexual activity that requires both partners to equally contribute verbally and physically in order to reap the benefits of the practice. Communicating is very important when having Tantric sex. While doing so, you should keep the following considerations in mind:

Maintaining eye contact throughout a sexual encounter is essential. You will need to look into each other's eyes and let go of all your inhibitions. In Tantra, it is commonly held that the left eye is the one that is thought to be looking and the right eye is thought to be receiving. As a result, when you talk to your partner, you will need to focus on their right eye. Your partner and you should align your bodies in such a way that you can talk freely and keep your eyes on each other. Keep your eyes open while your partner is speaking and keep a mental record of the various feelings that are expressed. People believe that one's eyes are a reflection of their soul. Let your partner look into your eyes and into yours.

Pretenses are not made; Eyes do not lie.

Smile and avoid making silly faces or appearing disinterested while speaking. When you are speaking during sex, try to do so with a pleasant expression or smile. Your facial expression will immediately become more pleasant when you form a certain bond with your partner.

Putting your thoughts into words You will need to say what you are thinking out loud. You don't have to keep your thoughts to yourself or wait for the right time. Share everything you're thinking with your partner. Communicate your happiness if you like something, and your dislike or displeasure if you don't. Your partner will be able to get a sense of your thoughts and feelings if you speak freely. Your heart and mind should be able to freely communicate. Act out

Utilize your hands to make motions while talking. Your speech can be enhanced by using gestures. Create a variety of symbols and signs to express your partner's gratitude for their efforts. Utilize your facial expression to convey your message. Make use of them in addition to your gestures and speech.

While you are talking to your partner, don't be afraid to laugh, cry, smile, or do anything else you want. Being more empathetic toward your partner will benefit from this. You can use specific hand mudras to channel your energy, which will improve your ability to express yourself. Avoid doing things like grinding your teeth or cracking your knuckles, which can be very discouraging. Focus instead on looking into your partner's eyes.

Encourage and elicit When you talk to your partner, you should make sure that you are also encouraging them to speak up. It must be reciprocal, and you must ensure that communication flows in both directions. Don't talk endlessly; instead, say things that you know will get a response. Give your partner time to respond, too. Give your partner a chance to talk about how they feel and what they're thinking.

Clarity Ensure that you are clear with your partner before, during, and after sex. Adjust your voice accordingly to ensure clarity and audibility. Everyone dislikes it when someone murmurs. It is crucial to know both what you want to say and how you want to say it. Think about what you're saying and say it in the right way. Simply yelling, "I love you," "you look good," or "I love you" into your partner's ear can be quite enticing.

Fluidity Your speech must be fluid; you cannot repeatedly pause between sentences to express your thoughts and desires. When it comes to Tantric sex, you can have as many sessions as you want. As a result, you need to be mentally and emotionally ready to say everything you want to say. Make

sure that you don't wear yourself out by going on and on and channel your

considerations and feelings in a legitimate way. The only way to fully communicate with your partner is to allow this energy to flow freely through your body.

Honesty Don't be afraid to tell the truth. You don't have to exaggerate or lie about anything to make it sound nice. Speak your mind. If you really want to express yourself freely, keep it simple and be honest.

Breathing Begin by focusing on your breathing and timing your breaths so that they are in sync with your partner's. You don't have to talk all the time; Your breathing will simply be slowed down by this. Maintain a firm grasp on your breathing and be aware of how it feels. It can be quite a wonderful experience to breathe synchronized. Because it makes you stronger, breathing can also help you move better while you're having tantric sex.