

Thaids, strange monsters that have evolved from animals, have laid siege to humanity, occupying vast swaths of the planet's surface. In a world plagued by the presence of menacing monsters, society has undergone a profound transformation, built upon the foundation of individual combat prowess. Amidst this unforgiving backdrop lives Erik, an abandoned young boy who navigates the harsh realities of a society that values strength above all else. Despite possessing a power deemed utterly useless, Erik perseveres, unsuccessfully trying to find his place in this tumultuous world. But fate has a way of turning the tides. Suddenly Erik's father returns home, bringing with him something that Erik could never have foreseen. Will this unexpected turn of events be enough to change Erik's fate and the fate of humanity in this dangerous new world? [DOWNLOADING INFORMATION FROM THE HOST -GENERAL KNOWLEDGE- IN PROGRESS] [0%...1%....5%...30%...70%...100%] [DOWNLOAD COMPLETE] [ALL SYSTEMS READY] [WELCOME TO THE BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM, HOST ERIK ROMANO] -------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers! As the author of this book, I would like to take a moment to talk about its structure and pacing. When I first started writing this story, I was still learning the craft of writing and exploring the world and characters I had created. As a result, the first volume of this book may feel a little slow-paced at times, as I took my time to introduce the setting, the plot, and the main characters. However, as I gained more experience and feedback from readers like you, I realized that I could improve the pacing and make the story more engaging and exciting. Therefore, I have been constantly revising and editing the chapters, trying to find ways to streamline the exposition, increase the tension, and deepen the character development. You may notice some differences between the original and current versions if you have read the first volume already. Some scenes may have been cut or shortened, while others may have been expanded or rearranged. However, I want to assure you that the core of the story remains the same and that the characters and themes will continue to evolve and surprise you. The last issue I would like to address is the portrayal of the main character (MC) on this website. I have noticed that on average, on this website, there are two types of MCs: 1) The ruthless, apathetic, or cold MC 2) The normal or intelligent MC The problem with both types is that they often become godlike or fighting experts within just five chapters. Not only is this unrealistic, but it can also become monotonous, in my opinion. It seems that many authors tend to use these two types frequently. That is why I have created a completely different main character for my story. In this story, the MC is flawed and has faced many challenges in life. Unlike other characters who are already ahead, the MC finds himself starting from nothing. He learns to fight, interact with people, and manage difficult situations. This means that he won't always make the same choices or take the same path as you would. It's important to remember that every person would react differently in each situation, and there is no universal answer for how to handle every circumstance. Please keep this in mind when you come across moments where you may not agree with the MC's actions and consider his unique perspective and way of thinking. If you want to share some thoughts or have a chat with me, you can join the discord's server here: https://discord.gg/dZpb4TBRJc

PilgrimJagger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1085 Chs

Benjamin Kaminski (1)

The following day Erik woke up refreshed. The young man was overall in a good mood because, at noon, he would be having lunch with Benjamin.

Erik was very grateful to him since he was the one who took care of him when his father left home. He also knew it wasn't easy for Benjamin to take on someone else's child as if they were their own.

A person willing to open himself up to another so completely expecting nothing in return wasn't ordinary in this society.

However, he couldn't allow the man to see him in his current condition, or he would start asking questions. If Benjamin did complain to the school, Erik knew that Logan would only beat him more; but he was prepared.

Due to all the beatings, he took during these two years, he learned a little about applying makeup and hid all his injuries after his daily workout and a shower. However, he swore that sooner or later, this routine would stop.

Erik's biological supercomputer system, which he was convinced would ultimately turn his life around, was the second factor contributing to his optimistic mood.

"Quests," the young man said, willing for the screen to appear. Immediately, a blue and white semitransparent window appeared in the corner of his field of view. The two daily quests were still there.


[Quests List]


<Eating Habits:>

-Rewards for completion: Ten Experience, ten DNA points

-Failure Penalty: None

(Eat a healthy meal)


<Physical training:>

-Rewards for completion: Ten Experience, ten DNA points

-Failure Penalty: None

(Train for at least an hour. The Host may choose whatever exercise to complete the quest.)



The young man looked at the screen as if it was an illusion, which it actually was in a certain sense. He accepted both quests and started the day by having breakfast to have the required energy to work out.

