

After a few months

Kane and Tony finally un-brainwashed Steve and Bucky.

Steve let out a breath and said "Thanks and forgive me." Tony patted his shoulders and said "Crazy things happened Cap! Thanks the kid or you would've been brainwashed for an eternity!" Steve gave a wry smile an said "Sorry, Kane." Kane waved and turned his attention to Cap's shield, studying it curiously.

Tony chuckled and said "Let's go bring them back." he paused and said "The shield too." Kane sighed and said "All that and I can't even keep a spoil of war?" Tony said "I'll get you a new one, how about that?" Kane gave him a thumbs up and they all left, bringing Steve and Bucky back to New Shield HQ.

Steve and Bucky talked with Fury and Kane left saying "I got other things to do, I'll see you later. Plus, I think the Green Giant over there doesn't want to sell me peas anymore." Tony spit out his drink and laughed.

Clint rubbed his shoulder and said "I might have a few choice words for you too pal." Kane grinned and said "If you can find me, we can go for a round 2?" Clint froze and said "Actually, I think I'm busy.."

Kane chuckled and left the building.

After a while

Kane returned to his base, completely unguarded. After his escapade at the Shield building, he gained a lot more confidence.. More like arrogance. Kane simply believed he was invincible.

A very poor mistake.

Kane got into the lounge and took a breath of some kind of gas. Venom immediately took over and made a shield, blocking an attack by a woman with silver hair and silver eyes. Kane sneered and formed a spike before stabbing the woman in the stomach, only for his arm to go right through her.

She stepped to the side and attacked him again, completely silent. Kane frowned and punched through her again, for some reason he couldn't hit her. She was wearing a silver mask and a white suit, with gloves ending in sharp claws.

Kane retreated but kept attacking her, his movements sluggish. He guessed the gas was some sort of tranquilizer gas. But he still retreated nevertheless, feeling it a better option to fight outside.

Kane got outside and formed his metal arms before slapping at the woman only to get the same result. Kane grinded his teeth and pointed his palms at her, repelling metal in her direction before charging at her.

The woman phased through the flying metal but was punched in the face by Kane's fist, covered in shiny black Haki. She flew through the air and smashed into a tree, Kane charged at her, but his vision started to get blurry slowly. Kane said "Megan, contact Tony." Megan was silent, only the occasional 'bzzts' sounding every now and then.

Kane frowned and decided to run, suddenly he was kicked in the chest and sent flying.

Kane looked up from the ground and growled "Keith!" Keith sneered and said "Seems like she still couldn't get revenge. What a waste." The woman stood up and said "It's not my fault. He's stronger than me." Kane's pupils contacted as he said "Cassandra?!"

The woman took off her mask and revealed her, still scarred, face as she said "It's good that you remember. Look what you did to me!" she turned to Keith and said "Only my sweet Keith still loves me~"

Keith's eyes flashed disgust but he covered it up quickly and said "Of course." if he truly meant that was something only Keith knew, but Cassandra believed him and blushed happily.

Kane's vision was getting blurrier by the second and Keith crouched next to him saying "Almost got me last time, Kane. Thanks to a real hero, I got away. I also got a nice group going on, you'll join soon enough but I want you to be a good little lab rat for now, okay?" while he was talking he grabbed Kane's neck and squeezed tightly before injecting a tranquilizer serum into him.

Kane could only hear his words before his eyelids fell and he passed out, Venom receded into his body and Keith grabbed Kane, throwing him over his shoulder and saying "Let's go back. These clowns can't even control Shield without my plans."

Cassandra skipped over and said "You're going to make him a Hydra soldier? Can I cut him up first?" Keith said "What did I tell you about saying it out loud?" Cassandra covered her mouth and said "Sorry~ Last time we destroyed his mom's grave and he retaliated. Shouldn't we make it so he can't retaliate even if he gets free, just in case?"

Keith said "We will. Let's go." Cassandra smiled sweetly and they both disappeared into the woods. When they were gone, Elizabeth popped her head out from behind a tree and muttered "That's not good..." she started looking around the base for any clue when Kane was taken to.

An hour later

Tony landed at the base and said "Kid! I got you a present!" Elizabeth got combat ready and said "Who are you?!" Tony frowned and said "Stark. You are..." Elizabeth snorted and said "You don't need to know. Why did you come back? Was taking Kane not enough?!"

