

Thaids, strange monsters that have evolved from animals, have laid siege to humanity, occupying vast swaths of the planet's surface. In a world plagued by the presence of menacing monsters, society has undergone a profound transformation, built upon the foundation of individual combat prowess. Amidst this unforgiving backdrop lives Erik, an abandoned young boy who navigates the harsh realities of a society that values strength above all else. Despite possessing a power deemed utterly useless, Erik perseveres, unsuccessfully trying to find his place in this tumultuous world. But fate has a way of turning the tides. Suddenly Erik's father returns home, bringing with him something that Erik could never have foreseen. Will this unexpected turn of events be enough to change Erik's fate and the fate of humanity in this dangerous new world? [DOWNLOADING INFORMATION FROM THE HOST -GENERAL KNOWLEDGE- IN PROGRESS] [0%...1%....5%...30%...70%...100%] [DOWNLOAD COMPLETE] [ALL SYSTEMS READY] [WELCOME TO THE BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM, HOST ERIK ROMANO] -------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers! As the author of this book, I would like to take a moment to talk about its structure and pacing. When I first started writing this story, I was still learning the craft of writing and exploring the world and characters I had created. As a result, the first volume of this book may feel a little slow-paced at times, as I took my time to introduce the setting, the plot, and the main characters. However, as I gained more experience and feedback from readers like you, I realized that I could improve the pacing and make the story more engaging and exciting. Therefore, I have been constantly revising and editing the chapters, trying to find ways to streamline the exposition, increase the tension, and deepen the character development. You may notice some differences between the original and current versions if you have read the first volume already. Some scenes may have been cut or shortened, while others may have been expanded or rearranged. However, I want to assure you that the core of the story remains the same and that the characters and themes will continue to evolve and surprise you. The last issue I would like to address is the portrayal of the main character (MC) on this website. I have noticed that on average, on this website, there are two types of MCs: 1) The ruthless, apathetic, or cold MC 2) The normal or intelligent MC The problem with both types is that they often become godlike or fighting experts within just five chapters. Not only is this unrealistic, but it can also become monotonous, in my opinion. It seems that many authors tend to use these two types frequently. That is why I have created a completely different main character for my story. In this story, the MC is flawed and has faced many challenges in life. Unlike other characters who are already ahead, the MC finds himself starting from nothing. He learns to fight, interact with people, and manage difficult situations. This means that he won't always make the same choices or take the same path as you would. It's important to remember that every person would react differently in each situation, and there is no universal answer for how to handle every circumstance. Please keep this in mind when you come across moments where you may not agree with the MC's actions and consider his unique perspective and way of thinking. If you want to share some thoughts or have a chat with me, you can join the discord's server here: https://discord.gg/dZpb4TBRJc

PilgrimJagger · Fantasy
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971 Chs

A demonstration (3)

"What the?" Logan said as he saw the effect of Erik's attack.

The crowd could not understand what was happening either. Erik cut Logan's chest with a harmless tray.

They knew there must have been some reason for this; they did not know what it was, or their minds refused even to think about the possible explanation. Though, many people could swear they felt Erik channel mana in a different way than usual.

The young man smiled widely, seeing Logan's injury while the latter kept his hands on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"What did you do?" Logan asked.

"What do you think?" Erik said, grinning from ear to ear.

"He used a brain crystal power!" someone from the crowd said, and then murmurs started spreading inside the cafeteria.

"A brain crystal power? He who can only grow flowers?!" Logan said.

Everyone stared at Erik, unable to understand what happened, but the rumor that Erik possessed another power started spreading into the cafeteria.

"What couldn't have I developed a new power?" Erik said.

"But that would make you—"

"An awakener? Indeed… It is rare but not impossible." Erik interjected.

Erik looked around the room full of students who seemed confused by what had just happened.

"Whatever, you will pay for what you just did!" Logan then shouted. He started conjuring another poisonous dart, and Erik knew that, given the energy disparity, he was going toward a bad quarter hour. However, someone entered the cafeteria.

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" the man said.

"Professor McAllister!" a student shouted.

The man made his way through the crowd and reached the two standing students still facing each other.

"You are both under my command! Stop your fight immediately," Professor McAllister ordered in an authoritative voice. "Usage of brain crystal powers to fight is strictly prohibited! Are you trying to kill each other?!" the man shouted.

Both men stopped fighting and turned to face the professor. The atmosphere had changed entirely after hearing him speak so sternly.

"NOW, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" he demanded.

Erik knew how the situation was going to unfold from there on. The other students would say it was his fault for all this mess starting. He was actually the first to resort to violence, and any possible explanation he would give was bound to be ignored.

"It was him!" Logan said, pointing at Erik. "He attacked my friends and me."

Professor McAllister turned to look at Erik. "Is it true, Mister Romano?" he looked doubtfully at the kid. He knew Erik didn't have the ability to harm Logan.

