
Billionaire Hired Bride

Mike Lawson is a billionaire CEO, who is very influential in all of the United States and beyond. Mike has a lot of followers on social media and his lifestyle is constantly watched by these people, knowing this he does everything with caution. One night Mike was going home from work at the car garage he met a drunk lady who laid on his car. He was shocked to see a female in that state and his car, he tried to calm her down and know why she was in that state and who she was but the drunk lady kissed him thinking he was someone else when this happened Mike was awestruck and didn't know what else to do so he drove her to his house. The next day she woke up in a beautiful bedroom, well furnished and tidy. She stared blankly and surprised as she wondered how she got there. Before Mike could explain Jonathan came in the CEO of Ivory Classic Shoes kissing a mysterious lady who turned out to be the only daughter of a multi-billionaire and CEO of Bibi's jewelry, Samantha Lawson. Samantha suggested that Mike announce that she was his soon-to-be bride.

AnnieGold27 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

"What do you mean?"

Mike asked

"I think that's a great idea, Samantha"

Jonathan smiled as he moved towards her.

"What are you both saying?"

Mike asked, confused by their sudden agreement.

"If you hold a press conference just to tell them you don't know the lady in the videos and she was a drunk lady it will only kindle the burning fire but announcing her as your bride-to-be will help the stock that has fallen drastically. Her father is the owner of Bibi's jewelry. Just imagine the headlines ``Mike CEO of ivory classic shoes and the CEO of Bibi's jewelry daughter Samantha Weds'' that the type of headlines we need now Mike"

He said and held Samantha's hand dramatically.

"Sam you are very thoughtful, if you're willing to do this favor for my poor brother I will be forever grateful to you"

"I will do it for just three months and then we will be done, I don't like being indebted to someone. I caused this in the first place and I should solve the problem"

Samantha spoke boldly, Mike looked at her confused as he thought about what she said. It would be a good response to these rumors on the internet but it would cause her to be in danger, he has a strong fan group which are mostly women who love him for his handsome face and his good body, they could do something bad to her out of envy. They were the reason why his ex hated him till now, she would always come home complaining about how she was humiliated or looked down on by a fan of his and most times she came back with a car stoned mercilessly with rotten eggs. When she had enough she pulled out of the relationship and announced it all online for her safety. But if he tells the truth at the press conference today, there will be a scandal since she is also a celebrity herself and this will affect his stock market, his fans, and most importantly his upcoming exhibition in that he has invested all his energy, time, and money too. He was confused and didn't know what to do but the looks on her face showed she was determined and ready to take on anything.

"If you say so, I will announce you as my bride-to-be and do this for three months and after three months we are done"

He agreed and she smiled. Jonathan was also excited that his brother agreed to this rare opportunity that would help his life.

"But one thing is that to make them believe we are really in a relationship is to live together with me in this house. You don't need to panic there are a lot of rooms in this house"

He said he was worried that something or someone might try to hurt her and the only way she could be saved was if she was always where he could see her and where he could protect her.

"I will leave here if you can design my room to my taste"

She replied laughing.

"Then I will prepare a contract agreement"

Jonathan said and left. A few minutes later Jonathan was back with three copies of the agreement contract he had drafted. Mike and Samantha are both popular and influential people so there has to be proper documentation of what they're about to do, so neither Mike nor Samantha can go back on their word after. He gave one of the agreements to Mike, another to Samantha and he held onto one.

"This is the agreement between Mike Lawson and Samantha Logan, we are agreeing to be in a fake relationship for three months because of the video spreading across the internet that will bring great loss to both parties. To make our relationship more believable. A fake marriage will be held and both parties will have to live in the same house and same bedroom to make sure there is no suspicion as to their marriage, this union will be a Platonic relationship.

Samantha Logan will act as Mike Lawson's bride for three months and then file a divorce after three months of our marriage. I won't go into any relationship with anyone until I divorce him, on my social media platforms I promise to promote my marriage. Signed Samantha.

Mike Lawson also promised to protect Samantha as my bride, marry her, and divorce her lawfully giving her half of my property as the law demands. I promise not to take advantage of her sexually, on my social media platforms I promise to promote my marriage. Signed Samantha.

Jonathan Lawson witnessed this agreement and will be able to stand in court as a witness if any party breaches the contract. Signed Jonathan Lawson"

When they read it, Mike laughed loudly.

"Wait what? I have to give up half of my property?"

Mike asked, confused.

"And I have to marry him and live in her house for real ?"

Samantha asked

"Yeah you guys need to, do you have any other choice? You both need to decide on what you want"

Jonathan said and they both signed the contract agreement. They both have a lot to lose if they don't get out of this mess.


"Good day ma/sir, I am Mike Lawson, CEO of Ivory Classic Shoes, and am here to clear the rumors regarding me on the internet. On the 15th of May 2025, pictures and videos of me and Samantha Logan spread through the internet like a wide fire burning in the dry season. I was surprised to see these photos and videos on the internet because I also woke up to see them everywhere, but one thing I know is that the video of me kissing Samantha is real as I and Samantha Logan are In a relationship and I plan to marry her. Yes! Samantha Logan was the strange lady I was seen kissing in that video spreading around as my bride-to-be. I apologize for the alarm that was raised and for whoever behind this video getting leaked will be sued in court immediately for damaging my image and for releasing a private life and stalking. I will make sure you will be brought to book. Thank you all"

Mike addressed the press men and women.

"Now Mr mike will only answer a few of your questions"

The coordinator who was standing on the left side of the stage spoke immediately after Mike was done talking.

"You over there, what are your questions?"

The coordinator asked, pointing at one of the female presses.

"For how long have you been with Samantha ?'

The press lady asked him.

"We have been together for three years now, Samantha didn't want to go public with our relationship that why we tried our best to hide it from the media until now"

He replied, smiling, another man was asked to talk.

"In the videos Samantha Logan was seen crying, why ?"

He asked. Mike was surprised at how the media men were always suspicious of everything. He felt interrogated and didn't know the right answer to that question. Samantha who was watching him closely could also tell that he was lost. So she walked up to him, held his hands and whispered to him.

"I got this"

She said He didn't know what she was thinking but whatever she was thinking must better help them out of this without them being suspicious.

"This will be the last question for today. The reason I was crying in that video was because I had a miscarriage and we lost our baby"

Samantha spoke and Mike was surprised so was the whole media people after she made this announcement. Mike was dumbstruck, he couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't take his eye off her, she looked at him and smiled brightly.

"Am so sorry for the inconvenience that the video caused most of you and I promise to bring to book whosoever is responsible for that. Thank you all very much for your cooperation"

Mike said and they both bowed as the camera light flashed here and there.