Tony said "What?! Kane was taken? What happened?!" Elizabeth was startled and said "You're not with them?" Tony said "Obviously not, kid. What happened! Hurry up!" Elizabeth started telling Tony everything she knew, she only got there when Keith attacked, she saw the situation and hid, knowing that if Kane couldn't handle a situation she probably couldn't either.

Tony frowned and said "This is not good... Fucking Hydra. Jarvis, did Megan contact you?" Jarvis said "No, Sir." Tony frowned even harder and went into the base, his suit blocked out all the gas and he opened the lab to see an almost completely destroyed space. The only things that weren't broken were the goggles and a few monitors.

The rest was completely trashed, the mice, the blood, even the suit. All destroyed. Tony burned all the blood and said "Jarvis, contact Fury." Elizabeth said "Wait! Wait! I'm coming too!" Tony looked at her and said "What's your relation with him?"

Elizabeth was stumped and said "Uhh. Acquaintances, I guess.. But I still want to come! I might not be as strong as him, but I'm pretty strong myself!" Tony said "Fine, we're gonna need all the help we can get. Jarvis, see if you can find Kane's phone."

Jarvis said "It will take a while, he's always in 'Ghost mode'." Tony cursed "Fucking kid, is so careful, how did he get captured?" Tony checked the cameras manually and saw what happened, before muttering something and leaving saying "Let's go, girl."

Elizabeth followed him and they left the base.

A while later

Kane woke up strapped to a table with a bunch of wires and tubes coming out of him. He tried to transform into Venom but didn't feel Venom. Kane panicked and looked around before hearing a voice "Looking for the black goo? It's gone." Kane looked at the voice and his eyes tried to burn a hole into the person.

It was naturally Keith.

Keith sneered and said "I think you should be worrying about yourself at the moment. Little lab rat 'SS-001'" Kane was confused and felt extreme pain right on his neck. A machine imprinted 'SS-001' in black ink right on his neck. This wasn't a tattoo, it was a direct imprint right of his flesh A.K.A it was never coming off.

Kane's neck started bleeding and Keith grinned as he said "Ready for a little tiny experiment? The black goo is also being experimented on, if you wanted to know. Wondering where you are? Well let me tell you what happened since I ran away. I left the country and came into contact with Hydra, after a few months, a complete take over was easy. Now I'm the head of Hydra, you're in our base now."

Keith grinned and said "Well, pretty easy to take control with a certain Item Hydra had found, but that's a secret for later~ Excited?"

Kane glared at Keith, but he couldn't speak because his mouth was gagged. Keith said "I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, let me explain what will happen to you. I found this special serum called Extremis. This stuff is pretty useful, but it's a bit unstable at the moment with only 20% surviving to tell the tale. Naturally, they are controlled afterwards and become loyal killing machines."

Keith paused and grinned as he continued "I have something special for you, Kane. I experimented with Extremis myself and came up with a version 2.0! That's what you'll be getting, until you make some sort of progress that satisfies me. The goo, will be getting the same. It's a very interesting creature. I will be sure to use it well, don't worry about that."

Keith said "Wondering how I became so smart? Well, my little mouse friend, let me tell you. After you crippled me, the boss of my old organization injected me with a serum. Making me a super soldier of sorts, but I lost my mind. Fortunately, for me, the boss had already planned for this and stabilized my brain with another created serum. Not only did this bring me back but made me smarter."

Keith clapped his hands and said "Shall we begin? I'll be doing it personally, consider it helping an old friend." he chuckled sinisterly and typed on a computer next to him extremely fast.

Kane's eyes shot open and his body jerked upwards before starting to writhe in pain. So painful! If he could scream he would. He could feel every single part of his body twitching in pain and getting extremely hot.

After a while

Kane was breathing heavy and Keith frowned "What happened?" he cut Kane across the chest and the cut healed immediately, Keith muttered "Just regeneration isn't enough..." before grinning wickedly "Let's continue then!" Kane's pain started again and it was somehow more painful than the last time.

This continued for a week straight

Tony and the rest finally got to the Hydra base and attacked. Elizabeth ran through the building, cutting people in half, her eyes a little crazy. He finally busted into a room and saw Kane chained to a wall with his head down.

She picked up his head and slapped his cheeks saying "Kane? Are you okay?" Kane was unresponsive, Elizabeth frowned and said "What did they do to you..." suddenly she was slapped away by Keith, who had a scepter in his hands.

