
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter ___: Good Vs. Evil.

The Future:

Two people were standing in the middle of the sea. One wore a black cloak that hid their arms and face, but reveled his black pants and black shirt. He had on purple, metallic boots and seemed to be wearing a crown on top of his cloak. He had a scabbard on the back of his cloak with a purple skull slightly showing.

The other person had long blue hair, and deep orange eyes. He had on blue pants with a simple white t-shirt. He had a scar that went vertically down from his forhead, over his right eye, and onto his cheek. He had on a red, white, and blue cape as well. He wore grey metallic boots that went up to his knee caps and had a sword in the water, kneeling in the process.

"I can't believe you went this far, Haruto."

The wind was blowing, making the blue haired mans cape and hair flow fluently.

"I'm going to send you to the same place I sent the king, Arthur."

The wind came over to the man shrouded in black, making his cape blow a bit, causing his left arm to appear. It had black ruins on it, making him seem dangerous.

"Guess this was the only possible outcome." He frowned a bit at his own words.

"That's right.."

The man coated in black put his hand up in front of himself, and bawled it, making the markings on his arms glow deep purple.

"The age of good...is over."

The wind blew as it became silent between the both of them.

"Even so.."

The blue haired man reached into his back pocket and took something out, faintly surprising the man in black.

It was a piece of black cloth that had a silver rectangle in the middle. On that rectangle, there was a symbol of a crown with a line through it.

The man in blue then wrapped it around his forehead, and tightened it.

"I still won't let you lose yourself!"

His eyes were faintly blue now, with his pupil concentrating solely on the man.

The two then ran at each other and clashed, leaving sparks of metal flying everywhere..
