
Birth of the Suicidal Devil

In a world of fantasy, a boy was born without an energy core and energy circuits. Something that is needed in order to control worldly energies. The Aura of Warriors, Mana of Mages and Holy Energy of Priests. Will he succumb to his fate, or will he be able to find a path that will let him go against this so called fate... * * * The art in the cover is not mine, credits to its rightful owner.

CheekyForehead · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Demon Beast Wave

Demon Beasts are Mana Beasts which were corrupted by Demon Energy. The Demon Energy will fill them with bloodlust, as well as enhance their strength explosively.

They would be in a frenzy to kill and eat flesh, making them attracted to towns and cities which have a lot of "food" in it.

Demon Waves normally last up to a week depending on their numbers and strength.

The Demon Beasts could be classified by the following:

Lesser Demon Beasts: Those with enhanced physical strength but have limited magical abilities. They are often found in large numbers and pose a threat to inexperienced professionals. They could be killed by a trained individual.

Third Class Demon Beast: They are demon beasts who have adapted to the demon energy, making them stronger than lesser demon beasts. They could be killed by a third class warrior.

Second Class Demon Beast: They are demon beasts who have been subjected to prolonged exposure to demon energy, making them stronger…

First Class Demon Beasts…

Demon General Class Demon Beasts…

Grand Demon Class Demon Beasts…

Demon Lord Class Demon Beasts…

As Jin read the book, his worry for his father only increased.

However, he remembered what his father said earlier and pondered, "Hmmm… since Father didn't take lesser demon beasts seriously, then it must mean that he is strong enough to take care of them…"


'Hmm… I wonder how strong my father is. I'll need to read books about it…' Jin thought as he yawned drowsily.

He closed the book and turned off the lamp before leaving the room.

Then, he saw a room on the way to the stairs.

Jin remembered that his father and mother always went into this room every noon to pray. He and Tanya also prayed with them during certain occasions.

Feeling worried for his father, Jin decided that it would be better to pray for his safety.


He opened the door to the room and saw an altar with a small sculpture of a woman. The sculpture was very detailed, making it seem as if the beautiful woman would come alive any second.

Behind the woman was what seemed to be the sun.

Staring at the sculpture, Jin knelt and prayed silently for the safety of his father.

After a long while of praying, Jin stood up and turned to leave the room.

He went upstairs and opened the door to their bedroom. However, just as he was about to enter, Jin looked towards the window at the end of the hallway.

Seeing the moonlight that was shining through it, he slowly walked towards the window before closing and locking it.

"Mother and sister might catch a cold…" Murmuring, Jin entered the bedroom.

After a while, a head peeked through the window.

"What a peculiar child… They would make fun of me if they discovered that I was almost found out by a child during a mission… I must lay low for a while…"

The man who was hanging by the window, jumped down and disappeared into the dark.

Unbeknownst to both Leo and Tiana, their son unintentionally saved them from a possible trouble.

* * *

'The strange feeling disappeared…' Jin thought as he looked at the direction of the moonlight.

As soon as he arrived at the second floor, he felt something strange. Though, he couldn't quite tell what it was.

However, he could see that the glowing particles in the surroundings were in disarray, which might mean that someone was there.

He could also see traces of glowing particles that seemed different to the ones in the surroundings. However, they were so faint and he was sleepy so he didn't really have a chance to get a good look at it.

Deciding that it would be useless to think of it any further, he closed his eyes and slept.

* * *

A few days later…

Knock knock~

Knocking could be heard from the door. It was about 5 in the morning so it was still dark outside.

Jin, who had just finished exercising and was now reading a book early in the morning, got down from his chair and walked to the door.

"Father?" He muttered in anticipation.

Aside from the fact that it had been a few days since Leo left, Jin thought that it would be impossible for thieves or robbers to knock in front of a door.

So that only leaves his father.

As expected, as soon as he opened the door, what greeted him was the sight of his father.

"Jin?" Leo was startled to see his son opening the door for him. He was starting to consider if he would need to sneak through a window if no one were to open the door for him.

"Father!" Jin ran up to him and gave him a hug.

Leo scooped his son and carried him with his right arm. "Son, I've missed you! Have you just finished exercising? Where's your sister and mother?"

Jin nodded and said, "They're still sleeping."

"Hmmm, okay let me wash up a little first. Wait for me in the living room, okay?" Leo put Jin down and said.

Jin nodded obediently.

After a few minutes, Leo and Jin were sitting beside each other in the living room. They had just finished checking up on Tiana and Tanya.

Seeing that they were still sleeping peacefully, the father and son let them be and didn't choose to wake them up.

"Father, I want to ask something."

Leo was startled by Jin's question because it was something that rarely happened. "What is it?"

"I read books about demon beasts these past few days and I've been curious about something. How strong are you, Father?" Jin stated with curious eyes.

Hearing his son's question, Leo was surprised. He thought for a moment and said, "If you read the books about demon beast, then you must know that they are divided into different classes, right?"

Seeing his son's nod, Leo continued, "It's the same for us. There are three common energies in this world. Aura, Mana and Holy Energy."

Hearing words that he hadn't seen in books that he read, Jin's golden eyes shone with great thirst for knowledge.

Seeing his son's eyes made Leo remember some memories. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Aura is something that all living beings have. Those that use Aura are called Warriors. Mana, on the other hand, are present in the surroundings. Those that use Mana are called Mages. While Holy Energy is something that comes from believing and having faith in a God. Those who use Holy Energy are called Priests."