

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Urban
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16 Chs


Vincent"just listen to what he will say, you will know he is a nice guy and not a rude guy inside"

Vincent picked up the call and put it on speaker.


"A very nice guy indeed, not rude either I can hear that, "Alec said sarcastically

"I am at the bar with Alec" Vincent replied

"What did he do now, "asked Maximo

"oh, nothing just chilling" Vincent responded

"chill out your ass and get your butt here right now"Maximo commanded.

"oh yes, I am coming"Vincent responded.

After some minutes both Vincent and Alec got to the hospital and went to where the operation was done.

Alec"how is she? was it successful?"

Maximo"I think you have to sit down for this guy"

Vincent"Maximo you've never..."

"where is the surgeon?"Alec interrupted.

Maximo"you didn't tell him?"

Vincent"oh I forgot to tell you, the surgeon couldn't make it but luckily there was a surgeon around"

Alec"who and why has he dressed li....oh you are the surgeon"

Maximo"obviously "

Alec" how could they let this be? you've killed her, I am sure"

Maximo" how sure are you?"

Alec"Then tell us how it went"

Maximo" like I said you guys will have to sit down for this one"

Alec"I am not fucking sitting down, just spill it"

Vincent"hope this is just a joke"

Alec"does he look like someone capable of telling jokes"

Maximo"just shut the fuck up and listen"

Maximo"I tried all my best but..."

"I knew it, you killed her"Alec interrupted as he rushed to strangle Maximo, Vincent held him. back.

Maximo"I tried my best but it wasn't worth it"

"saving her was not worth it, "Alec said.

"who said she was dying"Maximo replied.

"what do you mean?"Alec asked

Maximo"well I tried my best and it wasn't worth it because the operation was simpler than I expected.

"so nothing is wrong with her"Alec asked

"No" Maximo replied.

"phew, I knew you were pulling a joke on us," Vincent said.

"well I have been stressed out all day, a little joke wouldn't hurt, you should have seen your guy's faces hahaha "Maximo laughed.

Maximo"we can go and meet her inside"

they entered and saw Laura awake and fine.

Alec"oh Laura, thank goodness, I thought he killed you"

Laura"me dead, Pff, not even in his dreams"

Maximo" before you all get lovely love, note, The average hospital stay after a C-section is 2 to 4 days, and keep in mind recovery often takes longer than it would from a vaginal birth. Walking after the C-section is important to speed recovery and pain medication may be supplied too as recovery takes place."

Vincent"shout out to the surgeon in the building"

Maximo"shut the fuck up Vincent, as I was saying You will be ok.

And all of these things that seem so hard right now, and that feeling of being "different," well, they won't last forever. Also note, Most women need to wait at least 6 weeks before having sex after a C-section, or until their doctor or midwife says it is safe. While there is no standard amount of time a woman should wait before returning to regular sexual activities following their C-section, it is best to wait until a doctor says it is safe.

Most women get the OK from doctors at their 6-week postnatal checkup and may choose to start having sex after this point, well the choice is up to you"

*Vincent claps*

Laura"Hmmm for something you did well I will say thank but doesn't mean we are okay now"

"Vincent let's move I have done all of what you asked"Maximo ignored.

"Did he just..."Laura was shocked.

Maximo and Vincent both went out but Maximo came back after a short while.

Maximo"oh before I forget, your cut will remain tender for up to 3 weeks or more. Most women need pain medicine for the first few days to 2 weeks, so make sure you get the proper treatment It is recommended to avoid using tampons, exercising intensely, taking stairs, or having sex until you have your doctor's permission. Moreover, you should shower normally instead of in baths until your postpartum bleeding and incision have healed.

Vincent"uhuh, he cares"

Maximo"I care for all my patients, now rush and get the car ready"Vincent ran outside.

Laura"thank you, sir, you can go now"

Maximo left then he, Vincent, and the driver left the hospital for one of their companies.

*time skip/4 days later*

Maximo has gotten ready and was about to go to work.

Maximo"Vincent tell the driver to get the car ready, I don't have time to waste, I want to visit at least three companies today"


Maximo"what do you mean by why?"

Vincent" can't you just take one day off"

Maximo" and would you care to give me a reason why?"

Vincent"well, Laura will be discharged from the hospital today"

Maximo"I fail to find a reason why this affects me or to take a day off"

Vincent"you fully understand what I mean"

Maximo"so tell me why should we go there, the baby is gone, this is a chance for her to get out of my life and stop making it miserable"

Vincent"that was too direct, but we'll let's just take her out"

Maximo"are you fucking in..."

"chill Maximo" vincent broke in.

Maximo"okay why should we take her out?"

"well you know she has been in the hospital since with all those medicines and stress, she would need a little pleasure time"Vincent replied.

"noo, what she needs now is rest, with all those stress she needs more rest not stress"Maximo responded.

"well you are the doctor, I wouldn't argue that but Maximo..." Vincent commented.