While eating, Erik watched television while listening intently to what was being discussed on TV news shows.

The news discussed the war between his nation, Frant and Hin. The two armies resumed their skirmishes on Hinian shores again.

On top of that, rumors had begun circulating among the public that the conflict might worsen. The war, these days, was not as in ancient times, where ships, tanks, and fighter planes sent missiles; people fought the war.

There were two reasons for this. First, practically every city had barriers encircling it; some resulted from military technology, others brain crystal powers, whose primary purpose was to keep thaids out of the cities.

The wild was, in fact, full of those creatures, and there were many species belonging to this super group called Thaids. It was impossible to kill them all. The barriers also worked against missiles and the like, making them useless.

Secondly, due to the powers, technology quickly became useless against Thaids and humans alike. Some weapons were still effective against some individuals and monsters, mostly low-ranked ones, but generally, they didn't work well.

After all, many people could send devastating attacks capable of destroying buildings thanks to their brain crystal powers, making the production of such weapons obsolete.

Still, transportation means were present, and technology developed in a direction where maneuverability and speed were the main focus.

The battle between Hin and Frant was, at the moment, fought on the Hinian shores. Frant was the attacking nation, trying to conquer Hin, situated on an island between the Mannard continent and the thaid-infested one, Mur.

The problem was that Hin forces were powerful since they were used to fight the thaids that threatened their borders. Due to the island's proximity to Mur, people in Hin were used to strong opponents, and their troops were weirdly powerful.

Even with strategy and strong troops on their side Frant could only arrive on the shores, and arriving there wasn't simple since there were multiple and terrifying sea thaids.

Erik finished eating and washed the dishes in the kitchen. After that, he waited an hour and kept reading and listening to the news about the war.

He was happy when Frant lost battles. He hated his nation, and there wasn't anything more that he wanted to see than looking at this horrible place burn.

After an hour passed, Erik started his training routine. He did the same exercise he did the previous day, pushups, squats, sit-ups, reverse lunges, squats and presses, planks, and others.

After training, Erik quickly showered and looked at the quests. He acquired another twenty experience points and twenty DNA points, bringing him to fifty of both.

He simply needed fifty more DNA points to temporarily unlock the system feature that would enable him to modify the brain crystal and treat his deformity.

After that, it was a jump into the unknown. His power was useless, but at least he would never starve, thanks to it.

Erik thought about starting a farm, as Mister Fox did. Still, it wasn't easy to get permission, mainly because, to do so, one had to become affiliated with the Stone family, which was the most prominent food producer inside the city.

Doing so wasn't simple; the family didn't move for a small business like Erik would eventually make.

They were prideful people, in addition to being filthy rich. A single mistake could ruin him, shattering his recently acquired slim hopes of a better life.

There were many rumors about them making entire families lose their assets and putting them into debt, something he couldn't allow. After all, he could barely afford to live, thanks to the small amount of money he got working for Mister Fox.

Erik then changed into more fitting clothes, jeans and a shirt. It wasn't very elegant, but it was everything the young man had.

Erik left his house after concealing his injuries and waiting a couple of hours. He walked through the streets until he reached the place where Benjamin was supposed to pick him up.

The sun was high in the sky, shining its light upon the buildings lining the road.

Erik always wanted to beat the people who looked at him on the streets since most wore scornful looks. His neighbors knew who he was, so they all looked at him while he walked, looking at him as if he was a cockroach or some other bug. That didn't sit well with him.

Some even spat on the ground when he walked near them. But Erik kept walking, suppressing his rage, only glaring at them.

When he finally arrived at the meeting place,Erik waited for Benjamin's flying car to arrive.

It didn't take much for Benjamin to arrive and land the vehicle smoothly before Erik. He lowered the window, and Erik noticed he was wearing a fancy suit. Despite being in the army, he was tall and thin.

He had dark skin and was in his mid-thirties. His hairs were black, long, and tied in a ponytail. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and when he saw Erik, he lowered them to say hi. He then smiled at him.

"You look nice…" Erik said to his father's friend.

Benjamin smiled broadly. "Thank you," he said. "You too!"

Erik then jumped into the vehicle, and the sergeant sped toward the restaurant.