Keith sneered and said "Fuck off, girl. Let the big boys play." Cassandra stepped out and said "I'll take care of her~" Elizabeth transformed into her half tiger state and attacked Cassandra in a rage, tackling her through a wall before she could even react.

Keith took the scepter and inched closer to Kane's body saying "Come here, my little mindless slave~" Kane looked up and snarled in a hoarse voice "Keeithh!" Keith sneered and said "Soon you'll call me master!" as he was about to touch Kane with the scepter and control his mind.

Kane suddenly roared and an invisible wave exploded out of his body and pushed Keith back. The wave pulsed 2 more times and started to destroy the walls of the room and pushing Keith back. Kane glared at Keith and growled "Keith!" as he ripped his arm, along with the chain, off the wall.

Kane glared at Keith and his body started heating up, melting the chains on him. Kane fell to the ground and charged at Keith, swatting the scepter out of his hands and punching him through several walls.

Kane chased after him and passed by Cassandra, his eyes darted to her and he pounced on her. He raised his arms over his head and smashed his fists onto her head, smashing it into the floor and splattering her brains everywhere.

Kane beat her head into nothingness before snapping his head to Elizabeth and growling. Elizabeth was nervous and said "Kane? Are you okay?" Kane growled once more and lunged at her, completely losing his mind.

Before he could touch Elizabeth, a black shadow flew over and attached itself to Kane while sticking itself into the walls, holding Kane back. Kane was in mid air and glaring at Elizabeth, who walked over and touched his face saying "It's okay... You're okay now.."

Kane stopped for a second before reeling back from her hand and covering his face as Venom took over saying "Get away!" His Conqueror's Haki exploded out from him again and Venom bubbled on the surface before settling and roaring.

Kane smashed the building around him and ran away from Elizabeth, destroying everything in the base, including the records of the experiments and the machines. Kane spread out his hands a roared once again, attracting all the metal towards him, forming giant arms and smashing everything around him.

Tony landed next to Elizabeth and said "Woah, remind me to not get him angry.." the rest of the avengers grouped up and Steve was holding the scepter as he said "This place in going to collapse, we need to go."

Elizabeth said "But-" Tony cut her off and said "He'll be fine, lets just get out of here for now." before grabbing her and flying out of the base, the rest left and the building collapsed around Kane, who had multiple things sticking to him. Mostly metal containers with orange fluids in them.

Elizabeth ran towards Kane and said "Kane!" Kane turned his head and roared at her before falling to the ground, surrounded by debris, completely unconscious.

Elizabeth let out a breath and said "Being nice is much harder than it looks.." she looked down and kicked Kane, lightly muttering "Damn bastard, better owe me a few favors after this.." Kane grunted and Elizabeth jumped back with a yelp.

Nothing happened and her face heated up before she started kicking him again mumbling "You fucking bastard, embarrassing me!" Tony flew over and said "Alright, lover girl. Relax on the kid." Venom formed a head and said "We need to rest. Bring us back."

Tony said "How long?" Venom said "We don't know. Maybe a long time, bring us to the base, not Shield." Tony nodded and Venom receded as Tony picked Kane up and said "Mission complete." Steve said "Is he okay?" Tony nodded and said "Hopefully, we'll see when he wakes up." the rest nodded and Tony grabbed Elizabeth before flying away saying "See you later."

A while later

Tony arrived at the base and brought Kane inside, Elizabeth followed him and Tony put him down on a bed. Elizabeth said "I'll take care of him." Tony nodded and said "Now, I have to go clean up the mess. What a chore.." he looked at the containers of Liquid and took them off.

He placed them all in the lab before taking one for himself, chuckling "Thanks for the gift, kiddo. I'll get you back one day." and left the base, going to his new house.

Elizabeth was sitting in the room and Venom appeared again saying "We will evolve. Make sure we don't die." Elizabeth nodded and left, Venom sighed and receded. A black cocoon enveloped Kane's body tightly.

Elizabeth came back and saw the cocoon, thinking it was just what Venom said, she poked in a bunch of IVs and other things to keep him alive before sitting down in a chair, next to the bed, and closing her eyes to sleep. Still wondering why she was going through all this trouble, he DID save her life just before when he killed Cassandra, while she herself was startled by the explosions.

She ultimately sighed and muttered "Returning favors sure is hard.."

(Author's Note)

Did you like it? Leave you with a little cliffy just for good measure.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


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