"It is not," Erik obviously said, lying.

"We will find out soon." Professor McAllister replied.

"Bring these three to the infirmary," The teacher said to the students, referring to Conal, Orson, and Logan.

"Since you only have some bruises, you are going to the principal's office."

Erik didn't reply; he knew that whatever he said, he couldn't go against more than a hundred people's words.

After leaving the cafeteria, Professor McAllister took him to the main building where Principal Harris' office could be found. When they arrived, a secretary led the group to the principal's office and told them the man would talk to them in an hour.

In the meantime, the other teachers asked for information from the students, who narrated the whole event. Professor McAllister and Erik entered the spacious room as the waiting time ended.

They found Principal Harris sitting behind his desk, looking very serious. His office had a desk, some chairs, and bookshelves filled with many old-looking tomes and manuscripts. A large map was also hanging on the wall showing the school's grounds.

After glancing at the boy, he addressed the young men.

"I heard you made quite a show in the cafeteria," he said. Erik considered this situation when he decided to mess up with Logan.

Still, he had to show the other people they had to stop messing with him, or there would be consequences. He needed to show them he could defend himself and that he would if provoked.

"Sir, with all due respect, Logan and his friends started the whole situation. They asked me to leave the cafeteria; they were not new to bullying me. Whatever I did, they deserved it."

"So, you are not denying what happened," Principal Harris said.

"I'm not. But what was the point in allowing them to do as they wished? I bet the other students are already blaming me, sir, without telling you what Logan did today, or the other days for that matter."

"You are not wrong," Principal Harris said while standing from his chair. He went to the window and started observing the school courtyard and the students walking in and out of the building.

"The kids really did blame you for the whole incident, but aside from that, I want to ask you, young man, if Logan and the other two bullied you, why didn't you say anything?" the principal asked. It was a legitimate question, but one only he was interested in hearing.

"I did. I complained to the teachers when everything started, but they did nothing. However, when words of what I did got to Logan's, Conal's, and Orson's ears, the situation worsened."

"Ah… I get it. It looks like I have to talk to the teachers about this…" Then the principal went to his computer, searching for Erik's file.

"However, there is something I can't quite understand," the old man said while looking at the computer.

"Here, it says that you have a power that allows you to grow plants faster," the principal said. If I'm not wrong, you are one of his teachers, Professor McAllister. Can you confirm it?"

"Yes, I can, Principal Harris," McAllister replied.

"So, Erik. Care to explain how you were able to injure Mister Reid with a harmless tray?"

Now that everything had been disclosed, it was time for Erik for his last lie. He knew that his life would change as soon as he said the words to this man.

Erik had already prepared a speech for this situation and that precise question and spent his free time searching for other double power cases to make his lie more believable.

"I woke up with a migraine the other day. There was something different, and as soon as it went away, I felt I could do something. That's when I accidentally discovered I got another brain crystal power," Erik said.

This was the story that most of the so-called Awakeners told when they discovered their new power.

He then proceeded to recount exactly what happened. He had been scrupulous in describing the feeling and the pain he felt. Of how he found out he had his new power, mixing lies with truths. It wasn't difficult because most of the things he described sounded real enough since they happened to others.

"That is an amazing thing, young man," Principal Harris said.

"Yes, sir. My headaches are gone now; thanks to my power, I've grown stronger physically."

"Well, if what you are saying is true, we need to test your new power again, and probably a man from the military will come to talk to you." Principal Harris said.

Erik knew the implications of revealing his second brain crystal power to the school. He knew that the Military wanted such individuals, and there was a simple explanation for this.

Double powers meant double neural links, which meant stronger soldiers—something they desperately needed.

Truth be told, there was a reason why Frant was waging war on Hin. The nation wasn't having a good year.

This was due to the rampaging corruption at all hierarchical levels, something already present way before Becker became the leader's nation but something he was tasked to solve.

"If that happens, then yes, sir. I'll be happy to comply..." Erik lied.

Principal Harris smiled. "Now, we should talk about your punishment."

Erik lowered his eyes. "Did you believe I wouldn't have punished you?" The man said.

"No, sir," Erik said.

"Now, you sent three people to the infirmary and used a brain crystal power to injure one of them. "

"He used his power, too," Erik said.

"And we will take care of them. If that happened, we would also punish them for the bullying, but that would require an internal investigation," The principal said.

"Now, I guess you are aware that having injured a person; I should alert the police, right?"

"Yes, sir." Erik did expect such a thing to occur. Improper use of one brain crystal power was severely punished, leaving stains on one's record.

"But despite this, I won't do so."



Erik and Professor McAllister said in unison.

"Why?" Professor McAllister asked.

"I have my reasons," The principal replied. He then looked at Erik, "This only if you accept being trained by Professor McAllister after school ends."

"Trained?" Erik said. "With the top 20, you mean?"


"That's it?" Erik asked.

"Yes. That's it."