Maximo"don't Maximo me, I have work"

Vincent"really nigga, you are the boss, you can choose to not come for a year and no one will pressure you"

Maximo"you are right, it's sure good to be boss, okay, let's go but no unnecessary attention to me and Laura, did you get that?"

Vincent"yes sir, let's move"

Then there and then Maximo and Vincent drove off to the hospital, they left the driver behind at home.

When they got there, they were permitted to go see her, and as they entered they noticed Alec.

Laura"the fuck, are you here to kill me for real now?"

Vincent"Laura, behave matured for once"

Alec"Hey Vincent, what's up, why are you guys here"

Vincent and Alec both shook hands.

Laura and Maximo were surprised especially, Laura.

Laura"hmmm this is something you don't see every day"

Maximo"I agree with that"

Laura"wasn't talking to you"

Maximo"wasn't replying to you"

Vincent"so laura you can already leave but you are not leaving yet, well you are but not to your house.."

"who said she was going home after all this stress, I am taking her out," Alec said.

"Well Vincent, that sums up our business here" Maximo commented.

Vincent"wait, ain't you going to work or something"

Alec"no bro, I took the day off"

Vincent"well that will make it more fun"

"make what more fun?"

Vincent"well that's the reason we came here too"

Vincent"we knew it would be nice for you to enjoy the fresh breeze with some friends before you return home for the day"

Laura"wow really?!"

Maximo"not a friend"

Laura"no one asked you"

Vincent"oh, how could I take all the credit, it was all Maximo's idea"

"what the fuck Vincent"Maximo replied.

Laura"no need to make a scene, we know you can't think of something like that"

Maximo" at least I can still think of something"

Vincent"you guys aren't children, act mature"

Maximo"I will just pretend I didn't hear that"

"Okay, we will wait for you outside, get ready, you can come out by yourself right?"Vincent asked

"I will stay with her don't worry, "Alec said

"no it is you that do not need to get worried, I will meet you guys outside" Laura replied

Alec"are you sure?"

Laura"affirmative "

"Okay boys, I mean men, we move now".

they got outside and started waiting.

Alec"I don't mean to be rude, but Maximo isn't coming right?"

Maximo"what do you mean by that?"

Alec"why the fuck do you want to come, to get her pregnant again or what?"

Maximo"I ain't dealing with your bullshit man, let me tell you, man, she doesn't love you and you gonna move on from this trance you are in"

Alec"At least she doesn't loath me, not to talk about the person that impregnated her, dumped her, caused her child's death, and did the surgery, guy you are just a joke".

Maximo"I didn't even want to be here"

Alec"then fuck off"

Maximo"it's true, Vincent what are we still doing here? let's go right now?"


Vincent"can't you behave you guys, stop acting childish, the person that it all happened to didn't see a problem there so I don't know why you should Alec" but...I am watching out for her and caring for her"

Vincent"we understand you are caring for her but, you don't have to decide things for her just like what you did the day she lost her child, you just wanted to fight without thinking of consequences and you Maximo, sir, you should maybe learn to treat people nicely and maybe we will enjoy the day"

Alec"oh okay my bad, I have been acting up lately"

Vincent"so can you guys please be on very good behavior today for Laura"

Alec"yes I promise to be on my best behavior"


Vincent "Maximo, your turn"

Maximo"the only reason I will accept this is as a surgeon and I understand she could need this"

Laura"what are you guys chatting about, is it me?"

Maximo"you wish"

*Vincent clears his throat*

Maximo"huh...I mean yes, we were talking about a beautiful girl like you*coughs*"

Laura"what's going on"

Maximo"let's just go"

Alec"the question is to where?"

Laura"exactly and the doctor said as I quote"Getting up and walking around once you are home will help you heal faster and can help prevent blood clots. You should be able to do most of your regular activities in 4 to 8 weeks. Before then, Do not lift anything heavy for the first 6 to 8 weeks".

Laura"then I told him I am going out with some friends and he said, "Go for it, but it's a good idea to wait until after you have been checked over, Even then, it's recommended you keep the celebration to one small glass if you are going to drink".

Vincent"then no need to stress ourselves, let's just go to Maximo's Mansion"

"WHAT!!"Laura, Maximo, and Alec all shouted.

*Vincent clears their throat*

Vincent"isn't that a good idea Maximo and Alec"

Maximo"oh, yes that will be a good idea, we already got everything there, from drinks to music to pool to all"

Alec"yes I don't see a problem there too"

Laura"something is wrong and off with you guys but if you say so, let's go".

They all entered his SUV and zoomed off to his mansion.

Laura placed her gaze upon the vast building.

"wow it's been a long," She said.

"wow man, you've got yourself a dope as shit"Alec commented.

"maybe when you start working hard*Vincent clears their throat*...hmmm I mean wait till you see the inside"

Laura"If someone told I will be back here, I will tell them they are lying"

They got inside and got to the wine cellar, where they talked and chatted for a while, Laura only sipped a cup of wine while the rest were drinking and drinking especially Maximo



"do you.....kn...ow what I love," he said why being drunk.

Laura"no, tell me"
